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joerg_rw's Avatar
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Nomination period ended, we see 8 candidates for HF/MC council, of which 7 have sufficient karma.
No nomination period extension, since number of candidates >5
Please all candidates check and update your data (first name, last name, tmo nick, garage nick/id) and eventually your declarations on, i hope I haven't missed out on anybody.
Thanks to all that applied.

For the BoD election, whatever the status will be in a few weeks, for now we have too few candidates running and thus go into a 4 week extended nomination period. Future will show if HFC can continue with this process as a legitimate BoD election or will cancel or modify the process according to what HFC decides.

(on behalf of council)
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-04-24 at 04:44.

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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
tmo gets handled by tmo maintainer (incl appointing mods and all)
If a tmo mod doesn't behave you complain at tmo maintainer. If tmo maintainer doesn't behave, you complain at council. If any of the involved persons has a seat in council, then that person won't participate in that particular case getting discussed in council. Simple as that. Please stop constructing problems from nothing.
Fair enough, makes sense & keeps things simple. What of the prior matter?
(raised mainly here & here, but also partly in my 1st 2 posts on pg4)
It's obviously too late now, but I think it's something we should strive for next time.

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-04-24 at 04:59. Reason: typo

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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
What of the prior matter?
(raised mainly on this page, but also partly raised in my 1st 2 posts on pg4)
It's obviously too late now, but I think this something we should strive for next time round.
there's no rules beyond the well known bullet 1,
Nominations will be accepted 2 weeks before the election begins from any community member with a karma of 100 or above.
and I don't see how to select nominees based on any such rule you suggest. Everybody complying with the rules as of above mentioned #1 has a right to self-nominate. It's the elections that give you the power to vote for whatever distribution of council members you like. If there are not the candidates available you would've liked to see running, then you failed to (self-)nominate and convince others to accept those nominations you made.

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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-04-24 at 05:18.

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From my elector's perspective, it would be good if the candidates could add in their declarations some kind of 'promise' that they won't give up and resign after just a couple of weeks as activities on the Board.

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Originally Posted by minimos View Post
From my elector's perspective, it would be good if the candidates could add in their declarations some kind of 'promise' that they won't give up and resign after just a couple of weeks as activities on the Board.
This is not about board (HiFo BoD) elections, this is about council elections. But I get your POV anyway. We had 2 step-downs on council as well.
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mrsellout's Avatar
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Now that we have our candidates lined up, what do they think of ivgalvez' suggestion of the establishment of a Community repository for Harmattan?

I think this would help redress the Karma imbalance (current contributions by Harmattan developers don't accrue any) and is essential due to the malfunctioning Apps for Meego.

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As I think qwazix already stated in words I can't find any better, any council ever will be highly supportive when a community group tackles such a project and approaches council for whatever help or support. However please understand that it's not council that starts or executes any projects, nor does council have any power to push developers into a particular direction. RzR already aproached me regarding hosting of such a repo, and I told him right now we're short on disk space on our server but we could *easily* get the CPU, RAM, and disks needed to populate a third blade, and then we have plenty of space for any such harmattan repo. The funds HiFo is stashing are more than sufficient for this.
For the question why it's not already done we probably should open another thread ;-P I bet you have an idea if you didn't live under a stone the last 3 months.

[edit] Of course we also need to consider things like traffic volumes and bandwidth needed, we need to talk to IPHH about that, they offered free hosting for a defined set of resources needed, if we need significantly more than initially estimated we need to ask them if they can do this for us and what they want from us in return for it.

[edit2] You got a very valid and reasonable point in that karma issue for harmattan contributions. We need to rethink this I guess. Anyway tmo posts and tmo thanks are OS-agnostic ;-) So are wiki edits etc.

Maemo Community Council member [2012-10, 2013-05, 2013-11, 2014-06 terms]
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-04-24 at 15:06.

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I'm especially in favor of a harmattan repo, and we will have to think about what to do since will eventually go down. We sure need volunteers for this effort though, especially people that know their way around builders and repos.
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woody14619's Avatar
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Originally Posted by qwazix View Post
We sure need volunteers for this effort though, especially people that know their way around builders and repos.
I like the idea as well. But the statement about needing help on the builder front is doubly important, given that MeeGo uses a very different build setup than Maemo. The whole tool chain is quite different, using COBs last I checked.

I also like the idea of updating how Karma is accumulated to include other things as well. Points for attending community or board meetings (when not holding a seat) for example. And re-investigating ideas on how to include IRC into that equation, as that's a very active sub-segment of the community as well.

Any Karma changes would probably merit a great deal of thought though, and probably a multi-option referendum. But that will be part of the responsibilities of the next MCC/HFC.
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when voting will start ?

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elections, pls don't feed, the troll

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