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I have a few questions? Are the covers "hot-swappable" or must the device be powier-cycled to use the cover? if there i a standard connection like usb then it could be like a pc where you can attach any number of things and and have it function. And since it is linux OS you could include any driver you needed and integrate it at a low level if necessary. Truly the possibilities are endless as we can see what is done with the iphone and it's accessories. Now if they make the second jolla phone the same size then the accessories can be reused during upgrade. maybe the Jolla 2014 edition (like they do with cars, same model, different year.)
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what will happen to the home screen if there are more than 9 apps running in the background?
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Originally Posted by youmeego View Post
what will happen to the home screen if there are more than 9 apps running in the background?
only the most recent 9 display, the rest are off screen but still running. I think it was mentioned by Jolla a while ago.
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Dudes, I was wondering, they asked people to jump in, to participate, so bring your most outrageous ideas on. Optimaxx got some interesting points there, especially the in-vehicle usage (gosh, i just imagined that and my heartbeat doubled its number!!!). I am thinking about 3d printed L820 covers, what if the other half can be made like that with the addition of a special communication chip that interacts with the phone part according to the back cover's purpose. Must say, the first couple of batches should be made by Jolla themselves, after that our chinese friends could possibly dedicate themselves to the production of other halves. Needless to say, these halves mustn't cost too much, otherwise the whole concept might perish (not like some stupid cable adapter for iphones for 40€, ridiculous). I got some ideas as well, but those will be more illustrative on pictures, so when I get spare time, I'll try to photoshop some of them. Meanwhile, let's gather these ideas and see what will succeed.
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The back over thing sounds mildly promising, IF it has a powerful enough interface to the low-level parts of the main phone part.

Now to vent some steam, because I care about Jolla (or what they could be).

What *really* irks me is their seemingly main focus on how changing the back cover to another color and having the phone auto-read the contents of something saved on its flash memory (or equivalent) to change themes accordingly is "A revolution"(source A *revolution*. Ie. a game changer. Really? If it was just mentioned as a feature, I'd think "nice" and move on. But this just makes it seem like they have nothing else good to say about their phone but that you can change colors easily.

Really, it's just basic autorun capability for hot-plugable media! Right now they seem to mostly hype themselves around the awesome nature of "showing you're an individual" by being able to change the color theme of the phone and the color of the back plate. A color someone else chooses to make available to you, mind. A concept which will probably hamper real theming of the menus and sailfish overall since it's not in their interest to allow any Sailfish install to not have "that Sailfish look(tm)" (see what happened with Gnome 3 in that regard).

All this bigging up of trivial theming and claiming it will revolutionize everything and not even mentioning what capabilities the back cover really holds nor mentioning any real specs feels disingenous and fake.

Color me a sad panda

Last edited by Fawz; 2013-05-21 at 16:13.

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Excellent points, I don't suppose you could spare some time to add your points here, plus any others you may have:

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So how long is this preorder thing available?

If I only could get some more information I would be ready to order a blue one.
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Originally Posted by Fawz View Post
The back over thing sounds mildly promising, IF it has a powerful enough interface to the low-level parts of the main phone part.

Now to vent some steam, because I care about Jolla (or what they could be).

What *really* irks me is their seemingly main focus on how changing the back cover to another color and having the phone auto-read the contents of something saved on its flash memory (or equivalent) to change themes accordingly is "A revolution"(source A *revolution*. Ie. a game changer. Really? If it was just mentioned as a feature, I'd think "nice" and move on. But this just makes it seem like they have nothing else good to say about their phone but that you can change colors easily.

Really, it's just basic autorun capability for hot-plugable media! Right now they seem to mostly hype themselves around the awesome nature of "showing you're an individual" by being able to change the color theme of the phone and the color of the back plate. A color someone else chooses to make available to you, mind. A concept which will probably hamper real theming of the menus and sailfish overall since it's not in their interest to allow any Sailfish install to not have "that Sailfish look(tm)" (see what happened with Gnome 3 in that regard).

All this bigging up of trivial theming and claiming it will revolutionize everything and not even mentioning what capabilities the back cover really holds nor mentioning any real specs feels disingenous and fake.

Color me a sad panda
They focus on the fluff because that's what gets them attention in the social media and column inches in the tech blogz. Sad, but true.
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Originally Posted by igguk1 View Post
I knew I was going to get some beating when I wrote about the true openness Sailfish and more so here.

Look in all I am very happy this is happening now and I am looking forward for them to succeed, as I see it this can only benefit people who is favoring the open-source movement. I like also how they are promoting Qt as for development toolkit
I am just a bit worried as to why the Jolla team does not openly discuss what are their future plans for open-sourcing the closed parts… the UX and the drivers, I understand they might not be able to do so now because being a small company on a Shark territory they might lose some competitive advantage, but still they could openly discuss if they plan to do so at some point in the future.
Would everybody here for instance be happy knowing that the closed parts will remain like so forever? I know my answer.

When I said Android is more open than Sailfish now is because it is, heck even somebody skilled enough could cook their own ROM, all is available there and for instance Ubuntu people are taking advantage of it, and yes you can have a terminal on it if you wish don’t forget it’s based still on a linux core , please don’t tell me about Google evil company I know about it don’t like it either… but is not the matter we are discussing here.

That’s all that I wanted to say and I know that while I will get again a beating here, I am voicing also some concerns that maybe a small part of this forums has.
As I don’t want to start a war here about this, this will be my last comment on it I will just continue to read the forums and Jolla news and probably will get the phone when released.

I said in the post before that the hardware does not appeal to me (that was bound to happen with the resources they have) but I forgot to add that I like very much what I see about the Os's and that if well executed which is a very big If "the Other half" idea may be the disrupting thing Elop was chasing years ago...

No beating. Sorry if it sounded like one. In my book the closed source parts will remain as such and it is okay as long as you can clearly seperate them.from the open ones and still have a running system. The drivers are probably out of their jurisdiction to open. Neither android drivers are open.
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