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Posts: 42 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Hello! I have a BTD300 Sennheiser bluethoot Music Transmitter, how can I turn the n900 into a bluethoot music receiver?

N900 not see BTD300, but after command "sdptool add A2SNK" i can see "unknow device" but n900 show me pin code and does not want pairing.
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Nov 2009

I see this, (a2recv-esd Turns Your N8xx Into a A2DP speaker/headset), if n800 can do this ....

Nobody can run/make this program on n900?
Posts: 116 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Have you tried it? I've wanted this functionality also especially since I no longer use mine as a phone anymore. If you've not tried it I'll look at it and play with it later.
Posts: 116 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Adding my progress so far, I've gotten the linked app in the other post to run. At first in complains about missing I loaded Debian in a chroot and installed bluez-utils then copied the from /usr/lib to my homedir within Easy Debian then copied it to /usr/lib and set proper permissions to the file, the file now loads OK. The device I was pairing with appears to be finicky with A2DP gateways I had trouble pairing a set of Nokia MD-7W speakers with it so I may have to wait to get home to try with a desktop then scan services and hope to see it. I'll update more later. I think it will work but I'm having problems with a2dp and Android in general and I'm trying to pair an Android phone to the N900.

Last edited by xopher; 2011-03-02 at 18:47.
Posts: 116 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Well....using a Windows PC with IVT BlueSoleil I can see the Advanced Audio Service but cannot connect to it. Maybe someone can recompile the binaries I would donate for such a thing. Where can we submit bounties?

EDIT: OK, I understand why now....someone please make this work with pulseaudio

Last edited by xopher; 2011-03-03 at 19:47.
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by xopher View Post
Well....using a Windows PC with IVT BlueSoleil I can see the Advanced Audio Service but cannot connect to it. Maybe someone can recompile the binaries I would donate for such a thing. Where can we submit bounties?

EDIT: OK, I understand why now....someone please make this work with pulseaudio
Yes need work with pulseaudio, anyone can help?
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Back from the dead, is this thread.

I'm getting a motorcycle GPS unit soon which will send voice navigation through A2DP. I wanted to be able to hear this, along with the music on my N900, using earplugs inside the helmet. So digging around, I came across a couple of things. The first is general directions.

The second is more specific.

I made it up to step 5 (running CSSU devel, had to install d-feet and pulsaudio-utils) but since I don't actually have the GPS unit yet, the rest will have to wait until later.

If anyone is still interested in this idea and wants to give it a try, I'd love to hear how it does.
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I've made some progress. After adding Enable=Source to /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf, I can hear the GPS coming through the phone audio output after I run these commands.

# GPS bluetooth id

adapter=$(dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.bluez / org.bluez.Manager.DefaultAdapter| sed -ne "s/^.*object path //p"|sed -e 's/"//g')

device=$(dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.bluez ${adapter} org.bluez.Adapter.FindDevice string:${devmac}|sed -ne "s/^.*object path //p"|sed -e 's/"//g') 

dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=org.bluez ${device} org.bluez.AudioSource.Connect

sleep 2

pactl load-module module-loopback source=bluez_source.00_02_5B_00_A5_A5 sink=sink.hw0andhw1
There are a couple of glitches. After the the GPS disconnects, the phone microphone starts coming through as well, until I unload the module-loopback. Also, I can play music on the phone with mplayer, and it will mix with the GPS audio, but when I use Open Media Player, it mutes the GPS while it plays. Then when it pauses it turnes the GPS audio back on.

Last edited by ZedThou; 2013-05-21 at 22:26.

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Originally Posted by ZedThou View Post
... but when I use Open Media Player, it mutes the GPS while it plays. Then when it pauses it turnes the GPS audio back on.
Have you tried the interrupt notifications option in OMP?

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Posts: 47 | Thanked: 31 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast View Post
Have you tried the interrupt notifications option in OMP?
That did the trick, thanks!

bluethoot ?

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