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After all this 7.2-to-8.2 CSSU-Testing upgrade, I have the Skype-IM issue (Yes, I have tried logging in with a different account, and then back with the first account; all this time, the 'Conversation' closed with 'Internal error'; there were multiple reboots, battery-out-and-in, and moving the eventlogger db files around which I now ideally would like to merge, just to have whole history of SMS and calls).
I don't know whether there would be a similar problem with Skype call or some other IM (like, Google Talk).
At the same time, 'Not enough memory' in PDF-viewer (the osso-default one) was miraculously cured. Still, the images inside the pdf file can be seen only by flatboat, not by pdf-viewer.
On hardware side, the screen is in awfully scratched condition, so ideally I would replace all of it as one unit. Not any time soon, though.
Best wishes. Thank you.
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Posts: 1,998 | Thanked: 3,344 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ N900: Battery low. N950: torx 4 re-used once and fine; SIM port torn apart
Originally Posted by badazimer View Post
I don’t have orientation-lock-applet, when I install 8.2 - this app did not automatically installed. When I searched the app in HAM - can’t find it. Its normal?
Its full name is status-area-orientationlock-applet.
Best wishes.

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Originally Posted by Garrett_PL View Post
Yesterday I had to remove battery from N900, when I put it back it booted up after third time - so I was happy enough that it escaped from boot loop.
After that (without removing battery - right one was already inside) I switched device off, and tried to tun it on. The same stoty few boot loops and finally booted ok. I'm not even writing about ringtones :-D cause that was with no changes, a mess.

So having now only one device with all docs and stuff I need, as a N900 in working condition, I decidet to roll back to CSSU-T 7.2 which was the las one compleatly stable for me. So after doing so, with no problems what so ever, helped with booting. It's booting like it supposed to.

But when (after rolling back to 7.2) I sended testing text message - just to make sure, the ring tone was wtill f up. So 1st txt was with default Message1 tone, 2nd without sound, 3rd with user choosen tone. So I edited the 99.custom.ini file in profiled, choosing the right tones for each event (of course moving the copy of both files before messing around in safe place). Now it's ringing like it should, right tones for right event.

So my point is, the ringtone bug exists, and for sure it came to me after CSSU-T8, but rolling back to T7.2 did not helped at all. But T8.x is still in very early testing stage - and after boot loop got me too after "boot loop fix" update, I decided to go back to T7.2

Good bless, champs. Keep up the good work with CSSU's it is amazing to see new stuff coming into N900.

Edit: I was testing again with ringtones (call and text) after reboot. So editing the 99.custom.ini file which is located in /etc/profiled/99.custom.ini helped me to solve the ringtone mess.
Do You know the decision of booting problem? I have the same problem. Can't shut down phone when sleeping - alarm may not working because of this problem.

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Originally Posted by badazimer View Post
I don’t have orientation-lock-applet, when I install 8.2 - this app did not automatically installed. When I searched the app in HAM - can’t find it. Its normal?
It should be under name "Orientation Lock Applet". Update all catalogues and try again if you see it in "uninstall applications" menu or in "download applications".

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Originally Posted by pali View Post
It should be under name "Orientation Lock Applet". Update all catalogues and try again if you see it in "uninstall applications" menu or in "download applications".
Thanks, solved with apt-cache search & apt-get install

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Finally. Skype-IM problem - "Internal Error. Application 'Conversation' closed." - was caused by bad syntax - such as \() - of smilie within /usr/share/rtcom-messaging-ui/smilies/service/skype.def . Mea culpa.
Best wishes.
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What about including Aapo's libc6 2.10?
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Originally Posted by marmistrz View Post
What about including Aapo's libc6 2.10?
[rant mode]
Include as in? Are you aware that right now there are only 3 active developers left in CSSU team (I hope luf will be back soon when he has his RL duties sorted out). Do we have a bug report (besides ppoll/pselect bug) that is fixed by libc2.10? Not that I don't want it to be included, but how do you imagine the process of "inclusion"?
Something like:

Aapo: Hi guys, here I have a .tar.gz for you. Please include it in CSSU. Bye, I have other projects I am more interested in.

(me, merlin1991 and Pali scratching our heads): Oh, wait, but who'll maintain that?

IIRC I stated a couple of times on the libc6 thread that (IMO) Aapo (and everyone else in that regard) is welcome to be a part of CSSU team. But being a part of that team does not mean to throw the source code and patches and to disappear (marmistrz, remember HARM sqlite3?), one needs to work hard, the same way as if this is full-time, payed job. I expect him to be reachable on IRC to discuss. At least this is what I try to do and expect the others to be like that. I see no other way to keep the quality of the code on the same level as of now. (Well, sometimes we fail with the code quality part, but only those who do nothing make no mistakes.)
[/rant mode]

I guess you should ask Aapo for that, as this is his project and it is up to him to decide whether he wants it included in CSSU.
Never fear. I is here.

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Last edited by freemangordon; 2013-06-18 at 22:13.

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unfortunately, being available is something i can't guarantee and in terms of technical ability i am no where near you, pali or merlin1991.

however, is there a list of open tasks i can take a look at. irc, given my shifts is not a realistic idea at the moment.

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