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Originally Posted by kingstu View Post
...But if they did produce a landscape keyboard there would be no problem with them putting the camera on the right. The design we saw was just a prototype so if the bezel size, screen technology and SOC can change then there is no reason the camera placement cannot change also.
What is the standard channel for alerting Jolla to these things?

Originally Posted by kingstu View Post
I get the feeling that if Jolla were to produce a qwerty keyboard it would be a portrait keyboard. The OS seems designed to be used in portrait mode and a landscape keyboard doesn't seem to go with their whole design.
Has anyone ever used one of these devices with portrait touchscreen and slideout qwerty, like Blackberry torch? I imagine it to be rather awkward to reach the touchscreen during use of the qwerty, kinda like on the N900 when you try to do ctrl+A (needs expandable thumbs).
I may have been okay on the little Palm Pre, but just not feasible for the Jolla with a 4,5 inch screen.

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Originally Posted by murak View Post
Thank you all for your comments! I think it has been proven once again that there is a need for a qwerty phone.

Does anyone have a 3D model of the Jolla phone? Then it would be easier for me to construct and show you how I would like it to look.

Keep it up with the ideas and post more pictures!
Have you asked people in China if they want QWERTY?

Seriously TMO people are geeks. That doesn't say what "normal" people wants. IF they success with first phone in WEST first then the question could be raised about hwkbd as a second alternative but not now.

Also again the price will be raised cause of all those custom hwkb keyboards needed in different european countrys.
Keep safe and healthy

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Originally Posted by m4r0v3r View Post
I thought NFC was just the connection protocol and BT took over after the handshake was completed? So either way its pretty screwed.
Yes, correct.
Keep safe and healthy

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not good enough to draw it, but alluminum body, sliding, like the n900.

same thickness or thinner than the rest of the phone.

it should not be the exact same length as the phone, as in the top lip should have a cut out that doesn't obstruct the camera when closed. It should slide and lock similar to the n900, and use the same sort of mount. It should have a sturdy base that attaches to the phone and doesn't move, and the entire sliding mechanism solidly in "the other half", with a physical internal keyboard ala ribbon cable,(like the n900's screen, a reverse of the n900's setup)

mabey include some other goodies, like USB host, external microSD card adapter(such as a cable that locks into the SD card slot, and provides another slot at the other end, and mabey wireless charging.

also want control, alt, shift, arrow, escape, and enter keys.

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Originally Posted by m4r0v3r View Post
I thought NFC was just the connection protocol and BT took over after the handshake was completed? So either way its pretty screwed.
true for Nokias phone, but not true for all cases.

NFC is just a handshake-r, the connection between NFC device to NFC device can be vary. such as BT, Wifi(direct), radio frequency, etc2.

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most of the girls or women do not like hwkb, which add more thickness, weight.

it is a mess or risk for jolla to have their first phone with qwerty keyboard, their sailfish ui/ux is all based on gesture.

stop asking for qwerty, the only option for those who want qwerty is blackberry Q10

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Originally Posted by youmeego View Post
most of the girls or women do not like hwkb, which add more thickness, weight.

it is a mess or risk for jolla to have their first phone with qwerty keyboard, their sailfish ui/ux is all based on gesture.

stop asking for qwerty, the only option for those who want qwerty is blackberry Q10
The first sentence is prejudiced. Thickness means reliability, for those people whose opinions on mobile phones I have had opportunity to hear.
I agree, though, that with their interface based on gesture, they should not rely on hwkeyboard-equipped devices for start-up-and-become-famous profit. HWKeyboard requires different layouts for different countries, and it's much more difficult than simply writing different layouts for virtual keyboard. HWKeyboard adds fragility to the phone, and requires its own battery-eating back-light. HWKeyboard doesn't rotate between landscape and portrait layouts, or switch to T9 layout for phone application.
Qwerty will be given, as either a second device, or - more likely - an other half. And, on that topic, I expect it to be a stackable other half. The phone can be as thick or thin as you wish - only, the thinnest phone will have the least functionality.
It may be insane. Or it may be a stroke of genius. Or both. But qwerty is definitely promised by Jolla.
Best wishes.
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Well, QWERTY doesn't have to be landscape after all.

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already posted this on #JollaLoveDay - 20th May - device announcement but actually belongs here...

Originally Posted by ggabriel View Post
[...] does it make sense to have the details of the interface without a device to test it with? Whoever is going to run that risk?
well, Jolla obviously will have the complete specs and even though they announced any 3rd party can create a other half, they are likely to create some themselves, no?

this being said...
got a SGT2 (7") a few days ago as a "promotional gift" for a cable upgrade
it runs Jelly Bean 4.1.1 and it didn't take me long to discover a number of apps that i won't bother looking for leave alone develop for N9(00) or even Sailfish.
however, i only got a tablet without GSM MoDem
also found a number of apps that give one a full cli (e.g. Terminal IDE (including mc )) and a very nice sw keyboard
however, a hw kbd is better as you lose @ least 40% of the screen to the @#$%& vkbd

thus, went on looking for an Android 4 device with hw kbd...
in the states there are few but even so, they don't seem to be high prio (most are only ICS, JB barely available if at all...)
on the other side of the pound, well, there is a couple oldies (Gingerbread) devs

so, long story short...
  • how is it that with the dozens of millions Android devices sold ww, hardly anyone is interested in manufacturing respectively selling devices with hw kbd?
  • if multi-billion companies (S, LG, Sony...) barely can be bothered, how / why should a little start up ???

still have to check whether the BT connection between the SGT & the Logitech diNovo i got some time ago for the N9 will work better
as the dev doesn't have GSM, portability isn't really an issue

and ultimately hoping Jolla will come up w/ a hw kbd other half & alien dalvik will support the apps...

while at it...

Originally Posted by youmeego View Post

it is a mess or risk for jolla to have their first phone with qwerty keyboard, their sailfish ui/ux is all based on gesture.

just like the "pinkish" or "yellowish" or "blueish" or "blackish" other halves will only appeal to a limited clientèle, the hardware keyboard will only by of interest to a limited number of customers.
those who don't care probably won't even notice it.

depending on how many are interested, one might even imagine a Jolla device coming with a hw kbd other half standard (rather they a specific color, except maybe a black one...)

as to the bezel size...
the N9's bezel is much larger then what is apparent based on the casing / gorilla glass design
there is 3 to 4 mm unused area on each side of the screen and a good cm above & beneath (portrait)
thus... just a matter of hiding some or most of the bezel under the glass front

information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...

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I had to go to page 3 before someone posted this... I feel disappointed .

It should be the exact same keyboard that the N900 has, because it is the best keyboard that has ever been produced for a mobile device.

The only reason I still stick to my N900 is the keyboard. I will not change this (also otherwise amazing) device away unless I find a device with an equally good keyboard.

I am very interested in Jolla, but unless it has a GOOD hardware keyboard, I will stick to the N900 untill I find a device with a good hardware keyboatd.


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