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ploum's Avatar
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I did the upgrade a few weeks ago and now this is time for a review.

So, in my experience, the flashing worked very well. What has changed ?

Good :

- quickier and snappier. the system is more responsive.
- The system use less ram. I see the "not enough memory" far less ! (I didn't enable swap or anything)

Less good :

- Refresh of the screen is worst. At start, I have 5 or 6 seconds with most of the widget displayed as blank. Also, when changing the wallpaper, it happens most of the time that I end with a blank background.

Bad :

- virtual keyboard in Opera. Enabling switching the virtual keyboard in opera is weird. It looks just weird and take a lot of time. If you hit two or three times, the keyboard will appear, disappear, appear again in a very weird way. It's not good at all.
- link in Opera. This is very buggy. Often, Opera doesn't let me click on a link. It's like their was no link at all. Virtual right click even show no link at all most of the time. sometime, clicking doesn't work but right click>open does. In the same page without refresh. It's very frustrating.
- Applications will not launch anymore. Often, a given app will not launch anymore until I reboot. It may also affect all the applications but not always. Rebooting solve the problem.
- wifi connectivity. I loose my wifi far more often than with the previous firmware. In fact, I find myself trying to quickly finish my tasks before dropping the connection, being anxious about that.

Conclusion : With the previous release, I nearly never rebooted my 770. With the new firmware, I'm doing it every two or three days. It's faster, quickier, I can launch more applications in the same time but the overall feeling is worst : having to click 3 times to open a link, seeing large white bands when opening the virtual keyboard, loosing your connection every time.

For the first time, I found once myself angry against my 770... not good.
My current 770 experience
Posts: 45 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2005
I too have noticed weirdness with changing themes and the latest firmware. I'm not doing anything special -- just trying out the built-in themes and wallpapers. They seem to take a long time to load and the themes don't seem to "stick" properly.

Links and virtual keyboard weirdness in Opera are confirmed here, also.

My WiFi is much improved, though. I couldn't access my work network at all before; it works like a charm now.

I haven't seen a memory warning since flashing, either. (But, admittedly, I had so many problems getting both the WiFi and Opera to work properly before my latest update that I had gotten out of the habit of using the 770 to access the Internet. It's mostly an e-book machine for me.)
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what would you suggest? upgrade or not? since i'm having all kind of trubles to get into usb mode and start the upgrade, i want to make it work and then have a worst n770 !

What should i do ? is it faster but crashes more and apps are not going to open anymore?
I got the italian version, upgrading i'll have all in inglish ?
Posts: 25 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2006
Originally Posted by gfxman
what would you suggest? upgrade or not? since i'm having all kind of trubles to get into usb mode and start the upgrade, i want to make it work and then have a worst n770 !

What should i do ? is it faster but crashes more and apps are not going to open anymore?
I got the italian version, upgrading i'll have all in inglish ?
The upgrade isn't worth it. If you get the time problem the only way to fix it is to hack your 770 to gain root. I'm waiting until they release a version that doesn't induce more bugs, which I think will never happen at this point. But as I only use the 770 as a portable Xterm/limited web browser now I guess it doesn't matter.
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I also experience problems with WiFi connections. Since I installed the 5.2006.13-7 (April 18, 2006) update, I loose my WiFi connection all the time. This is really very annoying .

I first thought, that it might be a problem with my own access point, but I experience the same behaviour with various public WiFi hotspots.

Does anyone of you know, where to get the image of the previous version?
dcarter's Avatar
Posts: 229 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on May 2006
I am mystified with all the problems you have encountered...

Am I the only one who experienced NO difficulties with this update??

I used the extroot recover (faultless)
and never had to adjust my clock....

Wifi is rock solid, and, although the links on a webpage are sometimes hard to hit, zooming in helps.....Perhaps might have something to do with screen alignment....

Posts: 121 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2006
No, you are not the only one who dosen't have any problems with his nokia 770...

I always hear about problems that people have, (cracking, battery etc...)
But i never get any of these. Maybe we were one of the few to get perfect units
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First, I am not a Linux guy and have done NOTHING to this unit. It works fine as advertised and I have the newest update. Wi-fi stays on rock solid and I use it to surf at Panera!

bradpitcher's Avatar
Posts: 84 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on May 2006
no problems here either. Although I also have trouble hitting links. Thanks for the tip, dcarter!
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jun 2006
Originally Posted by bradpitcher
no problems here either. Although I also have trouble hitting links. Thanks for the tip, dcarter!
maybe it's time to calibrate your screen

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