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Posts: 40 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Jun 2009
Let me just say that I do love the phone immensely but I'm also starting to hate it at the same time. When it works it's just the slickest mobile I've ever used but unfortunately that's only maybe 20% of the time that I use it.
Here's a partial list...maybe some of you out there have found some answers /solutions to some of these...

1. phone works well until around 75%. Below that I start to get the 4% bug every 5-10 mins no matter how many times I do the /sbin/stop bme / start command.

2. When the phone hits about 60% it just starts turning off on it's own continuously and will only stay on every 3-4 reboots and then only as long as its in power saving mode and I do nothing with it. Playing music or surfing is out of the question completely.

3.The battery and it's reporting system just plain sucks. I have never seen anything so piss poor before. One minute the phone says 80% and then I check again...lets say half an hour later and it says 55% and it's been on power saving mode and in my pocket.

4. Going from Maps to Drive is a crapshoot. Once I have a place mapped out and then I select "navigation", the Drive logo will just sit there until I swipe out of it and try it a few more times. Eventually it get's it right but it gets annoying.

I love the UI...the most beautiful and elegant I've ever seen or used and I've had and used all the smartphones out there. Nothing and I mean NOTHING tops the UI...the smoothness, the simplicity of it. But it really sucks when I can only use the phone to it's top potential from 94% to 80%.

This is the first and last time I'm taking the N9 on one of my trips to Germany. When I get back home I'm retiring her to the collection.
Nokia had a winner on it's hands but it was too stupid and short sighted when it hired the bumbling fool / Microsoft flunky and he followed his masters orders to trash Harmattan.

On another note, I've decided not to support the Jolla team either. They put out a substandard product with the N9 and I can't really see them putting out anything better either. They worked on Harmattan for years and this is what we got.

So that everyone knows, my phone is not rooted and does not have any funky stuff going on with it either. I've replaced the battery already as well.

In regards to Nokia? They've become a joke and are where they the bottom of the toilet bowl. They told us we would have support until 2015 and now they refuse to fix things that came with the phone that are starting to break (dropbox, 4% battery, etc). The Asha is just a dumbed down Harmattan but they can't spend a few thousand to fix the dire problems with the N9. No one is dumb enough to hope for a new PR but we should at least have fixes for these serious problems that plague this phone. Needless to say Nokia will never see another dime from me and this after I've owned every single Linux piece of gear they've created. I'm sure they could give a c**p and that's fine too.

These are my opinions and experiences and MINE only. If you're going to scream/shout/howl about how stupid I am don't's just an internet forum after all.

Update: So after dealing with this for the past few weeks and pulling my hair out I seem to have found a fix. I stumbled across a post on the Nokia forums where someone was having similar issues to mine.
According to them, they uninstalled all the battery monitoring apps they had and everything returned to normal.
I uninstalled both apps that I had (Battery Icon & Battery Usage) and since then the phone has only dropped to 4% once and I've only had one random power down since I posted my original post (4 days ago). It's the first time since I've owned the phone that I've been able to use it like a regular mobile.
I can listen to music now and surf the web when the phone gets below 70% and I don't have to worry about it c******g out on me.
In regards to transitioning from Maps to Drive I just did what another poster did and I swipe it to the open apps page and it opens up without a hitch.

I wanted to throw this phone against the wall so many times but it looks like I've found what the problem is for my particular setup and I've now gotten it to work reliably.

To answer some of the other questions: my phone is an Asian variant purchased new from a vendor online. I installed firmware version 009 (German). The battery that I replaced the original with is a generic battery replacement from ebay. Going to put the original battery back in as it seems it wasn't the battery but a combination of apps that was triggering something.


Last edited by snowboarder; 2013-06-28 at 15:57. Reason: main issue fixed...I hope...
Banned | Posts: 280 | Thanked: 295 times | Joined on Apr 2013 @ Romania
Originally Posted by snowboarder View Post
I love the UI...the most beautiful and elegant I've ever seen or used and I've had and used all the smartphones out there. Nothing and I mean NOTHING tops the UI...the smoothness, the simplicity of it. But it really sucks when I can only use the phone to it's top potential from 94% to 80%.

This is the first and last time I'm taking the N9 on one of my trips to Germany. When I get back home I'm retiring her to the collection.
Nokia had a winner on it's hands but it was too stupid and short sighted when it hired the bumbling fool / Microsoft flunky and he followed his masters orders to trash Harmattan.

On another note, I've decided not to support the Jolla team either. They put out a substandard product and I can't really see them putting out anything better either. They worked on Harmattan for years and this is what we got.

Hey, I feel you my friend. You want to know why? Because problems like that I had with the N900... I just love the OS, it's just... Idk, so smooth, so clean, so user friendly, but no, Nokia had to leave all the projects. And let's not blame Microsoft... If Nokia was a BRAND as they claim to be, they would develop their own software (like Symbian, and Maemo/Meego) and keep it all the way (check Blackberry or Apple). Why didn't Blackberry adopted the android or windows os? Why didn't apple did it?

Nokia just got lazy, it was easier to switch to another platform and get it over with.

For more info about my opinion on this problem, read:

and maybe you can switch to another device, another device with Windows, or iOS (personally I'm sick and tired with that lame Android, still buggy as a rooted device, still lame as a stock fw).

And exactly as you said, this is just a personal opinion.
bingomion's Avatar
Posts: 528 | Thanked: 345 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ MLB.AU
Interesting post!
Sounds like a rouge process.. I dont have a N9
time for a reflash and dont install much.
Good luck
flotron's Avatar
Posts: 418 | Thanked: 506 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Argentina
let say its a 2 or 3 year old phone without support

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Posts: 179 | Thanked: 108 times | Joined on Dec 2011 @ Bangalore
Fine here... Yea bug fixes will be good to come by, but most of the issues you've reported dont seem to be common.

GPS works fine too except weird routing sometimes:

I wouldn't say my experience has been that bad though.
like bingomion says it might be a process thats eating up your resources.
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Originally Posted by snowboarder View Post
Let me just say that I do love the phone immensely but I'm also starting to hate it at the same time. When it works it's just the slickest mobile I've ever used but unfortunately that's only maybe 20% of the time that I use it.
Here's a partial list...maybe some of you out there have found some answers /solutions to some of these...

1. phone works well until around 75%. Below that I start to get the 4% bug every 5-10 mins no matter how many times I do the /sbin/stop bme / start command.

2. When the phone hits about 60% it just starts turning off on it's own continuously and will only stay on every 3-4 reboots and then only as long as its in power saving mode and I do nothing with it. Playing music or surfing is out of the question completely.

3.The battery and it's reporting system just plain sucks. I have never seen anything so piss poor before. One minute the phone says 80% and then I check again...lets say half an hour later and it says 55% and it's been on power saving mode and in my pocket.

4. Going from Maps to Drive is a crapshoot. Once I have a place mapped out and then I select "navigation", the Drive logo will just sit there until I swipe out of it and try it a few more times. Eventually it get's it right but it gets annoying.

I love the UI...the most beautiful and elegant I've ever seen or used and I've had and used all the smartphones out there. Nothing and I mean NOTHING tops the UI...the smoothness, the simplicity of it. But it really sucks when I can only use the phone to it's top potential from 94% to 80%.

This is the first and last time I'm taking the N9 on one of my trips to Germany. When I get back home I'm retiring her to the collection.
Nokia had a winner on it's hands but it was too stupid and short sighted when it hired the bumbling fool / Microsoft flunky and he followed his masters orders to trash Harmattan.

On another note, I've decided not to support the Jolla team either. They put out a substandard product with the N9 and I can't really see them putting out anything better either. They worked on Harmattan for years and this is what we got.

So that everyone knows, my phone is not rooted and does not have any funky stuff going on with it either. I've replaced the battery already as well.

In regards to Nokia? They've become a joke and are where they the bottom of the toilet bowl. They told us we would have support until 2015 and now they refuse to fix things that came with the phone that are starting to break (dropbox, 4% battery, etc). The Asha is just a dumbed down Harmattan but they can't spend a few thousand to fix the dire problems with the N9. No one is dumb enough to hope for a new PR but we should at least have fixes for these serious problems that plague this phone. Needless to say Nokia will never see another dime from me and this after I've owned every single Linux piece of gear they've created. I'm sure they could give a c**p and that's fine too.

These are my opinions and experiences and MINE only. If you're going to scream/shout/howl about how stupid I am don't's just an internet forum after all.

You are not alone in your experiences. The coders (current members of Jolla) left an unfinished product. The OS was beta from the beginning and never refined. It had probably the worst email client in the history of smartphones, and the most unreliable and quirky OS in the modern history of smartphones. Thank ex-Meego coders, apparently now at Jolla, for never finishing the product. Lets see if Jolla first phone gives the same experience (a suicidal idea, as it will wipe the company of the face of the earth), or whether the coders there learned that beta versions are unacceptable in 2014.
bandora's Avatar
Posts: 1,338 | Thanked: 1,055 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ California, USA / Jordan
It seems like you have a battery issue.. (other than the maps issue).. Maybe changing the battery will fix it + a reflash?
Posts: 40 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Jun 2009

To those who have stated that it's a battery issue...thank you for the input and helpful advice but as I already stated I have changed the battery out and I've only had the phone since April of this year.

Having to change out the battery and reflash when I don't have that much installed, have not rooted the phone or done any quirky developer stuff to it just speaks volumes about what a heap of s**t this phone is. It's completely unacceptable to have to exchange the battery after only 2 months and hope to god that some app doesn't make the phone freak out.

When the phone runs which is about for an hour and a half before I reach the 75% mark it is the best smart phone I've ever used. After that point the phone is just a flaming heap of garbage.

It's too bad as I have lost faith in the Jolla guys after this experience as well. If the N9 is the best they could do after years of R&D I really think the Other Half is going to have loads of little problems just like the N9 does and will flop horribly.

I've been writing apps in QML and the biggest project I have currently is for a Kayak app. I wanted to make a version for the N9 but to hell with that. I'm really looking forward to the Ubuntu phone and I'm going to put my resources into that.

Unfortunately, it's back to my rooted but stable as a rock SGII Android phone....and F.U. Nokia.

Posts: 30 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Feb 2012 @ NC USA
Odd, I've had the exact opposite experience - this is the best mobile I've ever had (for 20+ months now), it runs for months w/o reboot. I screwed up recently with some config and had to reflash it (painless from my Debian machine), and it's still rock solid. Have you tried flashing it?
Posts: 59 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Nov 2012 @ Philippines
Strange - maybe it's hardware failure (or loose battery, I don't know). I've only had my N9 for a short time (I think it was just this March that I got it, second hand) and it has been doing well for me. I've tweaked and customized only so little of it, and it's perfect. Yeah, I know there's some quirks with the stock apps and all that. Regardless, the issue you have really is strange.

And hey, man. It's a very old phone (in terms of smartphone progress) already. Support has been cut off. All that's left is that. And besides, I've read an article (forgot the link) which somehow tells the story of how this Harmattan (or at least Nokia MeeGo) came to be, and why the product is a bit half-assed.

I know that feel. Well, the best thing is to change and forget. Props on your GS2. Planning to get something new in the future. But for now, the ingenuity of the Swipe UI keeps me staying. I'll prolly won't change till my N9 is dead.

Good luck with your endeavours.

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