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It can have both qt4 and qt5, just like BB

core is still 4.8 however, and in my opinion they shouldn't try swtching now to qt5
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Originally Posted by kinggo View Post
well, if those apps would work as expected. But we already know from BB that they don't.
The current Android emulation layer on BB10 is based on Android 2.3 with quite a lot of APIs not being available. That can cause applications to not work correctly or not work at all.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

Last edited by MartinK; 2013-06-27 at 21:19.

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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
The current Android emulation layer on BB10 is based on Android 2.3 with quite a lot of APIs not being available. That can cause applications to not work correctly or not work at all.
Let Android slowly die. Its all about QtQuick and HTML5 in a combo in the future. Reason? Well because Qt is TRUE multiplatform and works EVERYWHERE. Dalvik does not and is doomed. Just read my word.
Keep safe and healthy

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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
The current Android emulation layer on BB10 is based on Android 2.3 with quite a lot of APIs not being available. That can cause applications to not work correctly or not work at all.
and average user doesn't care about that. It will turn back to android. And that's the point. Users are spoiled and unaware of modern tech. While I do know what I can expect from this and that's why I don't want it, Joe Average doesn't. For him android compatibility means that he can use all his android apps but it's not like that. This will do more damage than good in a long run. There's 958790685098098754 android devices of all types, sizes, specs and price ranges to choose from. Do we need another one? I think not. Especially not the one that we know will be underpowered to modern top android devices but emulation should be a selling point.
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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
The current Android emulation layer on BB10 is based on Android 2.3 with quite a lot of APIs not being available. That can cause applications to not work correctly or not work at all.

Having a BB10 Z10 now, I can tell that each app running on Android Emulator is a "pain in the ***" in the way that the UI doesn't fit properly with BB10... And concerning BB10, they mixed Meego & Ios... Not bad, but not the best... Just like it for the BB side (damm awsome keyboard and nice hub, very good file explorer, good battery life).

Ha, and BTW, Z10 does quite good photos compared to N9 !

Last edited by pipould; 2013-06-27 at 23:06.

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  • Terminal IDE
    (a development kit for Java / C / C++ / HTML / Android that comes with a full fledged (virtual) desktop keyboard, mc and probably a lot more
  • Originally Posted by ggabriel View Post
    Out of interest, and for the benefit of the people in Jolla/Mer and app developers, could you enumerate the top 5 or 10 apps that you believe make an Android device unique?
    as NokiaN9KickYourAss pointed out, in that case the mere choice is the most attractive aspect; a person with a certain allergy or medical condition is sure to find a few apps that help cope with that
    or simply following a diet; i remember an app on Fremantle that was developed for that, but... it's ONE app; on android everyone can find a diet app that fits one's needs / wishes / whatever...
  • X-Plane
    yes, a fully fledged flight simulator on a mobile device...
    that's one of the apps where a larger tablet makes sense, though
    apart from updating NOKIA devices (N9, N8, 808 ) and my navigation device, playing flight sim is one of the reason i still keep a LostDOS partition on my laptops
  • every bank, public transport authority, airport, city, state, province ............... has (at least) one Android app.
    how many have a Maemo or MeeGo app?
    how many are likely to create one for Sailfish?
    it would be a different story if tha @$$O of flop hadn't sabotaged Symbian and it would still be one of the top smartphone OS; based on QT it would be easy to port apps to Sailfish but Java, HTML?

currently busy looking for a bluetooth keyboard
if it works (as opposed to the N9), well, that would be another aspect of Android, more then of the apps on Android... Google fully stands behind it & improves it with every iteration.
i only tried GingerBread on N900, thus difficult to make a judgement on Android's qualities solely on NITDroid, but still... Android 4 came a long way
there is of course the hope that Jolla will succeed but unless they can attract Android users, i doubt they'll ever get out of the niche NOKIA left MeeGo / Maemo in
information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...
Posts: 728 | Thanked: 1,217 times | Joined on Oct 2011
Originally Posted by misterc View Post
every bank, public transport authority, airport, city, state, province ............... has (at least) one Android app.
how many have a Maemo or MeeGo app?
how many are likely to create one for Sailfish?
But aren't these type of apps the ones that just give you some information, which you can easily find on the web, provided you have a proper mobile browser? I mean - I hear you: if I want info on my iphone, chances are I need to get an app... my N9, however, somehow provides a better/faster/more reliable browsing experince. But that's just me. I didn't try android, and I don't think I will, given the choices.

As for the other things you say, perhaps they don't apply to me, but thanks for enumerating.
Posts: 1,548 | Thanked: 7,510 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Czech Republic
Originally Posted by misterc View Post
  • every bank, public transport authority, airport, city, state, province ............... has (at least) one Android app.
Which could be translated to "we are too lazy to make a proper public API, so we just mashed up an Android app and called it a day". But yeah, this is still a real concern and IMHO a valid argument for having some sort of Android emulation available.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

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Posts: 343 | Thanked: 819 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Paris, France
Originally Posted by ggabriel View Post
But aren't these type of apps the ones that just give you some information, which you can easily find on the web, provided you have a proper mobile browser? I mean - I hear you: if I want info on my iphone, chances are I need to get an app... my N9, however, somehow provides a better/faster/more reliable browsing experince. But that's just me. I didn't try android, and I don't think I will, given the choices.

As for the other things you say, perhaps they don't apply to me, but thanks for enumerating.
Ideally yes, websites are fine. In practice, some of them give a terrible experience on mobile. I would love to use a website for that but sometimes, I have to admit that on my an android tablet, the experience is much cleaner because of that. I am sure everybody has already tried to click on a tiny text box or button, and do some terrible zoom in/out to interact with some badly written websites... The app is usually optimized in terms of screen resolution and in terms of number of items to display (the website is usually more crowded).

But all in all, I am still much more in love with my N9 and soon my Jolla because the user experience is neat compare to the shitty Android or boring WP8 (I have L920 too)
Having some android apps which would never (or very much later) come on Jolla own plateform is an advantage (how come you can think differently) for a transition period, but given that it works ok!

At the end, obviously, this is not the first thing you have in mind when you decide to buy a Jolla . And apart from games (as pointed by Juiceme), most apps are not that useful because you have already a closed or (usually) better native one.
Posts: 728 | Thanked: 1,217 times | Joined on Oct 2011
In addition to my question about "which apps are best" and my comments, I'd like to enumerate the ones I definitely use:
- IMAP client (aka mail application)
- Maps (I don't know anything better than Nokia Maps, shame it doesn't cover the whole world)
- Browser
- Reader (mostly RSS reader)

Nice to haves:
- Twitter client
- Sports tracker

Surprisingly well done apps that get content from the web:
- Nokia Public Transport - the timeline to catch a bus is unbeatable, unless somebody does it in HTML5 one day in the future perhaps
- Stock apps - for whatever reason, it's hard to get to this information via the web, or at least it was a couple of years ago, haven't checked

- Some games here and there, really not a gamer, but I appreciate them.

I don't consider myself a normal user, so that's why I was asking, mostly to see if I have been missing stuff out, which apparently I haven't.

"pretty soon", funniest line, jolla, pipo party, sailfish, tmo red

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