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Originally Posted by macey View Post
Ok, I took a look at these.
According to this:-

The person applying this fix:-

Has applied it to the four chips under the shield marked "FM Transmitter Antenna" in the first picture.

Comments please?
Seems to be my father-in-law's phone... If so, its still working after 6 months... And, no, the first picture is clearlly pointing out the FM transmiter on very different spot.
Good luck !

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Posts: 24 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Apr 2012 @ Europe
I had recently the same error and no imei shows on device/ about Reflashed whit latest global fiasco,but the problem remain.Then i reflashed(like i alway did)whit latest UK fiasco,restarted and it works like a charm!Maybe i am lucky and i don't have the hardware problem (althought my phone is 4 years old) but all of those who didn't try to reflash whit Uk version it's worth trying!
It's nice to be important
but it's more important to be nice!

Last edited by rslick; 2013-07-24 at 15:02.

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hi dude.... i want to ask that who got the idea first? is it u or someone else.....?? bkz i want to say thanx the original one too...

The Following User Says Thank You to mkkminhas For This Useful Post:
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Last night my third N900 succumbed to this error, so I finally got around to cutting up some old springs I had lying around and trying to do this springs treatment on all of them.

Initially I had good results on N900s 1 and 3, had to re-do N900 2 before it started working. Later today (about 18 hours after doing so), N900 2 against displayed the 'all telephony disabled blah blah' error. And N900 3 is intermittently losing connection to cell network and showing the no-sim-card icon, then having it reappear and getting connection back (I'm also unsure if N900 2 is able to connect to 3G/3.5G or if N900 3 is able to connect to 2G/2.5G).

N900 1 has a different unrelated instability, and currently sits in virtually un-altered, rarely-used, stock-just-reflashed state. I don't regularly carry it with me. Currently N900 2 rides in one of my pockets. N900 3 is my actual phone, and is currently carried in a cellphone holster on the hip.

I routinely parkour when moving around places (my username actually is partially a reference to parkour) on foot, so the devices probably bounce around a bit more than they would for more 'average' people, I guess. I also do a thing where if I have to text behind the wheel, I have the phone placed against the wheel of the car (that way my hands are still on the wheel, thumbs on N900 keyboard, and since I can touch-type on the N900 eyes can stay focused on the road; about as safe as texting while driving can be, I think). The vibration from the wheel might also contribute to damaging the telephony chips' attachments to the motherboard. All three of my N900s developed these issues after about 1-1.5 year(s) of use, so I suspect the above use patterns do contribute to this problem in a fairly consistent though gradual way.

Anyway, I just wanted to make this post to report my luck with the method. If nothing else, it works are triage, it seems. With more force on the chips N900 3 may even go back to being as reliable as it was before the issue, for all I know. I would love it if this works for me indefinitely. Perhaps, if I end up getting yet another N900 (if I am unable to reliably use either of my N900s as a phone until the Neo900 becomes a thing I can get), I will insert springs in as a preventative measure, which may help avoid the issue developing in my case in the first place. Worth investigating, methinks.

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Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post
Initially I had good results on N900s 1 and 3, had to re-do N900 2 before it started working. Later today (about 18 hours after doing so), N900 2 against displayed the 'all telephony disabled blah blah' error. And N900 3 is intermittently losing connection to cell network and showing the no-sim-card icon, then having it reappear and getting connection back (I'm also unsure if N900 2 is able to connect to 3G/3.5G or if N900 3 is able to connect to 2G/2.5G).


With more force on the chips N900 3 may even go back to being as reliable as it was before the issue, for all I know.
So the day after I posted this, I went and put in even more springs into N900 #3, and it has been working completely as normal since then. No random SIM card losses or disconnects in areas of known good signal.

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I am happy to announce that I also fixed one of N900s with this problem. After testing it, I will fix the second one as they both failed almost simultaneously:

The disassembly was easy if you are a bit experienced, although removing the chip cover was tricky.

EDIT: Has anyone had success with baking the PCB in an oven?

Last edited by ati; 2013-10-01 at 07:47. Reason: extra question

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I wanted to log further developments with my three N900s and this issue. The case study of N900 #2 is, I think, most useful/informative.

#2 continued to have the issue after I last mentioned it, but something had clearly gone very wrong internally - instead of just having the telephony-disabled error, it began to noticeably overheat and (seemingly) drain battery very quickly. I did not have time to fix it so I eventually left it turned off until I did. Two days ago I finally opened it up: turns out, the springs I put in put too much pressure on the EM shield. The EM shield got partially popped off inside there on one edge. Using my limited physics and electronics knowledge, I conjecture that the exposed chips were getting bathed in the EM emissions from one or more of the antennas, which in turn excited the electrons in the circuitry inside, which in turn generated heat galore. It's also possible the process caused some sort of feedback loop - the electric current generated in the chips causing connected hardware to recieve signals that mapped to instructions to do something, like maybe broadcast more **** out of the antenna(s). Another possibility, one of the springs somehow managed to slip into a position where it closed a circuit between spots that weren't meant to be connected, and the heat came from the resultant 'undefined behavior'. Frak knows.

Moral of the story: clearly, there is some 'runtime' risk to these fixes, if you mess them up. After having corrected the problem yesterday N900 #2 seemed able to use telephony again, but (given my very limited knowledge) it's perfectly conceivable that permanent damage to the circuitry thus affected could have occurred.

#3 held (after the addition of extra springs) for about two weeks. It then returned to having the telephony problems. I stuck a piece of paper at the top of the simcard (inside the sim holder itself). Worked for another one day or so. I stuck some more paper (two layers) on top of the sim card slot, held in placed by the battery. Worked for another one-or-two-or-so days. Replaced the outer paper with a folded piece of thick paper (torn off the outer packaging of a bubble gum pack). Worked another day or so. I tripped the layers of the thick paper - the back cover bulged even. But it worked again. Reduced the layers to just twice the first amount instead of thrice within a day, to get rid of the bulge on back cover. Has been working for a couple of days now without issue.

I document this so that people know - sometimes you need more springs, sometimes you need more paper, sometimes you need both, and gradually more and more of it. I also want there to be a proper chain of documentation on these 'hackish' fixes to this issue. I suspect many people fix their N900s this way, post a confirmation, then it breaks again later and they don't bother to inform the community of that part. So far, my assessment remains: these fixes are good for triage, but a routinely used N900 may fail again given enough time with just these fixes. Or it may not, if you're lucky, but currently there's insufficient evidence to determine with any real certainty one way or another.

I REALLY want this stuff to hold my N900s over until I can get a Neo900. But I also hate false hope (or lack thereof), thus incessantly logging the repeated failures and re-fixes here.
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Almost same here

Last few days my browser began to stutter if I had opened some more windows and sometimes it felt like battery drains very fast/getting warm without any usage/visible programs running.

Tonight I was online, never saw that before, at one time my N900 completely rebooted without any press on powerbutton etc., and after that restart my telephone-function does not work anymore - it does not find my provider anymore!

Whatever I to, connect to provider isnīt possible anymore, already removed battery and restarted again, without change. If I want to select provider manually, it shows my provider, but I am not able to connect to (normal 2G)!

Is it a virus probably? Do I need to reflash anything or is there any way to find out what is going on inside my software?

What can I do now?

The Following User Says Thank You to Micha1982 For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by Micha1982 View Post
Almost same here

Last few days my browser began to stutter if I had opened some more windows and sometimes it felt like battery drains very fast/getting warm without any usage/visible programs running.

Tonight I was online, never saw that before, at one time my N900 completely rebooted without any press on powerbutton etc., and after that restart my telephone-function does not work anymore - it does not find my provider anymore!

Whatever I to, connect to provider isnīt possible anymore, already removed battery and restarted again, without change. If I want to select provider manually, it shows my provider, but I am not able to connect to (normal 2G)!

Is it a virus probably? Do I need to reflash anything or is there any way to find out what is going on inside my software?

What can I do now?
the best way is reflashing...

The Following User Says Thank You to murik For This Useful Post:
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I've had this problem on and off for about a year or so.

Until now I've 'fixed' it by reflashing, but I really didn't feel like going through the bother this time (and it's pretty obvious by now that it's not a software issue).

Instead, I cut a piece of a wide elastic band to roughly the same length as the sim card and put in between the sim and the battery. I figured the elastic would be less likely to shift when the phone gets jostled than paper would.

Seems to be working nicely so far. I'll be sure to report back if/when this fix stops working.

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antenna, communication, depressing, disabled, error, problem, telephony

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