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LOL. I like the Mac on NIT. Very funny.
Johnx's Avatar
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Nace0, just to make sure you understand: You'll probably never be able to play StarCraft under Windows emulation on an NIT. This emulation stuff is barely fast enough to play a couple old DOS games that don't require much fast motion. I just don't want you to go to a lot of work only to be disappointed.
Slixor's Avatar
Posts: 79 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ England
im ready to install windows 3.1 on my n800 with os2008 and dosbox, but i need to mount to the folder win the win3.1 setup in it, e.g on my pc i type into dosbox MOUNT C C:\WIN3.1 (this is where the folder is)

but when i go onto my n800 i have a problem, i dunno how to mount to a drive, and does n800 evan have a c drive?

Any help :S
OSEmuTech's Avatar
Posts: 466 | Thanked: 142 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Temple Terrorist, FL
At the bottom of my dosbox.conf file I have

mount c: /media/mmc2/dos

to mount the directory called dos on my internal SD card in my N800.

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Posts: 79 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ England
Cheers dude, got windows 3.1 working perfect! (more or less)

any chance you can send me your windows 95? as i cant find a copy anywhere xD
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Biel/Bienne - Switzerland
does anybody know how to optimize the whole thing? Windows 95 doesn't boot up at all, hanging on some point and advices me to "turn off the computer" (i'd better do i know :-)) and DOS 6.22 takes a minute to load where my 386/20 Notebook with 640k RAM (everything you need) took 5 Seconds, loading WfW 3.11 takes 5 minutes and is barely usable. I can't move the mouse smooth and dragging windows is already too much!

I'll now try to tune things in the dosbox.conf but if anybody knows which parameters optimize things, it would be nice if they share.
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where my 386/20 Notebook with 640k RAM (everything you need) took 5 Seconds
Try to run linux on your notebook (running windows I guess) and let's see how long it takes to boot.. you'll end up with same results..
Posts: 42 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Biel/Bienne - Switzerland
I don't expect wonders but i think moving a window should run on an emulated windows 3.11 better than that. Or am I totally wrong?

EDIT: And further I don't complain on the slowness, I'm rather searching for ways to make it better.

Last edited by gentux; 2008-01-30 at 19:58.
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Posts: 79 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ England
im going from windows 3.1 to windows 98, ill post how it goes

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Posts: 42 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Biel/Bienne - Switzerland
Very appreciated. BTW if you still need, here you find Windows 95:

hope this helps you.

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