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Originally Posted by guilledoc View Post
I'm not complaining
Just a simply answer you'll never ever get any more books should have been enough and I really thanks a lot to @Sakya for what he gives us allready
PD I'm neither fighting you
The more interest there is the better. Just wondering how much of book-scripting can be automated/scripted. It seems OP was going book after book by hand. Is there no interpreter one could input window height/width and get generic experience? The story seems to be most important, not if the text is is in green bold blinking

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I don't have my N900 anymore, but I'll try to complete the Magnakai rules and script book 6.
I started today to check what is missing (the disciplines are different but some of them are working, the bow is a new weapon and works in a different way than the others...) and if I have some spare time I think I can do it.

After the book 6 is scripted the next books should be easier to complete because the rules are the same for all the Magnakai books.

@szopin: The scripting cannot be totally automated because what happens is written in the text. A lot of things (like enemies, choices) can be automated (and are automated) but than it is necessary to go section by section and write the scripts to reflect what the text says.

Last edited by sakya; 2013-08-08 at 12:42.

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I went through all the book 6 sections, I have something to fix but it's almost done.

EDIT: Ok, I uploaded an update and the book 6.
Update the lonewolf4m package before downloading and playing the book 6.
Let me know if it works on the N900 (and if you find some bugs).

Tomorrow I'll (probably) start to work on book 7.

EDIT: I found some bugs with the bow, the quiver and the arrows. Expect a package and book update.

Last edited by sakya; 2013-08-09 at 15:40.

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Uploaded now version 0.1.15 and updated some books.
* Fixed Weaponmastery (bonus discipline)
* Fixed some bugs with the arrows
* Fixed: you can carry more than one quiver

Please update the package before playing book 6 (else you'll get some script errors).
I added a command in the menu to restart the current book.
If you were playing book 6 with version 0.1.14 maybe you should restart it with the new package (fixed problems with arrows, bow and quivers).

Last edited by sakya; 2013-08-11 at 13:43.

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Fantastic work, I thought this had been abandoned. So glad to see it alive and thank you so, so much for all your hard work.

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OK, I almost lost hope for it ever happening (thanks, sakya! Playing it on N900 is real fun), but reporting first batch of bugs for Book 6 :

1. At start of the book, we have to choose 3 advanced disciplines. Hoever, when we click on them to read full description, we can't close it - there is no way to go back to selection screen, or even close application. The only way is to kill it from Maemo (after next start, we're presented with disciplines choice, again, and can proceed normally).

I'm surprised no one reported it yet - I'm the only one reading manuals?

2. Either there is something wrong with special items conversion from book 1-5 characters, or weapon mastery doesn't work as it should. also, there seem to be some problem with old skills from books 1-5. The thing is quite complicated, so bear with me:

My character (made on start of book 1, went through 1-5) have skill in weapons (sword). For books 1-5, it mean, that while wielding Sword of the Sun, he get +10 combat (+8 from Sommer', +2 due to proficiency in swords). Now, Sommer' is technically a broadsword, but any sword profficiency (sword, shortsword, broadsword) apply to it - it's OK, it works the same for paper books. So, in my case, description for it stated, that equipping give +10 bonus to combat (as sum of natural bonus + weapon skill bonus).

Now, during book 6, *none* of weapon mastery sword bonuses apply to sommer' - I have tried swords, broadsword, short sword, and even daggers . Neither give +3 combat bonus. Hoever, Sommer' is still described as giving +10 Combat Bonus, and indeed, equipping it gives +10 to my combat skill. no matter, if I choose weapon mastery, or not.

Now, it either mean that either:

1. It "absorbed" my weapon proficiency from books 1-5 into item itself - then, conversion is wrong, as it should be +8 combat bonus.

2. It is +10 correctly, due to my weapon skill in swords from books 1-5, that still apply (silently) in book 6 - then, NEW skill weapon mastery doesn't work as it should, as choosing it, doesn't affect sommer.

BUT, it is unlikely, as while using regular sword, I *don't* get +2 bonus due to "old" proficiency in swords from books 1-5

OTOH, even without choosing any Psi, I *do* get +2 combat bonus from my "old" mindblast skill from books 1-5. Is is represented in my character's card, no matter what weapon I use (or no weapon at all).

Additional info: For other (than Sommer) weapons, *new* weapon mastery works OK - it applies +3 to swords, daggers, etc. As said earlier, my "old" weapon proficiency doesn't apply to swords anymore, *except* for sommer, which seems to saved this +2 into itself.

Now, not bug, but mere question:

What the hell is mechanism for old vs new Kai disciplines? It confused the hell out of me, as I can't seem to get, if my old skills still apply and new ones are "upgraded versions", or all old skills vanished, and only new ones count.

There is no indication of old kai disciplines anywhere in character's card, and their doesn't seem to work, except for mentioned mindblast. Now, I'm not sure if the fact that most of them are not working is bug, or the other way around, none should work and working ones are character's conversion bug.

Thanks in advance,

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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
1. At start of the book, we have to choose 3 advanced disciplines. Hoever, when we click on them to read full description, we can't close it - there is no way to go back to selection screen, or even close application.
Ops, I'll fix this in the next update.

So, in my case, description for it stated, that equipping give +10 bonus to combat (as sum of natural bonus + weapon skill bonus).
The +10 bonus of the Sommerwserd was a bug in a book 2 script (now fixed). This is also related to the Weapon Mastery bonus not applied to it. I'll fix also this in the code (by "patching" the object when loading the game).

OTOH, even without choosing any Psi, I *do* get +2 combat bonus from my "old" mindblast skill from books 1-5. Is is represented in my character's card, no matter what weapon I use (or no weapon at all).
I also fixed this in the code, wait for the next update.
I also added a text description of the combat skill so it should be easier to track errors.

There is no indication of old kai disciplines anywhere in character's card, and their doesn't seem to work
Also the original Lone wolf action chart does not mention the old disciplines:

But maybe you're right: if you have Weaponskill you add 2 to your CS, if you have Weapon Mastery you add 3 (not 5 as 3 is an "upgrade" of 2).
Healing restores 1 point to your endurance and Curing another one.
More difficult is Hunting ("He will always be able to hunt for food for himself except in areas of wasteland and desert.") and Huntmastery ("he will always be able to hunt for food, even in areas of wasteland and desert"): I need to decide if the place is a wasteland/desert.
I'll think about it and fix it.

Many thanks for your feedback.
This evening I'll probably update the package and upload book 7 (I'm currently working on book 8)

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Thanks for your fast reply, and it's nice to hear that you're advancing with books

I wonder, do we have any information on old disciplines? From source materials, it looks like kai disciplines shouldn't count anymore, and only mangakai ones are of any value.

Of course, it's quite silly - there is no reason why our hero should lost old knowledge, just because he learned 3 mangakai proficiency. So, your approach to make it work in more logical way (new ones "upgrade" old ones, if present) is appreciated.

OTOH, I wonder - if author really wanted to make old disciplines disappear, aren't we going to make game too easy (due to hero mad eon book 1 having 90% of old kai disciplines present)? Also, I wonder - for plot-only disciplines like Animal Kinship, is there any use for them in books >=6, or all checks take only Animal Control into account?

Of course, same apply to mind over matter vs Nexus, etc. Tracing it would help us to determine, if we should just scrap any old disciplines as non-existing since book 6 (if they're never used in checks for books 6 and above), or they have place to "live" (because sometimes, books check for presence of "old" ones).

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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
I wonder, do we have any information on old disciplines? From source materials, it looks like kai disciplines shouldn't count anymore, and only mangakai ones are of any value.
It seems strange also to me.
Here the author says:
During your training as a Kai Lord, and in the course of the adventures that led to the discovery of The Book of the Magnakai, you have mastered all ten of the basic warrior skills known as the Kai Disciplines.
But the instructions don't even describe the disciplines and their effect (??).

So the disciplines should be considered but in the text of book 6 (and 7 and 8) there's no use for many of them (Camouflage, Sixth Sense, Tracking, Mindshield, Animal Kinship, Mind Over Matter) as they are never mentioned in the text (as far as I read); but I see no reason why Weaponskill or Curing or Hunting should not work.

Btw I checked the code and it's not very difficult to keep the old disciplines and make them work (as I said the only thing to do is to add the information if a section is a wasteland/desert to see if Hunting can be used or not).

EDIT: Confirmed:
If you have completed the first five books of the Lone Wolf series, you can continue to use the Kai Disciplines acquired in those books
I'll fix this issue (maybe I'll release the update tomorrow or so) but for the Weaponskill you'll need to edit manually the savegame or restart book 6 (I cannot know what weapon you were skilled in)

Last edited by sakya; 2013-08-20 at 10:37.

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Thank a lot, it explain many things. I guess author haven't though of making use for *both* old and new plot disciplines, with new ones giving greater advantage? (like, in situation when you deal with enemies and animal, you may use animal kinship to make it *not* attack you, or you could use Animal Control to make it attack your enemies...). Nevertheless, the more mechanic ones - like Healing or Weapon Skill - should be quite a help, anyway.

Don't worry, restarting book is OK - I'm prepared that it may be price for hammering out bugs. Heck, to celebrate book 6 release for our devices, (and because I lost my old saved during N900->N900 migration) I replayed whole saga from the beginning. Nice to refresh memories!

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