Poll: How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB
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How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB

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joerg_rw's Avatar
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Please stay on topic!
Basically this thread is not to discuss, and it's pretty hard for me to answer questions of the class "what will be the property/performance of XY software". Questions relating to N900 current state are completely off topic here.
Please try to suggest improvements and I'll report when I think I kow if they are reasonable and feasible.
For the requested better front camera: won't happen since we don't produce new FPC.
For the question regarding case: It's been stated ~100 times that we will sell complete devices, assembled and tested. But you also will have the option to get a bare board and swap it with your N900 motherboard.

See next post by wolke as well. Please make this thread the thread he asks for!
@moderators: please help! I don't know if we could set this thread to moderated or if you could manually moderate and - if given - delete or edit posts or ask users to do so.

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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-09-03 at 18:29.

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ugh, can we have a thread just with news from devs and technical dev concerns? reading this thread is going to give me cancer.
~ teleshoes ~

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Originally Posted by wolke View Post
ugh, can we have a thread just with news from devs and technical dev concerns? reading this thread is going to give me cancer.
  1. This

  2. I had to skip 32 pages of "Can I use the old N900 case shell?", so is there cliff notes anywhere? Or someplace to get a summary of the current state of things?

  3. Depending on the details, I would probably be willing to pre-order one relatively soon, is this going on yet? Are you accepting BTC?

In light of recent global events, what are the security features going to be like?

I am wondering about things like SIP Encryption. SMS Encryption. XMPP + OTR. (I know pidgin is an option, but the built in app should be able to do it).

How about a mail client with built in PGP functionality (with GPG)?

How about LUKS + dm-crypt ? eCryptfs?

If these questions are not appropriate for this thread, I beg your pardon. Please direct me elsewhere.
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Last edited by MTCONE; 2013-09-04 at 00:35. Reason: Formatting

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Originally Posted by MTCONE View Post
I am wondering about things like SIP Encryption. SMS Encryption. XMPP + OTR. (I know pidgin is an option, but the built in app should be able to do it).

How about a mail client with built in PGP functionality (with GPG)?

How about LUKS + dm-crypt ? eCryptfs?

If these questions are not appropriate for this thread, I beg yoru pardon. Please direct me elsewhere.
I think those would be software questions, while the Neo900 is planned to run unmodified maemo 5. That would more be a question for the CSSU thread.

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A) thanks!
B) The summary should be in post #1. Sorry it doesn't have all the suggested improvements and my answers whether we will consider them or not. All we "guarantee" (as in "we already know it can and will be done") for the device is listed in #1 though.
C) ...is obviously missing in #1. We are not accepting preorders yet. We are going to set up some sort of crowdfunding or donations for the prototype development. Stay tuned, when it happens it will get updated in #1.

All your suggestions are completely sw related only. This thread is not really about the OS even. It definitely is not about applications and system functions like cryptfs. This thread is about the hardware and if/how we can build it in a way so maemo5 can run on it.
To direct you elsewhere, I'd suggest to use the search function of this forum, most topics probably are already covered for current maemo5 on N900.

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I'm in for around 500 €. For me the biggest advance seem to be the new possibilities with the advanced sensors. Hopefully they will be used by upcoming/existing software.
But in the end the most important thing for me is stability. So i'll be probably no early adopter. I've already ordered a jolla phone and have a healthy N900 so I've time to look if I like what you have to offer.

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I'll buy one if someone is able to enable monitor mode on wifi card.

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Originally Posted by isorn View Post
I'll buy one if someone is able to enable monitor mode on wifi card.

I meant to ask about this earlier too.

Monitor mode and packet injection is a must.

Furthermore, would this project be appropriate for Kickstarter?

I would be in for about 5 BTC, possibly.

Someone get a BitPay account.
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Last edited by MTCONE; 2013-09-04 at 00:33.

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When choosing the modem be sure it is one that can have a SIM tool kit(STK) app written for it unlike the current modem on the N900. Between banking, electronic crypto legal signature, and the NFC "credit card" function it would be a big loss not to have the STK functionality again. OTOH it would also be great being able to 100% block the STK apps as desired like we spoke of with the GPS antenna since some of them might be considered problematic by the user.
I was never clear why the N900 couldn't have a STK app but I assume it is the closed modem driver.
If it would help I can dig out my GTA02 and see if it has STK.
SIM phonebook access, import, export would also be nice.

Last edited by biketool; 2013-09-04 at 07:47.

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Originally Posted by biketool View Post
When choosing the modem be sure it is one that can have a SIM tool kit(STK) app written for it unlike the current modem on the N900
If it would help I can dig out my GTA02 and see if it has STK.
SIM phonebook access, import, export would also be nice.
Thanks for the remark. Alas chosing modem is not like writing a letter to Santa Claus, we're happy when we find one modem that meets like 90% of our requirements. STK is waaaay down on the feature requirement list. (with Option GTM601 and Option GTM801 we found even two modems that are pretty 'nice' and drop-in replacement of each other, just one is 3G, the other 4G. The GTM609 even adds CDMA to the set of features!)

I don't know of any modem module that supports STK. GTA02 calypso modem didn't either. The explanation is simple: STK defines mandatory full control over display and keyboard, e.g for bank TAN/PIN generator that can't get attacked by keyloggers etc. With a modem+AP design this is impossible to implement and guarantee on an open platform.
Does android support STK? If yes: how do they do that?

Anyway check the Option modem datasheets I linked to in previous post (and in this post), it seems we'll use those modems and that defines what they support. The rest is AP/userland/community then. USAT seems well feasible when the modem supports it, though I recall our cracks at OM boggled from STK even, back when. Luckily calypso didn't allow it anyway ;-)

Generally speaking our modems will not support the ISI interface that Nokia N900 BB5 modem used, which is a PITA for compatibility to Nokia Dialer *) etc, but a grace for projects like the ones linked in your next post. The Option modules have full free docs of their interface afaik.


*) nevertheless I hope we can implement some sort of comatibility layer or interface lib to expose modem functions to system via the "usual" libisi API
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-09-04 at 20:39.

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neo900, thank you!

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