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Originally Posted by byteninja2 View Post
Yes, I have never seen a forum with so much god damn COMPLAINING. Another reason a Mer project forum needs to be created with a rule: No fracking complainging.
you dont seems to get my point... I think there has to be more people involved over all before talk bout new forums etc. Else the new forum will be full of garbage, crying bout other half, waiting fo jolla device etc and taken over by trolls etc... Sorry to sound negative but...
Keep safe and healthy

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I have experience with Admining, and trust me, almost no troll posts will be found. I put up a poll, some people seem quite interested. TBH, I think you are being to negative, we are all Maemo and MeeGo and Nemo fanboys here right? So we all need to get along.
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Originally Posted by byteninja2 View Post
There is no Nemo sub-forum,
Yes there is, although I never agreed with it being tucked away as much as it is.
I argued for a slightly different hierarchical layout than what we currently have for TMO.
Had it been implemented, I doubt it would've made much of a difference...

Nitdroid does better with its own forum and that project is much smaller then Nemo.
Wait, there is but it is tiny and has no activity.
Spinning out to a separate domain/forum only makes sense if a bunch of just as important infrastructure is included, else you're just scattering community chatter for no good reason.
Plus, we'd want to use the official domains, not "yet another" domain(s), so we'd need permission for that.
Ofc Nitdroid is more active, the demand for Android is far greater than Nemo, changing to a dedicated forum isn't going to change that.

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-09-13 at 03:21.
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
Funny when u say that, people complain like crazy about Jolla is not 100% open and blbalblabla. In the same time there is so damn few people involved in nemo/MER and so on so because of that we see not much progress in that area for understandable reasons.
It's getting close to being unforgivable & not understandable that we still don't have like infra created by Jolla/Others for MeR/Nemo/Sailfish.
If it's not launched by the time the device is on shelves, then it's not unreasonable to assume that they're amateurs when it comes to estb. a top-notch interaction platform for:

3rd-party_devs/power-users <---> core_devs/engineers
3rd-party_devs <---> power-users/users.

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-09-13 at 03:09.
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I think You have already a Jolla account if You ordered a phone so they need only launch it?
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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
It's getting close to being unforgivable & not understandable that we still don't have like infra created by Jolla/Others for MeR/Nemo/Sailfish.
If it's not launched by the time the device is on shelves, then it's not unreasonable to assume that they're amateurs when it comes to estb. a top-notch interaction platform for:

3rd-party_devs/power-users <---> core_devs/engineers
3rd-party_devs <---> power-users/users.
They have pointed to developers, endusers to try sailfishOSSDK, nemo etc..

But so far there seems to be very few people who actually has tried out nemo, sailfishsdk etc..

so why should the bother to setup a forum when less than 100 persons will be active?

I think seriously that Jolla has way bigger issues with to little marketing than setup a forum for geeks atm... Marketing should be the highest priority now, when that is setup the will bring money to hire more people and setup geek forums etc...

I don't think they can do everything right now, actually its impossible mission. they have very low resources, just take a look at the broken nokia/ovistore/forum who had x tousands of developers/admins, and compare that to Jolla 100 persons....
Keep safe and healthy

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2013-09-13 at 17:42.

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Who said anything about forums, why do people keep talking about forums...
It's about having a env. that's far more conducive to encouraging a larger group of people to get involved, or if already involved, to increase that involvement or it's effectiveness.
ATM they don't seem to get it, there's still time, but if they haven't implemented something shortly after the device hits shelves, then they're amateurs.
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
you dont seems to get my point... I think there has to be more people involved over all before talk bout new forums etc. Else the new forum will be full of garbage, crying bout other half, waiting fo jolla device etc and taken over by trolls etc... Sorry to sound negative but...
Wait a second, you where the one who started talking about forums in the beginning but never went anywhere. Why are you the one saying forums are a bad idea? Also, if 100 people are active, or even just 5, that's pretty damn good.
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sorry to interrupt.. isn't this discussion going little off topic atm?

I thought I'd be reading tangible information, thoughts and timeline about porting sailfish to N9 devices.

And yes, I'd really like to use sailfish (or any other OS that gets bugfixed unlike harmattan) on my n9, because it's hardware potentially lets me do every task I want to do with a smart phone. And I'd donate for it...

'cause the only thing bugging me with n9 is the returning need to reflash the device when things begin to f*** up (sms bug and so on).

So where do we stand iro sailfish port?

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Posts: 411 | Thanked: 302 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Australia
Awesome quote from the latest Jolla press release:

Originally Posted by Jolla
Sailfish OS runs on common Android hardware Jolla has made a major breakthrough in Android hard ware compatibility by developing Sailfish OS to run on common hardware produced for Android, particularly smartphones and tablets. Vendors interested to utilize Sailfish OS are now able to develop phones and tablets based on many different chipset and hardware configurations. This new level of compatibility will enable device vendors who use Sailfish OS to fully utilize the existing Android hardware ecosystem. Jolla believes that this breakthrough offers growth opportunities of significant scale for Sailfish OS globally, especially in China. “We believe Sailfish with Android compatibility is a highly relevant mobile operating system option for major mobile companies in Europe and in Asia. We are already in discussions with several major Asian vendors regarding this opportunity,” says Tomi Pienimäki.
(Link at
I assume this could make it easier to port to N9?

Last edited by DJJonosound; 2013-09-16 at 11:14. Reason: Paste fail/Extra formatting

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jolla, nokia, sailfish

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