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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
Do you think its possible for us to install Sailfish OS on our favorite android device like some big screen devices? Jolla screen is so tiny! If not, I think its time for a new CEO! the forth one...
Dave, you are being even more absurd than usual...
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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
Dave, you are being even more absurd than usual...
I would hate to see jolla fail just because they don't realize 4,5 is too small 2013 and even smaller 2014.
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Last edited by Dave999; 2013-09-16 at 18:54.
Community Council | Posts: 4,920 | Thanked: 12,867 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Southerrn Finland
Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
I hate for jolla to see jolla fail just because they don't realize 4,5 is too small 2013 and even smaller 2014.
No, I meant what you said before: "...Jolla screen is so tiny! If not, I think its time for a new CEO! the forth one..."

Changing CEO's is propably not the way to fix this "problem" you are having with screen sizes...
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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
No, I meant what you said before: "...Jolla screen is so tiny! If not, I think its time for a new CEO! the forth one..."

Changing CEO's is propably not the way to fix this "problem" you are having with screen sizes...
It might be, if the new CEO is more about selling cool devices with big screens that can compete with competiters
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4.5 inch is PLENTY, especially for one handed use. Look at the Z10, you can get stuff done crazy fast with a 4.3 inch phone. The N9 is 3.9 which I think is fine. My mom uses a S4, to big IMO. Fine for 2 handed use, which is what Android is designed for though.
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
I would hate to see jolla fail just because they don't realize 4,5 is too small 2013 and even smaller 2014.
Seriously? At least for this reason Jolla certainly won't fail - 'cause they don't listen to your screen-size suggestions

For you I hope that someday we'll have Sailfish on a tablet sized device.
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Main issue with a small 4.5 screen is that the web experience is bad. The user have to use mobile web or click or zoom all the time 5 inch and bigger gives the user real desktop browser experience without zoom.
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That's kinda why we have Tablets & eReaders... >.>
Smartphones are better for more portable & "on the move" usage.
Don't forget the UX is designed to make full use of the display, unlike Android/iOS.*
Phablets above 5.5" are a abomination for everyone except big people.
4.5's a good solid start, it's above Apple's benchmark, one of the industry leaders whether you like them or not.
And it's where most top-end non-phablet smartphones sit now, & well into next yr.
Maybe next yr they'll announce a successor that's phablet form-factor, but I doubt they'll be so boring.
If they do it won't just be about the phablet screen-size...

*although in Android there's ways around such limitations for more savvy users

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-09-17 at 02:34.
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apple suffer from small screen syndrome. The sales and stock price suffer. Fortunatly for apple,they have a brand and a cutomer base. But even so, they are suffering because of small screens. Im sure they are trying to get 5,5 iphone to market as soon as possible, if not they are doing a nokia(livong in the past)
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I really think that the screen on the N9 was pushing it in terms of how small would be comfortable for me. 4.5 inches is just about right - I have a BB Z10 and honestly that screen size is almost perfect for me. Usage of real estate has to be thought out and implemented well, which is where iOS 7 actually excels.

Jolla, so far from what I've seen, the screen size and UI/UX utilization is probably the best I've seen. I just hope the rest of their offerings - the apps, app support (yay Android?) and overall experience in core apps like the browser and email client is up to snuff.

Don't fret the screen size. One day, we'll all look at how the larger screen sizes and multiple cores were just as wasteful and meaningless as the old gigahertz race between AMD and Intel.

In the end, a larger screen is only as good as how it's going to be used. Jolla has a great size in their initial release. I just want the damn thing in my hands sooner than later. My N9 is only for international trips (so I pocket it usually in my front pocket since it's so small) and my BB Z10 is starting to bore me despite being closer to a UI I'd rather use than say iOS and Android.

Sadly though, already running iOS7 on my iPad mini has me liking it more and more. iOS7 is really a mixture of a lot of things that I like on Android and some other prior systems... yeah. Apple actually has made me finally like their mobile workflow just a little bit.

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