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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Faaaaark, that's ****, @4.5" I was hoping for 720p, if it was still 3.9" or even 4.1" qHD would be okay.
Everything else is "acceptable", but that display tips this ph over the edge of being unacceptable for me.
And the RAM is crap too, should be 2GB, N9 was very generous in this area, despite being avg (to below avg) in most others.
The "Other Half capabilities better offer true hw augmentation or I'm walking, so pissed right now...

Oh ****ing great, I'm now just reading how gloriously hobbled TOH interface is too, ****ing wonderful.
This phone just moved waaaaay down my shopping list, I'll still get one, but a little piece of hope inside me died.
This project's longer-term viability just took massive hit....

You are torturing yourself Jalyst by getting this passionate about this.
After all the Nokia tablet craziness I have been able/forced to lower my care meter quite a bit. Thankfully, or I would be close to exploding.

Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
Found this link from a finnish forum:

Texas Instruments announces first QWERTY-capable I2C

Not directly usable, but at least HW KB should be possible with that interface.
Good find. At least gives hope for the accessory for those that care.

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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Faaaaark, that's ****, @4.5" I was hoping for 720p, if it was still 3.9" or even 4.1" qHD would be okay.
Everything else is "acceptable", but that display tips this ph over the edge of being unacceptable for me.
Now this is something I don't get... Why are you bitching about the resolution vs. screen size, I mean why would you find the same absolute pixel count better on a smaller screen, and not good on a 4.5" screen?

I think 4.5" is just about snap the right size, even if bit on the largish side and resolution is better than on my N9 which is pretty good for me

I'd worry more about the display technology, colour brightness and purity, and the screen coating. (which all we don't know anything about yet)

Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
And the RAM is crap too, should be 2GB, N9 was very generous in this area, despite being avg (to below avg) in most others.
Again, it's exactly the same amount as I have on my N9, which is just perfect

Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Oh ****ing great, I'm now just reading how gloriously hobbled TOH interface is too, ****ing wonderful.
This phone just moved waaaaay down my shopping list, I'll still get one, but a little piece of hope inside me died.
This project's longer-term viability just took massive hit....
No, I am very impressed really now.
The extension bus being i2c, that's just wonderful.
When you compare USB2 vs. i2C the USB wins only on mass transfer speed. i2c is so much more versatile, it can handle stuff better on the lower layer and it is really simple to interface with own projects... this is truly a winner here.
And both power in and power out connections on the OH interface, just wonderful!

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Dissapointed with resolution myself and not overly impressed with the 1gb, but I can't understand why so many people are bitching about the other half.

Its way wayyyyyyyy better than what I expected. Hell, I thought it was 99,9% marketing BS until today. But Jolla really delivered with the OH. Now if they just sell enough phones for there to be market for 3rd party hardware using it.
Posts: 1,400 | Thanked: 3,751 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Arctic cold of northern .fi
Lego Mindstrom uses i2C. Need someone to photoshop Mindstrom - Jolla hybrid robot picture.


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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
Now this is something I don't get... Why are you bitching about the resolution vs. screen size, I mean why would you find the same absolute pixel count better on a smaller screen, and not good on a 4.5" screen?
That's not what was meant, it was poorly worded, I think you can guess what was meant...

I think 4.5" is just about snap the right size, even if bit on the largish side and resolution is better than on my N9 which is pretty good for me
When one considers industry progress for mid-end device displays in the 2yrs+ that would've elapsed by the time it's on shelves, res. improvement is quite poor, there's no shirking that reality.

I'd worry more about the display technology, colour brightness and purity, and the screen coating. (which all we don't know anything about yet)
This is true... I await further disappointments....

Again, it's exactly the same amount as I have on my N9, which is just perfect
N9 stood out for being on the aggressive side when it came to RAM, I was expecting the same tradition to be upheld.
It's not asking much for the price they're asking, especially since they've compromised so hugely everywhere else.

No, I am very impressed really now.
The extension bus being i2c, that's just wonderful.
When you compare USB2 vs. i2C the USB wins only on mass transfer speed. i2c is so much more versatile, it can handle stuff better on the lower layer and it is really simple to interface with own projects... this is truly a winner here.
And both power in and power out connections on the OH interface, just wonderful!
I hadn't yet read more about the interface when I posted that, I admit to overacting too soon, it's still far from ideal.
But it's much better than I'd feared, & doesn't do enough (so far) off-set my disappointment of the total hw make-up/specs.

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-09-19 at 18:06. Reason: typo

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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
You are torturing yourself Jalyst by getting this passionate about this.
After all the Nokia tablet craziness I have been able/forced to lower my care meter quite a bit. Thankfully, or I would be close to exploding.
Care meter has now been well & truly obliterated....

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Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
Dissapointed with resolution myself and not overly impressed with the 1gb, but I can't understand why so many people are bitching about the other half.

Its way wayyyyyyyy better than what I expected. Hell, I thought it was 99,9% marketing BS until today. But Jolla really delivered with the OH. Now if they just sell enough phones for there to be market for 3rd party hardware using it.
I fully agree. People should also have a look at the price point. At the moment you get similar specs from the established vendors like Samsung at a similar price. That's quite remarkable for such a small company like jolla imho.

The RAM is a little bit low, indeed, let's see how it works when running android apps. If the screen is full RGB and not pentile, the display resolution is not that much of an issue.

But I'm still hoping for USB host mode and some sort of HDMI/MHL external display. It would make the jolla the Raspberry Pi of mobile phones (Targeted at geeks with deeper pockets, granted).

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Just something I found on another discussion forum:

It calculates the distance where all the displays become "retina". With Jolla phone it's 36 cm (14").

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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Faaaaark, that's ****, @4.5" I was hoping for 720p, if it was still 3.9" or even 4.1" qHD would be okay.
Everything else is "acceptable", but that display tips this ph over the edge of being unacceptable for me.
And the RAM is crap too, should be 2GB, N9 was very generous in this area, despite being avg (to below avg) in most others.
The "Other Half capabilities better offer true hw augmentation or I'm walking, so pissed right now...

Oh ****ing great, I'm now just reading how gloriously hobbled TOH interface is too, ****ing wonderful.
This phone just moved waaaaay down my shopping list, I'll still get one, but a little piece of hope inside me died.
This project's longer-term viability just took massive hit....
finally some feeling from you. You def need to loossen up...if you ever meet meet me. Free drinks all night!
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

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TOH interface is the highlight of the spec. i2c is slow but it is cheap to implement on TOH and the protocol is dead simple but flexible. Anyone expect a add-on camera/CPU/RAM need to wake up and understand it is too costly extending the hardware this way. But for adding xenon flash, hkb, sensors and input devices, i2c is sufficient. But will Jolla give developer full access to TOH or only provide a high-level API?

Last edited by sony123; 2013-09-19 at 18:21.

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"pretty soon", funniest line, jolla, pipo party, sailfish, tmo red

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