Poll: How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB
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How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB

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Posts: 362 | Thanked: 426 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Italy, Lombardia
Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
But the concept of sweetspots and matching between demand and supply seems not natural to you.
But probably even to you.

You continue to insist on the price of 700E for small volumes that has never been questioned.

If we're talking pears not get to talk again in the discourse of apples.

You are speaking so arrogant when I was speaking only of the fact that certain volumes much smaller than the published (but probably too much for the comunity) you should do the job at wished price.
I am not certainty sure but if many other teams have produced boards (and not just vaporware for now) that are not vastly more simple (and with the similar costs for reflow, design, etc ...) for prices around 30-40E (cost of production, not resale) without having to produce millions of units, some suspicion that can be done (at price level near 200-250E for board) remains.

Last edited by Fabry; 2013-09-27 at 12:32.

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Originally Posted by Fabry View Post
I am not certainty sure but if many other teams have produced boards (and not just vaporware for now) that are not vastly more simple (and with the similar costs for reflow, design, etc ...) for prices around 30-40E (cost of production, not resale) without having to produce millions of units, some suspicion that can be done (at price level near 200-250E for board) remains.
Seriously? Any example? I'm not aware of any project like that. What do you have in mind? Raspberry Pi? BeagleBone? They're not even remotely similar and *are* vastly simpler and produced with vastly bigger production batches. OpenPandora? It costs >500 EUR, and also was produced in bigger amount. Anything I miss?
Sebastian Krzyszkowiak - https://dosowisko.net/
Long term Openmoko supporter. Owner of two Neo Freerunners, a few N900s and some others too.
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The cubietruck for example should be sold on 90USD (including gain) and I do not think the producers have made ​​millions of pieces (without knowing if they will sell them first).
I do not have exact figures but I suppose they did only 5-10,000 board.

Certainly uses Chinese's soc and the layout is more standard but I do not think offer much less complexity.
If we remove the soc and the modem the rest of the GTA board seems to still cost about 290E for 10,000 pieces (I assumed that your modem and soc costs only 90E or 100E for 10.000 units which seems realistic if for a piece costs 150E as stated).
Can it be so expensive and there is not a way to reduce costs?
What are others doing to have the board (without soc) that costs only 15-40E despite 2GB ram, ethernet, hdmi, wifi, bt, ... etc?

I'm not saying you are lying on prices, but just wondering if there are ways to reduce costs (of course using high/higher production volumes), contact type large producers or other.

Finally my 200-250E for 30,000-50,000 pieces do not seem to me a great deal away from your 390E for 10,000 pieces (but with OMAP4 I think).

Anyway, I repeat again that I was disputing the claim of someone who said that it took millions or tens of millions of pieces for prices around a certain amount of money (which I think is one of the survey)

Last edited by Fabry; 2013-09-27 at 21:52. Reason: little better english

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PS: there been no particular amount that been requested. I just gave a guess about a sweetspot we might reach.
Originally Posted by Fabry View Post
You continue to insist on the price of 700E for small volumes that has never been questioned.

I am not certainty sure but if many other teams have produced boards (and not just vaporware for now) that are not vastly more simple (and with the similar costs for reflow, design, etc ...) for prices around 30-40E (cost of production, not resale) without having to produce millions of units, some suspicion that can be done (at price level near 200-250E for board) remains.
I dunno if I shall say "thank you for the great insight" now that we got our lesson how to build a board for 30EUR that has a modem module that costs 100EUR and a CPU that costs at least 25EUR.
I think I say "please stop spamming this thread with this stuff!"
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-09-27 at 12:46.

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2Fabry: please, can you stop price discussion here and move it to another topic?

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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
I dunno if I shall say "thank you for the great insight" now that we got our lesson how to build a board for 30EUR that has a modem module that costs 100EUR and a CPU that costs at least 25EUR.
I think I say "please stop spamming this thread with this stuff!"
Ok we have appured that you unable even to read, or to reply with valid arguments apart of insulting.

Ok my electronic hobbist with a great project on mind continue yourself

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incredible who's blaming me for being arrogant, while considering himself an expert who can declassify professional EE as "hobbyist"
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Quick message...
Since we are arguing about consumer demand, I will say this: I am saving money for Neo900. I would rather miss Jolla's release and buy Neo900 instead of Jolla phone. It's highly likely that I am not going to buy any phone at all (this year, or next year) unless it's Neo900. If N900 breaks down before I get Neo900 (the touchscreen of N900 is being scratched mercilessly), I will probably end up using an old water-dust-shock-proof camera-lacking phone.
I don't eat icecream-candy-chocolate (except New Year Eve? and such). I don't drink coffee, I don't eat fast-food, I don't ever walk into restaurant or order take-away. I eat home-made food, as simple as possible (rice, pasta; apples, tomatoes, potatoes from local market, skate from fish market; bread, milk; all as cheap as possible).
I don't drive a car, I don't have a driving licence. I would have driven bicycle, but the infrastructure is no good (read: bicyclists have to share the same lane with buses, motorcyclists, automobiles). So, I am using public transit when I cannot walk long distances (read: have a deadline, and cannot afford not getting enough sleep).
I don't smoke (unless second-hand smoke counts). I don't drink alcohol, of any kind; I drink milk and tea and water instead. No sweet juice, no teeth-rotting cola. I don't play computer games (except chess?).
Do you have any additional money-saving tips? Because I have got to get a Neo900, probably with Aluminium case of Estel. One thousand dollars will not break my back. Hopefully, I will be able to contribute donations at an early stage, while the prototypes are being designed. Just, I am afraid to miss the beginning. Potential customers should be able to support you with small payments as soon as you start needing it. I am glad to hear about having to pay 15% or 20% at early stage, and then having this sum subtracted from whole unit price during MP ordering.
Just trying to inject a ray of cheerful support amidst this squabbling. How is it going with prototypes, by the way?
Best wishes.
Per aspera ad astra...

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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
incredible who's blaming me for being arrogant, while considering himself an expert who can declassify professional EE as "hobbyist"
That your tone is sometime arrogant or dure/rude is evident in much of your posts (posts not about me, in general).

I am not considering you seriously an hobbist, but when you continue to treat, with your comments, others as if they were all idiots, maybe someone will come down to your level with the tones.

When you'll be able to say that I have said that the your board (with soc from 125E) others would be able to do it with 30E (soc included), you can still talk and make comments like the previous one.

Otherwise it is better that you are shut up and go forward in your work, which, however, in spite of the high price (but inevitable given the low production) is still appreciated.

Last edited by Fabry; 2013-09-27 at 21:37.

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MODS! please clean up this whole mess - if possible. Thanks!
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neo900, thank you!

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