Poll: How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB
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How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB

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www.rzr.online.fr's Avatar
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Originally Posted by knuthf View Post
just that here you strip it all down and replace Android with Hildon.

Hi, sorry I havent read the whole thread,
but most screens are capacitive now isnt it ?

So does it makes sense to plan to use hildon and then a resistive screen ?

I would suggest to move to lipstick from nemomobile ... or any active mobile desktop env ie plasma active ... but this would break maemo cpmpatibility...
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The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to www.rzr.online.fr For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by www.rzr.online.fr View Post
Hi, sorry I havent read the whole thread,
Probably you should....

Last edited by xes; 2013-09-30 at 08:09.

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nokiabot's Avatar
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I'm actually kinda grateful for your post, it's an excellent instance to demonstrate why open source free community driven EE didn't work when we tried to do it at OM, and the justification to not do it now. I leave it to others to state what they think about credibility and perceived competence of your suggestion, but by all means go ahead and start such project by yourself instead of trying to change our project.
late but ,Now i know what its all about carry on maybe next time we can dich the other n900 parts for better big screen cpu microwave ovens etc. I just dont like the stale n900 parts that would be used but for now we need to accept it as lack of ?? btw a seperate thread on discusions on hot topics and other acepts should be here as this thread just irritates the hell out of me it always deviates from the topic and have to read tons of garbages with personal debates ego insults pro trolls which just scares us[everyone ?] (people with less knowledge in subject )are distracted

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electroaudio's Avatar
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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
we learned that you're not interested just like the ~50k users of tmo that didn't vote at all
A lack of vote doesnt mean a lack of interest, only a lack of vote...

..All of the options are less than one days salary for me, and therefore the same, but as i work as a freelanceengineer i dont know if i will or want to have any work when it is released.
Deskypplet , a desktop for N900 *RIP*

Last edited by electroaudio; 2013-09-30 at 09:31.

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The purpose of this phone is NOT to provide the latest hardware and software. Its to provide a device that can support the N900 software and systems but with slightly better hardware in a few places (a bit better CPU, better cellular modem and I believe more RAM/flash, also more sensors like compass and gyros)

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Originally Posted by nokiabot View Post
btw a seperate thread on discusions on hot topics and other acepts should be here as this thread just irritates the hell out of me it always deviates from the topic and have to read tons of garbages with personal debates ego insults pro trolls which just scares us[everyone ?] (people with less knowledge in subject )are distracted
Exhibit A:
Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
Sure, great idea! Please by all means go ahead and start such a project! Though it's definitely off topic in this particular thread. Please take it to that thread instead.
That thread's been referenced many other times too...

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-09-30 at 10:30.

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Originally Posted by www.rzr.online.fr View Post
Hi, sorry I havent read the whole thread,
but most screens are capacitive now isnt it ?

So does it makes sense to plan to use hildon and then a resistive screen ?
Resistive touchscreens are still manufactured, and N900's one is a very good touchscreen with high sensivity.

Capacitive touchscreens can offer only more fingers at time (multitouch) which now it is useless with Maemo (no software layer for multitouch).
Furthermore there are various chips (touchscreen hw driver) which can implement dualtouch (and gestures recognition) on standard resistive touchscreens.
So Neo900 can have multitouch (dual), if the hw designer wishes to add it, without changing N900's touchscreen.
Of course multitouch only for future software or at least for an Android port (Neo900's nitdroid)

Last edited by Fabry; 2013-09-30 at 12:28.

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ndhikaa's Avatar
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hello gentlemen, how is it going? i hope you're all well
i sense this thread is going wild..

by the way how about the comparison table we've been talked about?
how can i help? i wanna help if there's no one around to list the difference visually. (n900 vs neo900)

btw i have some questions again. would it be possible to have n900's original zeiss for the back camera? i loved the quality alot

sorry for the long and boring post

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It is not overtly declared, but I suppose that this sentence, from first post, "with housing and display etc sourced from the commercial N900 spare parts market" means also "camera and zeiss lens included"

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joerg_rw's Avatar
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I realize that this thread has grown too large/bloated to serve its primary purpose to inform the interested reader about details of Neo900. This in turn causes redundant questions being asked which makes the problem worse (you could say the thread reached its specific criticality, it exceeded the mass needed to form a singularity known as black hole) , while lots of OT posts also do their share to bloat the thread and cause even Nikolaus to refuse to follow this thread.
I'm pondering how to handle this situation - maybe I can come up with some solution when the tmo moderators will help me to copy relevant posts to a new thread which is closed or moderated hard from beginning. This way we could probably cut down the volume of text to read to maybe 10% and - by hard moderation - keep the other thread 'clean' while this thread here is definitely doomed to receive more OT or 'lazy' posts even from honoured members like rzr.
Don't hold your breath for such reorganization to happen soon, it's a lot of work.

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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-09-30 at 16:17.

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neo900, thank you!

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