Poll: How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB
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How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB

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tangent's Avatar
Posts: 87 | Thanked: 124 times | Joined on Apr 2012 @ Finland
In case of intrest, cheap screen replacemets on ebay, just looked.

Jolla Phone 16GB (2nd in use).
Jolla Tablet 64GB (repaired).

3D modelling & printing.
CAD/CAM amateur.
Prusa i3 3D printer (Max Micron)
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pichlo's Avatar
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Not to mention that I genuinely believe that resistive is better. The first thing when I get my hands on a new phone or tablet is reach for the stylus, only to find there isn't one. A finger-width precision is good enough on 7" or larger screens but even then it limits the range of applications reasonably usable on that device. (Angry Birds? Yeah, sure. Hex-a-Hop? Forget it.)

3.5" requires a pinpoint precision. Sure, you don't need a stylus, it is doable with a fingernail tap. But guess what? That does not work on capacitive screens either.

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Really a love the idea...

Can be 500€ for a replacement board is not cheap, but it'll do the effort.

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azad1top's Avatar
Posts: 84 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Aug 2012 @ iran
i Really a love the idea...
* Top

Thank you
The combination of maemo and android!!!

]»[ NEO900 ]»[

Last edited by azad1top; 2013-10-16 at 16:17.

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qwazix's Avatar
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This project is NOT for a replacement board but for a complete device, as stated in 1st post. Replacement boards will be offered but the price is for a complete device.

The screen assembly though will be exactly the same with N900 (plenty of those available to buy instead of designing and manufacturing new ones)
Proud coding competition 2012 winner: ρcam
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Originally Posted by tangent View Post
[LEFT] Even phone lockcode can be hacked now. .
Really? Are you referring to recovery after being re-flashed or otherwise?

As for the matter at hand,

My N900 remains in my pocket. There has been nothing that has given me reason to switch. The Jolla project took a direction I did not like and after speaking with one of the heads of the project and asking him about the position the team would take if certain powers were to request certain "features" be placed into the system (I am a security consultant and generally very fond of personal liberties and privacy - this is my main motivation for open source) I was less than thrilled with his response. That coupled with other directions the project has taken stifled my interest. I have similar concerns with Canonical's ventures.

In turn, I will support this project. I can't say I am thrilled about being forced to stick with an OS that is on life support - given the impediment of the Nokia blobs et cetera - but I can't see any other option at this point. In short, you'll have my money.

I will say, however, that if I were left to dreaming I'd likely imagine something with the thickness of the N900, the sliding keyboard mechanism of the N950, a screen size of around 5", so much IO that the sides of the unit would look like swiss cheese, Battery of at least two days, built for industrial settings, and probably based on Debian (If I were really left to my dreams it would be BSD based but I think that is going too far even for a dream in this world). It would be nice if the open source community could support something like that. I'm only moderately familiar with manufacturing so I'm not sure how much that would cost but for something like that that I would not consider replacing for a few years I would gladly lay down $2000, probably more. Assuming the biggest hurdle was overcome (a thriving community actively participating in software development) what would you lot estimate that costing if you could get two thousand people behind it? $5000?

Don't start in on me internet tough guys... I'm only dreaming. Don't stamp on a man's dreams.


Old Abe

Last edited by Old Abe; 2013-10-17 at 22:09.

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despite how i voted i would probably be willing to go up to 500€ for the board alone, but only if it remains fully compatible with stock n900 case

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Alecsandru's Avatar
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a ETA? someone , something , have you completed the hardware pieces? all of them? when the pcb will ''shine''? have you guys completed the rerouting of the board to fit the n900's case , volume , camera , all hardware? 1 month 2 , 5 or what? If that is to much(people and resources) and without succes in near future , could the task porting force port maemo to a new device(Motorola DROID 4 XT894 fits in that area?) ? now that the mce is open? i'm willing to pay for that , maybe 100-200 for the software work , if 100 will do that we''ll keep maemo alive
N900 Beast featuring :
8GB OPTFS@ext4(*performance mount options)
overclock: cpu[125 - 1,150(*VDD1)+Dsp overclock
CSSU-T latest version

Last edited by Alecsandru; 2013-10-18 at 18:32.
Posts: 543 | Thanked: 151 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Germany
I really like this project, the only thing I miss is HDMI.

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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
OMAP3 doesn't provide true HDMI out, so anything they invent may at best be 8/8/8->pseudo-HDMI, pointless. (not that 8/8/8 is too crappy for HDMI, but the resolution is) I'd much rather offer some VGA or component output than that (but prolly won't)
VGA or component output would be still be highly desirable (at least to me - it ranks pretty high on my wishlist of extra features). Would the extra space provided by the 2nd PCB in the proposed sandwich solution increase the odds that this might end up in the Neo900?

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neo900, thank you!

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