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Dave999's Avatar
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Jolla don't have any marketing. They probably trying a bit behind the scenes to close down deals with other companies. But when it comes to real customers, the end users, there is nothing zero Nada. This thread together with a few blogs trying to get the word out for jolla. But jolla isn't helping. They should have a person that post in forums, tech blogs, news papers and have a plan with everything. Build long term relationship. Hurmula spoke a little, Dillon spoke a bit more but now the new CEO is in total hiding. I see that Jolla looking for business people on their site because they definitely need som business brain. I can't see how they can survive without talking to their potential customers.

If they just announce their launch on Twitter I will be soon disappointing. The can Atleast create some media packages engage everyone.

Announce a 30 days countdown to release date where they have chats, competitions, selling t-shirts and hats, maybe lower the phone price 10 euros every they or have a special other half every day. Look at Ubuntus edge campaign. It was awesome. Generates so much in form of content, knowledge about the brand and it's was cheap too because community did awesome things, just look in my footer. The whole media not just tech media wrote about it, tv, magazines and newspapers.

Apple Samsung do it in stores, let jolla have their release event on the Www. Release the news in 30 parts some info every day until last they when the world has all the knowledge that Jolla will give before launch...most of us here are ready to put in both time and money only to help jolla. But jolla must lead and show us what they want and where they are going...
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2013-10-26 at 10:19.

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Originally Posted by handyAndy View Post
Well the rest of us don't. This NSA company that you so dearly love is not so much liked here in European countries, if you haven't seen the news. Privacy is something we take very seriously here, unlike you. If you don't believe me, ask the Germans.

Every word is true, yes. But just believe me when I say, no Finnish instance is listening to your or Barack's phone calls or emails. Can you say the same?

And in what Google and Apple etc. are ok (or are forced) to do in the name of "national security", I beg you, please understand that isn't anywhere near the case here in Europe or Finland.

Final ninja-edit: You're from The Netherlands according to your profile, are you serious in what you're saying? I really am asking you.
i don't love the NSA, i merely recognise that it performs exactly the same signals intelligence role as is conducted in any other advanced western (and eastern) nation, the difference is only a matter of budget and competence.

how is this different:

further, the legal and regualtory regime in the US is probably stronger and favours individual liberty than is the case in many (most?) european countries:

what on earth makes you think finland (lex nokia) has any better intentions:

or the netherlands for that matter:

i am not from the netherlands, and don't consider myself european, and yes; i am serious.

Last edited by Jedibeeftrix; 2013-10-26 at 10:07.
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Jolla should hurry up with their marketting and their official launch, other startups are even stealing their ringtone already...
Dave999's Avatar
Posts: 7,075 | Thanked: 9,073 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Moon! It's not the East or the West side... it's the Dark Side
Im posting this message with my Nexus 7 so that NSA can read it and thinking:when will sailfish be availabe. Duel boot?

If angel markel's phone calls are wide open. Why do you think its matters if we use android or Sailfish?
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2013-10-26 at 14:25.

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Originally Posted by handyAndy View Post
..and then you have this thing called legislation. You know, US legislation does not reach beyond US borders..

Let me give you an example:

That's a F-Secures (Finnish company) upcoming cloud service and I can give you my head as a pledge that they won't leak any information to anyone. Ever. If they would, someone would go to jail.

That's how the legislation works around these parts of the world.

(Before someone hints that I'm biased in this matter, let me tell you: I don't work for F-Secure and I hate their antivirus program.)

They will leak like a sieve. More so than US. US people have a general distrust of the government, unlike sheepish Finns that lick everything the governor claims
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Agree. Jolla CEO is so useless that everyone thinks Marc Dillon is the CEO.
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guys, cut them some slack. bashing them won't help (saying people are useless, bitching, etc).

let's help jolla by
a) volunteering - maybe we can help them spread the word. create the excitement
b) give them constructive criticism
c) pre-order their device

i'm sure finances are tight for jolla right now. they're burning through cash and not generating any revenue yet. so their options are very limited.

i've been evaluating separate platforms with a friend the past few weeks and it looks increasingly like jolla is the only alternative (the only thing i don't like about jolla is hardware - lack of hw keyboard). android - if you dig deep enough - you will find it has a lot of limitations compared to maemo / meego / mer / sailfish etc.

it's increasingly obvious to my friend and me that android (the only other alternative we seriously considered) is looking like a dead end for us (for the kind of customization and tweakability we want) - even with chroot linux. we're die hard n900 fans.

long live jolla!

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Originally Posted by Jedibeeftrix View Post
what on earth makes you think finland (lex nokia) has any better intentions:
The Lex Nokia should be removed soon though (as mentioned in the wiki page).

Also, being a native Finn, the google translate does a horrible job translating.

An example:
"The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), the entity must be a subscriber before they can be considered the identification data
put the security condition"

what it should be:
"According to The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) a community subscriber must, before it can inspect the identification data,
bring your internet security up to date"

(PS: How do I make a bulleted list?)

The Following User Says Thank You to Thoke For This Useful Post:
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I do agree with at least one of Dave's points, the new CEO seems like a really poor communicator. I've watched him many times now, he seems to be a innately nervous/shy person, & not very good at expressing everything he should be. That said, that doesn't mean they're not engaging or doing various things right, it's just one person, then again, that role is perhaps the single-most important one from a co<->external perspective.

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CEO leadership traits have trickle down effects. Well known phenomena.

Ineffective CEO=ineffective leadership=dysfunctional company=poor coding and poor quality=production of beta and unfinished devices!

Simple as that.

"pretty soon", funniest line, jolla, pipo party, sailfish, tmo red

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