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I guess the always-diminishing number of people still using WinMo combined with the lack of developers is the cause of this. Maemo is a tiny minority, but a big chunk of the community is either a developer (in some sense) or at least has some interest in the further development of Maemo. This makes us very special

People using WinMo who need Whatsapp probably just buy the next Android/iOS/WinPhone device available without giving it much thought.
artpra's Avatar
Posts: 158 | Thanked: 355 times | Joined on Sep 2011
life forced me to finally become WhatsApp user and after few days with Yappari here`s my feedback:
1. Make cursor movement while typing the message behave exactly the same like in the stock apps: pressing keyboard "up" arrow moves it directly to the begging, pressing down - puts in at the end (in combination with shift key too).
2. Quite often when Yappari updates/gets information about person status ("...typing" or "Last seen") there is slight lag for fraction of second: if you are fast typing a message and this happens, key presses are wrongly recognized: letters are changed to digits, like you are long pressing that key (but you are not).
3. Auto scroll down to newly fetched message should be disabled while you are scrolling in the chat view: when you are actively exchange messages and new ones are coming and coming one after another it`s completely impossible to take look at some older message in that particular active chat view (because it auto scrolls down all the time).
4. Messages with multimedia content: when thumbnail for that media is unavailable, used icon should be exactly the same as displayed at buttons in "Send Multimedia"-> "Select Multimedia" dialogue. Just like "push to talk" voice message icon is the same as that one used for button. Reasons: UI consistency and audio/video icons currently used in the messages are too big (much bigger than "Play" button).
5. Network usage does not work for me properly, missing info about sent video and audio files (shows zero bytes). Also it took 2x hours to properly count messages but I`m guessing it`s matter of WhatsApp servers delay and Yappari does not count locally stored massages.
6. Contact Info have lot of unused screen space: can Yappari fetch full resolution contact profile image (while syncing), store it locally and display there (instead of tapping small thumbnail and downloading it manually)? Also, clicking that thumbnail when offline should give some info like "Function not available while logged off" instead of false "Please wait while the photo is being downloaded..." and spinning progress indicator at top bar.
7. Can "search" in single chat and/or entire message history (across all chats) be implemented?
8. Little Yappari icon in status bar should reflect two possible profile states: grey/red one for offline and current colored one for online (maybe green?) Or even add third state: blinking icon (like update notification from HAM) when you are invited to the new chat and/or new message in any opened chat is received.
9. Are You considering translations?
10. In current state of CSSU matters portrait support should be considered as a valid feature: Yappari is (unintentionally I guess) almost there, needs only a few finishing touches (contacts list while creating new chat for example).

All in all Yappari is a great application and i`m blown away by what You achieved with it Scorpius. Great showcase of your coding skills. Honestly, I expected some quasi usable, resource hogging and bug ridden software that barely works. Oh boy how MUCH I was surprised when started using it. Thank You!

PS - installation and registration (used it for the first time ever on my N900) went seamlessly.

edit edit
Two more things I forgot:
11. In chat view, there is double dots (instead of one) between month and a year numbers:

12. While in chat view, cursor should be put in text input field automatically all the time after every operation - just like when I open chat from the list. Now when you tap that smiled icon for icon insert action and tap it immediately again without actually using any icon, bum! text input focus is gone - you have to click once again, at the text input field. Unnecessary and annoying when you are fast typing and you have to correct it all the time. It happened when entering chat view by the maemo new message notification thumbnail from task manager too.

Last edited by artpra; 2013-11-13 at 07:57.

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Hi all I have problem in yappri when I open a program, the program closes itself automatically .....How can I fix this problem ?
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Northern Italy
Originally Posted by reinob View Post

I guess the always-diminishing number of people still using WinMo combined with the lack of developers is the cause of this. Maemo is a tiny minority, but a big chunk of the community is either a developer (in some sense) or at least has some interest in the further development of Maemo. This makes us very special

People using WinMo who need Whatsapp probably just buy the next Android/iOS/WinPhone device available without giving it much thought.
Hmm. You have a point. I guess what's left of the WinMo crowd just doesn't care enough about their system.

Too bad, though... there are a lot of still-functional WinMo devices out there that could be kept working and recycled to people who can't afford or don't want to invest into a modern smartphone. WinMo phones even support half-decent mobile browsing, with many of the same compromises we have to deal with on Maemo.

Last edited by Fallingwater; 2013-11-13 at 01:49.

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Scorpius, is there any way to connect to whatsapp servers through TOR? seems like something wrong with our internet providers...
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I've noticed that sometimes when you receive a picture you can see the thumbnail in the imageviewer but when you try to open the picture it says unable to display picture. This is an imageviewer bug and here's a workaround: Go back and when you see the thumbnail long-press it and select Details. Type anything in the Title and then press Done. Then you can open the picture normally.

I'm not working on Yappari right now but for the next release and since this is a hassle, I'll make Yappari to auto-add a title to the metadata information of JPEG files to avoid the imageviewer bug which is very annoying. The bug is: it doesn't open any JPEG file with no metadata. Blackberries always send JPEG with no metadata for example (if the picture is from the Blackberry's camera).

Originally Posted by Tayfour View Post
Hi all I have problem in yappri when I open a program, the program closes itself automatically .....How can I fix this problem ?
Search the thread. Usually corrupted chats.db file, deleting it should be enough. It's in /home/user/.yappari/chats.db. Also sometimes it's log corruption. Delete the logs with rm -r /home/user/.yappari/logs (or something).

Originally Posted by murik View Post
Scorpius, is there any way to connect to whatsapp servers through TOR? seems like something wrong with our internet providers...
Yappari uses the default routes. That means if you, for example, connect to a remote network using OpenVPN and route all your traffic through that, Yappari would be routed like that too.



There's so much to talk about all your suggestions that it would really spam the thread.

Anyway for now, I can tell you that the double dots must be something wrong in your regional settings. Yappari uses the Maemo's locale settings to display the date. Look at the screenshots in the first post, for most of us the date is MM/DD/YY. Check in your phone the Date Format in Settings -> Language & Region.
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Last edited by Scorpius; 2013-11-13 at 13:32.
Posts: 164 | Thanked: 64 times | Joined on May 2013
Unfortunately I'm not using open vpn, only tor. And as far as I know it must be set to each program separately...
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2013
Socrpius .. Really thank you very much for are a really good man

artpra's Avatar
Posts: 158 | Thanked: 355 times | Joined on Sep 2011
Originally Posted by Scorpius View Post
Anyway for now, I can tell you that the double dots must be something wrong in your regional settings. Yappari uses the Maemo's locale settings to display the date. Look at the screenshots in the first post, for most of us the date is MM/DD/YY. Check in your phone the Date Format in Settings -> Language & Region.
My regional settings are fine (Polish/Poland resulting in DD/MM/YY format) and all other apps are fine - there is nothing to mess up, really.
Maybe Yappari is having problems with this regional settings, similar to this and this.
Posts: 863 | Thanked: 213 times | Joined on Feb 2012 @ Goa
sometimes pic uploading gets cancelled so is there anything to upload images fast? or plz make an option "retry". thank u in advance

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