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Poll: How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB
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How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB

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Posts: 38 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Dec 2012 @ rochester
Originally Posted by The Wizard of Huz View Post
Hi joerg_rw. Is it possible to detach the keyboard from pcb? I want to design a body in which the keyboard is located below the screen at the same level as the screen. So I will get thinner device and still have 2 batteries side by side.

Something that looks like this(I did not draw that :-)

Finished device would be the size of Palm V.

Edit: added info and links.
just wondering if you or anyone els has exsplored the idea of using 3D plastic printing to buld a modified case for your needs?

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Originally Posted by klinglerware View Post
When it comes to feature parity, I hope that AWS 3G is retained. I know it is a band that few people use or care about, but I use it every day (I am a US n900 owner). If T-Mobile US successfully moves it's HSDPA services to the 1900 band, perhaps this will be a less of a dealbreaker in the future.
I'm with you there; for various non-technical reasons (read: the wife won't switch), I'm stuck on T-Mobile. Not that I'm complaining about T-Mobile service, but "upgrading" to a phone that won't work with my service plan is a no go. I would also like to see this thing packed with as much RAM as possible, and Bluetooth low power. Those are my two biggest pain points right now on N900. Everything else is just icing, albeit very welcome icing

Of course, if I'm really dreaming, I'd like to see a truly flexible software defined radio (or multiple ones!) put in, so that any future wireless standards could be easily handled by loading different firmware profiles/software configurations. Just think: no more missing out on newer standards like NFC, or backwards compatibility with devices such as ANT. A higher megapixel camera would also be nice, but it's not a dealbreaker. Faster CPU is good, as long as it can be scaled way down on the power consumption (another pain point).

Last edited by npsimons; 2013-11-20 at 16:49.

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Originally Posted by npsimons View Post
I'm with you there; for various non-technical reasons (read: the wife won't switch), I'm stuck on T-Mobile. Not that I'm complaining about T-Mobile service, but "upgrading" to a phone that won't work with my service plan is a no go.
Please refer to (recommended: PLS8-US, PLS8-E, PXS8) and pick your favourite. We build to order :-)

For the rest of your requests: we're doing our best. Please refer to all this got discussed in this very thread before.


Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-11-20 at 17:04.

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Posts: 21 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Ridgecrest, California, USA
Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
Please refer to (recommended: PLS8-US, PLS8-E, PXS8) and pick your favourite. We build to order :-)

For the rest of your requests: we're doing our best. Please refer to all this got discussed in this very thread before.

Thank you, not just for this, but for all you do! As a code monkey, I'm not much into the hardware side these days, so I highly appreciate all this work; it's what I've been looking for for a while.

Sorry about the duplicate requests; I hadn't had a chance to peruse the whole thread yet.

Also, I'm not sure how much help is needed (or how much time I could spare), but I used to hack on RTLinux and would love an opportunity to help with software, even if it's just code reviews. One of these days, I ought to find a way to get paid full-time to do Linux kernel hacking again . . .

EDIT: 129 pages, is a *lot* to peruse, but I suppose this comment isn't helping; perhaps a wiki page to boil it down/keep most recent developments on, and put a link to that at the top of the first page. Also, I did find the links to the SW dev side; I will keep an eye on those; count me in!

Last edited by npsimons; 2013-11-20 at 17:26.

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Thanks to massive help from Xes, I've been able to sort out the camdoor proximity sensor component and partially the magnet sensor backcover detector.
Still pending and a HUGE problem: the SMIA95-16pin THRUboard connector for the main camera module. Any help much appreciated!


PS: @npsimons: Help on the FPTF much needed and highly appreciated. Please /join #maemo-ssu on and talk to the guys there.

Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-11-20 at 20:32.

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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
Though we plan to have a 80% "cut off" (some trench milled into the PCB to allow kbd to bend without making the BGA chips on other half of PCB go 'pop'), and thus a "breaking off" of kbd PCB half was theoretically possible maybe, you still would need to place that other half of upper-PCB - with its display connector and whatnot - somewhere, so nothing gained by such design regarding thickness of device. Sorry./j
If it it possible to separate those two parts, than I can set the keyboard part a little higher than the upper-PCB, so that the screen and keyboard will be on the same level. Other wise the screen will be a few mm higher off the pcb than the keyboard, even after removing the sliding mechanism.

Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
You rather should think about placing additional battery volume underneath the "roof" formed by slide-up display. There's available volume of roughly 23*12*110 mm^3 which makes for quite some LiIon-stored energy.

If you want to lift the kbd a few mm to make it flush and plane with display, you easily can attach a second kbd to replace the original one.

Are you saying that it is possible to use other batteries than the N900 battery?
Edit: is it possible to use Note 2 battery?
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Last edited by The Wizard of Huz; 2013-11-20 at 22:50.

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Originally Posted by The Wizard of Huz View Post
Are you saying that it is possible to use other batteries than the N900 battery?
Edit: is it possible to use Note 2 battery?
Of course it's possible to use any standard chemistry 3.7V LiIon cell with Neo900 - if you find a way to connect it instead of or in parallel to the BL-5J. Where you place that battery is another problem. I think there are companies that build LiIon to order, in low quantity. No idea abut Note2 battery.


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Ariadeno's Avatar
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Hmm.. It looks like neo900 will be coming out before Jolla.

Phones: Motorola Moto G 2nd gen | Nokia N900
Tablet: Dell Venue 8 Pro 5830
SBC: Raspberry Pi 2

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Originally Posted by Ariadeno View Post
Hmm.. It looks like neo900 will be coming out before Jolla.
Not necessarily. Jolla's on 27th November for Finland (still limited). For others probably December or January. At OHSW the Neo900 isn't complete either, just to showcase the modem and others (I'm not sure what others are :P)
Still learning on geeky knowledge
N9 *stolen*N900 *died*N900 *on hiatus* OnePlus X

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Originally Posted by PWN900 View Post
just wondering if you or anyone els has exsplored the idea of using 3D plastic printing to buld a modified case for your needs?
I did. But milling it out of aluminum (or titanium) is better because the case will be much stronger. 3d printed plastic case needs designed in reinforcements and such, and the surface has not as nice finishing as milled alu.
Nokia has released cad drawings for some lumia cases which were 3d printed by users, and they broke very easily.

And Estel has build a milling machine, would be waste to 3d print
Motorola M3688 → Ericsson R320 → Siemens S40 → Motorola V60c → Palm Treo 650 → Blackberry 9000 → Nokia N900 → HP Pre 3 → Nokia N900 → Nokia N9 → Nokia N900 → Nokia 808 → Blackberry Z10 → Blackberry Passport

Only dead fish swim with the stream.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to The Wizard of Huz For This Useful Post:

neo900, thank you!

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