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Akkumaru's Avatar
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I'm pretty sure either Engadget or The Verge will participate. But, their reviews will most likely bash on it.
Still learning on geeky knowledge
N9 *stolen*N900 *died*N900 *on hiatus* OnePlus X
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Originally Posted by Akkumaru View Post
I'm pretty sure either Engadget or The Verge will participate. But, their reviews will most likely bash on it.
Glad you didn't say Gizmodo. WTF is going on with that site lately? Way too damn hipster for me.

I'm personally waiting on Ars Technica's take on Jolla. That's going to be a serious read.
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reviewwwwww where is it?? mana???
Posts: 650 | Thanked: 619 times | Joined on Nov 2009
I just noticed that the numbers of app submissions as well as registered developers have jumped up a lot. Last week I usually saw single digit for the two metrics but today they are 27/80 respectively.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
I'm personally waiting on Ars Technica's take on Jolla. That's going to be a serious read.
I'm not sure they ever will, at least in a timely manner...
They very rarely cover anything about Sailfish(Jolla), & when they do they seem quite disengaged/uninformed.
When it comes to Android alternatives they seem far more interested in Ubuntu Touch, & then maybe Tizen

Completely OT, but some good reading over there ATM:

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-11-27 at 05:27.
Dave999's Avatar
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the best review is the avreage joe on the street.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
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Tips and twets from DNA:

"DNA ‏@DNA_fi 15 h
Vaatevinkki huomiselle: lämpimät sisävaatteet, t-paita ei riitä. Ulkovaatteille on narikka ja sateensuojassa ollaan. #hauskinjono #protip"

Rough translation: "A tip on what to wear: warm clothes for indoors, a t-shirt is not enough. There is a cloakroom for outdoor clothes and we´re safe from the rain"

On paying methods: "@Juukks Same as in DNA Kauppa stores. Cash and cards. @JollaHQ"

Sneak peek:

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Tomi Pienimäki was at finnish good-morning TV this morning. Showed the phone and the interviewer was playing with it, but nothing new was revealed. Tomi really is not that good performer even in finnish. A bit too engineer like. Not meant to offend engineers. His specialists talents must lay somewhere else.

In addition to him, there was some Aalto University professor. Can't remember his special field, something like mobile communication. What I really liked about his speeches was that he said he was confident of the ease of usage of sailfish. The interviewer was worried of lack of buttons in user experience, but the professor told her that the Nokia N9 had no buttons also, Sailfish is reminiscent of that phone and the N9 was the greatest UI invention in mobile industry. Now there one must agree

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do they serve pink drinks?

No ssh device yet unfortutunatly. I hope to see it soon. The world is bigger than Helsinki .
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

"pretty soon", funniest line, jolla, pipo party, sailfish, tmo red

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