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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
isnt btrfs more suitable for emmc/flash memory than ext4?
AFAIK btrfs is the next thing (even according to one of the ext4 developers). In fact, Oracle and friends are merging a lot of zfs features there, which is a great FS. I'm surprised Jolla picked it as it isn't fully stable, especially on kernel 3.4. They must have tested it though, and a lot of people are using it.

Now, isn't this off topic? :-) I'd like MeeRun please.

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Sygic! Always good to have different navigation apps, but Sygic worked well on Maemo (plus hackable UI, woohoo!) and it does work well on Android. Enough advanced functions, only thing I like to see now is support for bikes.

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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
ModRana does turn-by-turn online & offline (using Monav) navigation. So as long as I can get Monav & Espeak (or equivalent TTS system) working on Sailfish, it should work there too.
I hope that we get navigation and voice working on the N9 port too.

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RE: why btrfs is better for emmc/flash, deleted post: For what reason?
Apparently because it has "Block discard support", which among other things improves wear leveling on SSDs/flash/etc.. It does have SSD mode as well which does a few things to level wear. Apparently everything is about leveling wear.

Like I said before, it's weird that they chose it. My kernel is 3.10+, and look at what it says:
Btrfs is highly experimental, and THE DISK FORMAT IS NOT YET 
FINALIZED. You should say N here unless you are interested in 
testing Btrfs with non-critical data.
I mean.. it isn't so much of a problem if the format isn't finalised (assuming they are versioning it ;-) ), as migrating to btrfs is pretty straightforward. Still, I didn't have the courage to test it myself, but loads of people out there are using it.

I guess I'll start testing it with my Jolla [when it arrives]!

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Originally Posted by ggabriel View Post
Apparently because it has "Block discard support", which among other things improves wear leveling on SSDs/flash/etc.. It does have SSD mode as well which does a few things to level wear. Apparently everything is about leveling wear.
An intresting feature of btrfs is the incremental backup feature which apparently is used by Jolla for baselinig the device OS;
There exists a "clean untouched OS" baseline on the flash partitions, and when user does a device wipe by "settings->reset device" the filesystem state is rolled back to the baseline...

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Originally Posted by ggabriel View Post
Apparently because it has "Block discard support"... It does have SSD mode as well which does a few things to level wear. Apparently everything is about leveling wear.
I concur, that's been a well-known characteristic of it for some time, one of it's stand out aspects.
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QLandkarte M - does run on my N900/Maemo
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For people with devices and track stocks, can you please try out "Stockona" and let me know if everything works? Feedback on UX especially welcomed!

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Yes, seriously.
Some of you might just shake their heads, but it's fun (and you wouldn't give away as much of your location data on a Jolla, i reckon). On one hand, I've read on a german page that it supposedly runs on the device, on the other hand isn't GPS supposed to be unsupported in Aliendalvik?

Yeah, so, hoping for a native Version (which will never ever happen).
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