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Very sexy, piggz.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2013-12-01 at 10:54.
kollin's Avatar
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I'm getting really impatient to install Sailfish on my phone after last bug from my n9 (proximity sensor stopped working and the solution is reset or reflash of the device). If i'm going to reset or reflash i'd rather change the OS entirely
Dear Enemy: may the Lord hate you and all your kind, may you be turned orange in hue, and may your head fall off at an awkward moment.
How to tell Heretics from Catholics?Papal legate Arnaud Amalric answers :Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.(Kill them all, the Lord will recognise His own.)
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Barnabas Collins
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Originally Posted by milad ghusn View Post
now SailfishOS has ported to N950 .
Why did you repost this? It is already on last page -_-

Great work with the N950
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Now proting sailfishOS to n9 very close

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#285 Let's announce a #n950club meeting on #IrC 1st sunday of month 19h UTC to flash #JollA #SailFishOs #MeeGo ... see you in few hours
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dear all
i am using galaxy s4 and one of my friend bought me a Nokia N9 from UAE in 150 US dollar. i am really looking forward to put Sailfish in N9.
i am used to flash custom ROMs in different android phones right from legendary G1.
what i can expect in sailfish ported N9? will voice calls work because in Nitrdoid this is the only problem i see.

let me know guys. i am a noob in meego so help me .
Dave999's Avatar
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Is this a team effort or a one man show?
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
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Posts: 3,464 | Thanked: 5,107 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Gothenburg in Sweden
Seems like Jollas strategy is to push Sailfish to as many Android devices as possible (via the community ports)

However I doubt it is Jolla themself that will "port" sailfishos to X/Y device. I think that is kinda misleading info... What they may do is to allow thirdparty to access the repositorys.

Most of what we have seen so far is ports done by the community thanks to cyangonmod and jollas existing libhybris.

But if Jolla port to some device, its probadly licensed by X/Y company because Jolla has no time to do that when they just released a phone and Infra/Shop etc...

My guess is this is a marketing strategy to talk about those Android portings: The more consumers who test the OS the more intrests they get and can push harder to get bigger companys to buy SailfishOS license hopefully...

Question is if this strategy will work....

and about n9 adaption. People must understand, as some already has said: Its way harder to get sailfishos work on N9 than it is on Android devices. Simply because of the driver issues etc.

Also they can't and shall not use they'r very limited resources on porting to N9 when there is plenty of other more important stuff to fix on theyr on phone and infra, support, shop etc...

N9 port is our job to fix not Jollas. Again people are free to participate in the nemo/mer project...
Keep safe and healthy

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2013-12-01 at 20:10.

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Posts: 3,464 | Thanked: 5,107 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Gothenburg in Sweden
Originally Posted by ankjain View Post
dear all
i am using galaxy s4 and one of my friend bought me a Nokia N9 from UAE in 150 US dollar. i am really looking forward to put Sailfish in N9.
i am used to flash custom ROMs in different android phones right from legendary G1.
what i can expect in sailfish ported N9? will voice calls work because in Nitrdoid this is the only problem i see.

let me know guys. i am a noob in meego so help me .
see nemo wayland for what works and not...

(remember: Sailfishos is the top of mer/nemo port)
Keep safe and healthy

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jolla, nokia, sailfish

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