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Originally Posted by ggabriel View Post
Neither did I, and I remember taking it to very low temperatures, albeit I haven't left it outside on purpose. The phone does come with operating temperatures limits though.
The problem appears when i use the maps (i like walking) in foreign city in cold weather(zero or below ).Last Christmas i was in Vienna and it was very annoying when display stopped refreshing - maps are useless without phone's display
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Originally Posted by kollin View Post
The problem appears when i use the maps (i like walking) in foreign city in cold weather(zero or below ).Last Christmas i was in Vienna and it was very annoying when display stopped refreshing - maps are useless without phone's display
Fair enough - it's a good test then. Jolla's Guide says "Avoid extreme temperatures.", which isn't too conclusive. People living in North Finland may have a slightly different idea than people living in Cyprus about what extreme is and isn't. Would be nice for Jolla to clarify :-)
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Originally Posted by jpel View Post
Has anyone found a way to get sound notification working with Android Whatsapp client ?
It works for me, but sound is not very loud. Notification led or vibration alarm does not work.

Have you checked that notification sound is enabled in whatsapp settings?
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I just was wondering if you can make floating resizable windows, like on a desktop, with sailfish. Also, does a stylus or pen work well with this device? Probably too early but, are there pen or writing recognition apps available?
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Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I just was wondering if you can make floating resizable windows, like on a desktop, with sailfish. Also, does a stylus or pen work well with this device? Probably too early but, are there pen or writing recognition apps available?
The windows are not resizable and are one set size when ther are four or less open:-

From 4-9 they go to this

Once you have more than 9 open they do not show unless you go to cancel them by long press:-

iPad styluses work fine and the screen works through a waterproof bag too.
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Last edited by bockersjv; 2013-12-04 at 17:27.

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Originally Posted by vitaminj View Post
The mic and ground pins are just swapped, so one adaptor will work "both ways".
I'm glad that the pins have changed from the N9 - means I can throw away my stupid adaptor and buy any headphone I want (I quite like the Coloud Pops, which are obviously iPhone/Android/Lumia-wired only). No need to either have something stupid dangling from my headphone jack or search out something "Nokia compatible" (actually I think even the new Ashas have fallen in line now, so headsets will soon be impossible to find Old-Nokia-wired).
I have a pair of coloud pops and the following weird thing happens (n900 means the N900 headset that came with the phone)

       BB Z10    N900     N9             808   Nexus 7 
pops   ok        noise    not detected   dead  no mic
n900   ok        ok       ok             ???   no mic
Can't make heads or tails. BB10 has autodetect? Or is it something else and Lumias/Pops still have the old Nokia standard?

btw the Nokia standard was the sane one. Wiring the ground (3 cables) to the tiniest pin of the plug is insane, and almost impossible to do by hand.
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Is there a way to lock rotation per application? Lock some apps in portrait and some in landscape?
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Originally Posted by jpel View Post
Has anyone found a way to get sound notification working with Android Whatsapp client ?
check my post on page 90...
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Originally Posted by ejjoman View Post
I don't think, the android support is that bad for Jolla.
See that from the other side: Jolla needs customers. Without at least standard apps like WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and so on, nobody will buy a Jolla. I think that was a big point on the N9, too.

With a growing user base, the need for good apps will grow also. But only native sailfish apps can be qualitatively good on Jolla and the developers will probably start to port their apps to sailfish os, if there are enough users.

So, at first Jolla needs many apps to have a chance to get many customers and then the market will regulate itself.
That is how I see this and I think this is the right decision of Jolla.

I hope it is clear what i meant, sorry for my bad English :-)
Its not good if the android apps crash, its not good if the Jolla enginneers has to fix Android/Dalvik compabilty related bugs or implement Q/Y/Z functions like camera, gps or whatever support in Android layer.

Reason I say that is: This time is needed for native apps, bugfixes in native OS and so on.

Just my opinionjust to clarify my last post.
Keep safe and healthy

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Originally Posted by szopin View Post
All great points guys and very interesting, but please MODS move those Android-compatibility-a-plus-or-a-curse posts to a separate thread, how is this user experience on Jolla?
Good point! Even if I should be blamed for starting that discussion.
Keep safe and healthy

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