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Originally Posted by maluka View Post
It's not because it's a hackintosh, it behaves the same way on official hardware. It has something to do with the Btrfs file system that Jolla uses not being supported on OSX yet.
It is one of the issues related to mass-storage. But Jolla does not have mass-storage support. Just like all current android phones out there... Please read the messages above.
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Originally Posted by herpderp View Post
At this day and age, what is the justification not doing something like this?
Generally end users just press yes to all privilege questions, so there is no point of asking, as its just one useless dialog that bothers the end user experience. There is no point of asking question that users dont understand anyways (well yes 1% do understand, but do you want 1% to spoil the experience for 99% of other users). Those 1% are able to do their own hardening in developer mode anyways (as you can freely tweak android app permissions from commandline).

Malware gatekeeping is done at store QA state (when in developer mode all bets are off anyways) and QA checks that application does not have suid bits nor privileged-group to access the privileged data directory. No Aegis will prevent that anyways as there are always ways around it, even on N9 it was easy to make malware application that steals all your data (event the aegis protected data).
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Originally Posted by Philippe View Post
It is one of the issues related to mass-storage. But Jolla does not have mass-storage support. Just like all current android phones out there... Please read the messages above.
I can only talk about the devices I have here - my N9 and BB Z10 both work and transfer files without incident. I don't have my Nexus 7 handy (it's in Jamaica, I'm in the US at the moment) but the need to communicate with my desktop/laptop one way or the other would still be considered an oversight in my book.

Thanks for the clarification. But over the air synchronization needs to be streamlined in future iterations in regards to OS X and other operating systems that are, for all intents and purposes, more plentiful than Linux.

I run Linux and Windows via VMWare Fusion, so I could spin up an instance and do what I need. But as I've made aware earlier, I'm in the US. So no phone to test.

Mavericks indeed broke a lot of things. What are the options going forward that would be a tad bit less cumbersome and instant? Sync via wi-fi perhaps? Bluetooth? Most Macs have those for the last few years.

What's in store? There's are ways around the broken bits that Mavericks did. BlackBerry has found a way.

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Originally Posted by Philippe View Post
It is one of the issues related to mass-storage. But Jolla does not have mass-storage support. Just like all current android phones out there... Please read the messages above.
When I look at different Android hardware it seems that this is a hardware issue: Some devices with actual e. g. cyanogenmod are able to mass storage, others to mtp (some both?) and it cannot be changed by software AFAIK.
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Originally Posted by maluka View Post
It's not because it's a hackintosh, it behaves the same way on official hardware. It has something to do with the Btrfs file system that Jolla uses not being supported on OSX yet.
Jolla doesn't export Btrfs through PC connectivity. Jolla emulates generic MTP protocol to PCs so they don't need to understand Btrfs. PCs only need to understand USB+MTP.

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Originally Posted by rainisto View Post
There is normal unix security to protect the data.

Sailfish protected data are in privileged group, and normal android applications don't have access to that group, as android apps run as randomuid:nemo-group. So they only have readonly access to nemo users dirs (if group has +r). If you make sailfish application, and chmod g-r on the file, then android application cannot read it.

But yes between sailfish applications both are running as nemo, there is no read access restrictions, but ofcourse you can encrypt your sailfish applications data files. And even normal nemo user sailfish applications cannot access the data from Jolla applications privileged group dirs (like facebook contacts etc are protected).

Nice to have an answer from somebody with some background knowledge.

Before we start chmodding and encrypting stuff...

Could you please explain the following:

Suppose I install "moneymaker.apk" on Android: moneymaker.apk demands access to: network, address book, phone status, location data, file system EVERYTIHING.
Allow? Yes / No
Here you think: ok maybe No is the better choice and I 'll forget this ever happened and download the next app.

How does an install of moneymaker.apk go on Jolla?
Is there a warning? Yes or No, if not, why not again?

Or I can safely go ahead as even Skype for Android cannot get my sailfish generated location, address book data, check phone status etc... because it runs as nemo and does not have access to "protected data"?

thanks for elaborating a little more...

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Originally Posted by richardyates View Post

If you would like to see some of the pictures they are in my flickr feed currently the first 7 pictures are all ones taken with the jolla
sometimes there seems to be a purple color cast, I have noted this on the other examples as well.

Exif data does not identify the camera as "Jolla"?

I notice your Flickr identifies the Lumia 1020.
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Originally Posted by richardyates View Post
On screen it shows me 07:44 under which there are 5 illuminated lines, then a gap then 2 dark lines (sorry not got chance to screenshot and in a hurry)

Yesterday and today the alarm hasn't gone off at all - it is definitely supposed to go off every day - can you feed that one back too?
Just to check: Have you set it to alarm mo-su (every day) or mo-fr (every working day)? Now your illuminated lines indicate that you might have set it to alarm mo-fr, or you have hit another bug on displaying the alarm data.
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Originally Posted by cy8aer View Post
When I look at different Android hardware it seems that this is a hardware issue: Some devices with actual e. g. cyanogenmod are able to mass storage, others to mtp (some both?) and it cannot be changed by software AFAIK.
This is not a hardware issue. That cyanogenmod supports it in some cases is because it makes certain choices.

For mass-storage we need to have a separate FAT partition to have it work on all OS's. This then needs to be unmounted/remounted on demand. Measures need to be taken that programs don't block those actions. Nor panic when the FS they plan to use disappears. Then there are the issues with buffers, possible file corruption, ...
Other impact is that the user will have hacked up storage etc...

This is why everybody has been moving away from mass-storage and onto MTP as removes the problems with multiple access etc.

And as I explained before, MTP used to work on OS X at the time we made the decision. And we are working on a solution for the only broken OS out there...

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Originally Posted by att View Post
Jolla doesn't export Btrfs through PC connectivity. Jolla emulates generic MTP protocol to PCs so they don't need to understand Btrfs. PCs only need to understand USB+MTP.
That's what I was thinking. What is the filesystem layout in Sailfish?

I much prefer Sailfish to use BtrFS and other advanced filesystems than to store everything on Fat32 just so every computer can mount it.

Last edited by drcouzelis; 2013-12-13 at 15:26.

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