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If you want to express feelings with GIFs, I believe this one speaks for everyone in the thread:

Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
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Originally Posted by davidoz View Post
It 's really strange, it's like you were blocked. From Monday, just picking up the 3000, and oddly enough they are almost all Finns. To me they have a few phones and many, including myself, unfortunately, will receive the phone after Christmas.
Same case for me....#3142 and NOTHING. It seems like they only sent to finnish second-wave orders....
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Originally Posted by AlloAllo View Post
Finally a step forward, #1000031XX Finland in picking
Shipped! Yeah! So close but still so far, the logistical center where the packet is being handled is roughly about 3km from here. And when it goes to my nearest post office, the truck will drive about 100 meters from my frontdoor just to go few kilometers to the other way
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I still don't get the point in this thread. Jolla promised to ship within 4 weeks. I don't know a single person who has been waiting longer than 4 weeks. Mine was delivered yesterday (in Germany). Unfortunately, I won't have it in my hands before friday since I'm traveling this week

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I share most of your opinion. But there is something that I cannot accept: that someone running around in Helsinki can buy complete spontaneously the Jolla if he wants. And we, that follow it since the beginning and payed blindly, are left behind without information. That is not acceptable.

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Originally Posted by epmt View Post
When the delays started rearing their heads, that was the moment when better communications would have - in my opinion - helped immensely.
Or created an enormous panic reaction in community. If they had managed to solve the problems as they believed when DNA's launch was postponed, there would be no problem - except if they actually communicated that out too early. In perfect world people are understanding, forgiving and never misunderstand each other. In real world... it's more wretched.

I meant being open early on and giving people information to help them choose. Jolla's CEO just made it sound like delivering the phones to DNA was much easier for them, why didn't they tell us of that beforehand? Give people information that helps them make more informed choices.
At that point they should have known for sure that problems are not solvable in time. There would be no point in communicating things before they are actually known for sure. Even slightest hint of uncertainty regarding deliveries creates huge backlash, no matter how you try to communicate them. That's why they are communicated only when other means are exhausted. We have seen it before, they have communicated things in open manner and it causes problems when something unexpected happens that forces them to make changes and communicate that out. Such changes result in disappointment, frustration and boatload of questions. So, it's fine line between being too silent and being too open.

I argue it would NOT have taken any more time off from doing those delivers. Handing out information would be done by different people than are actually fulfilling the deliveries.
Yes, in companies that actually have a PR department. Unfortunately PR-departments don't necessarily have all the information about real situations and as far as I have understood, it's one of the most despised things here.

In fact, I actually think giving out more timely information, more openly would have meant Jolla had to answer less tweets, less care emails etc. and would have actually saved Jolla time. Pre-emptive, timely communications can help a lot.
I have to admit I admire your optimism. However, more communications usually spur more communications, more information spurs more questions so I doubt it would have made any difference in that regard.

Without information it is very hard to know they are doing anything at all. Silence makes things faith based. You know, many people thought Jolla was going to deliver before the DNA sales while they already knew on the background they would no way make it. This means we can't trust the silence. (In this particular case, my feeling is that we can, though, expect most to get their Jollas shipping by Christmas - so at least that part to me seems optimistic.)
No amount of communications change the faith aspect of things. Only delivered devices, software updates and such things do. Of course communications may increase or reduce that faith - or even both at the same time. The hard part is to know which reaction will be dominant in each situation.

I disagree. Read this thread. There are dozens and dozens of pages of people sharing info about order tracking progress that they had to build up themselves, because Jolla chose not to share anything about the process. A lot of that effort could have been alleviated with more openness.
Um... how do you think they do that without losing any time when even tracking codes and shipping status information in shop lags behind schedule to help increase throughput?

Last edited by JulmaHerra; 2013-12-18 at 20:53.

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Originally Posted by AlloAllo View Post
... And when it goes to my nearest post office, the truck will drive about 100 meters from my frontdoor just to go few kilometers to the other way
time to buy this:

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Originally Posted by lupastro View Post
I share most of your opinion. But there is something that I cannot accept: that someone running around in Helsinki can buy complete spontaneously the Jolla if he wants. And we, that follow it since the beginning and payed blindly, are left behind without information. That is not acceptable.
...and not only that, Jolla didn't respect the pre-order order they promised to (not for webshop invites nor for actual shippings), so people who ordered their phones in September got them earlier while people who ordered in May didn't - even though they paid promptly.

So, the process really went wrong and good timely information would have helped to alleviate that.

Anyway, now it is more about lessons learned, most people will get their Jollas soon and the rest after Christmas - I have enough faith to believe that.

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Originally Posted by lupastro View Post
I share most of your opinion. But there is something that I cannot accept: that someone running around in Helsinki can buy complete spontaneously the Jolla if he wants. And we, that follow it since the beginning and payed blindly, are left behind without information. That is not acceptable.
Well. I guess Jolla just wants a small piece of the Christmas cake as well
I'm not in Helsiniki, so I just don't care much if people can buy it there or not.
On the other hand, I totally understand it's quite a big deal for a 100-people company like Jolla to ship such a huge bunch of devices to seperate addresses, while it's far more easy to just hand over a complete stock to DNA who can easily distribute the devices through their already existing infrastructure. You should rather blame the network providers in your country for not distributing Jolla instead of blaming Jolla for beeing a total newbie in this market.
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Originally Posted by inte View Post
......On the other hand, I totally understand it's quite a big deal for a 100-people company like Jolla to ship such a huge bunch of devices to seperate addresses, ..........
I do not get it. Which is the difficult thing in it? Just print 4000 different address stickers. And do a little of paperwork for the devices going to Norway and Switzerland.

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