I know some people dislike have new threads but the experience thread starting to be really bloated and as I have seen some Jolla engineers actually answers question related to media etc... I think its good idea have a new thread ONLY related to media/camera bugs.
Here is an issue that I seen:
I have noticed that mediaplayer, or more exact trackerd, does not recognise all album images?
They may be named stupid dunno...
In my case I often buy from cdon.com but seems those is not scanned because its jpeg naming? Example my mp3 songs from my coldplay directory the album art is named:
Here is an issue that I seen:
I have noticed that mediaplayer, or more exact trackerd, does not recognise all album images?
They may be named stupid dunno...
In my case I often buy from cdon.com but seems those is not scanned because its jpeg naming? Example my mp3 songs from my coldplay directory the album art is named:
Music/coldplay/mylolo_xylolo/Coldplay Mylo Xyloto 1 Mylo Xyloto.jpg
seems not to be scanned by trackerd?
/home/nemo/Music/Nightwish/Oceanborn/image_front.jpg is scanned. Now this album_image.jpg
so question now is do I have to rename all album art to album_image.jpg to make sure trackerd scans it?
Now this did work in harmattan...
Keep safe and healthy