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Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
It only means that you do what you actually like as you keep working on day off, it's good, but it's your decision
Yes, work and hobby is mixed together, I'm not complaining, every day is an interesting day nowadays
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Very disappointing behaviour by Jolla especially after all the publicly stated claims to support FOSS principles.

If you cannot have full and unfettered access to hardware that you have purchased you may as well throw it into the sea.

Locking the boot loader means it is harder to ensure that NSA, GCHQ or other snoopers are kept out of your system. Makes me wonder if there was any pressure applied to the Jolla team from interested parties like the Chinese to lock down these phones for the purposes of state control of users.

Just so glad I read this before updating my phone. Unless this policy is reversed then this will be the fastest self obsoleting piece of hardware I have ever purchased


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Ok, so, right after discovering a method to run what I want on the device, an update comes and breaks this method. And all we get is vague promises about a brighter future.

I am having Déjà vu. Lots of it.

Originally Posted by Venemo View Post
They also said that the situation will improve with the next update. Seriously, it's a holiday right now, please have some patience. I bet you wouldn't like it if your boss/customers asked you to work in your holiday either..
Oh, I fully agree. In fact, I would really wish that whoever this "boss" is would stop asking these employees to ship, during Christmas, updates that actively cripple the device. That would have been much better.

"Cripple first, give explanations latter" was basically the Aegis motto during the early days.

And I'm not even saying that this update completely cripples the device. But, hey, as said, set your priorities straight. It has been mentioned in this thread for lots of pages that "annoying tinkerers" might not be in the best interests of the company. A few words instead of "future updates may or may not completely cripple the device" would be nice.

Look at Stskeeps' post: it was detailed, technical, mentioned future plans, and got a lot of karma. He obviously forgot to mention that locking the bootloader was so high on Jolla's TODO list that they would do that during Christmas and before other features such as, say, allowing this lock to be bypassed when there is no lock code were implemented. *cough*

But at least there were some words. As it stands now, it seems that we have another method, that may or may not last until the next update, which means we're back to a page#1-like panic again.

Last edited by javispedro; 2013-12-28 at 03:48. Reason: Changed quite a bit

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I understand that after the cloak-and-dagger way that Nokia ran things, people are a bit sensitive about these things, but I really wish people would stop having tantrums every time something like this happens.

This is still a long way from Aegis, and seems to be an emergency measure after what I assume was a stern telling off by some service provider that threatened to block Jolla devices otherwise. If the choice were between this and something like MfE stopping working, I'll take the locked-but-circumventable bootloader. The N900 was never supported by exchange servers that required provisioning, for exactly these kinds of reasons.

Jolla's intentions are to be open, but they also need to be commercially viable. Those two aims are often in conflict, but if they ignore the second then they'll end up in the same fringe Maemo was condemned to. They're also small, so we can't expect finely crafted, legally acrobatic, solutions from the start.

Give em time, and please stop throwing your Jollas in the sea. The Baltic has enough heavy metal in it already.

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Originally Posted by rainisto View Post
And how do you install developer mode on the device that you have stolen from someone which asks you devicelock code on the boot?

We are not even trying to protect the case where user has installed developer mode by himself, as he as dismissed the warranty may void dialogs and such.
Besides having the bootloader in an IMG file to play with ? Which, can be used across devices ? OH! security doesnt matter once developer mode is accepted Right, so all an employee have to say is ' I dont care' and then you write off all responsibilities.
That will work surely, for all companies who might have considered a Jolla acceptable for a empoyee device, I am sure.
Jolla went wrong here when it comes to developers and an open device.
Mistakes happen, but come on, this whole process untill now have been compiled of nothing but closed communication, doing stuff and them telling.
The bootloader locking is just the latest example.
Not even in the changelogs was it mentioned that Jolla locked the bootloader.
Luckily, the first security flaw was discovered within hours to restore the unlocked bootloader.
But, even if I can hack the device to 'get around' Jollas attempts to protect, its not the point. I DONT WANT TO. I want the device open without having to spent MY time breaking it.
There are enough of these devices around.
Nokias being some.

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I just can say I 100% agree on NielDK's rationale and Javispedro's deja-vu induced concerns. Been there, suffered this before. The injuries still hurt. ~aegis
Hanlon's razor definitely not applicable here. Maybe Grey's Law though.

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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-12-28 at 09:31.

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its a crappy move from jolla, and its probably no coinscidence that they did it just when this thread started to move forward. But lets be patient and back off a little and we'll see what they'll do in the nearest weeks. Maybe they did it to prevent eager users to shoot their devices to junk during holiday even before they have had time to roll out their most critical updates.
Show a little patience and give this little company a break.

EDIT: joerg-rw: that video was hilarious. thx.

Last edited by Larswad; 2013-12-28 at 09:13.

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Daneel's Avatar
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So much feels like i'm reading youtube comments.

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Here's an official statement from Jolla:

There is no intention to lock down the device and disallow tinkering and we'll seek to remedy this regression when possible.
See this link for details.

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Originally Posted by Daneel View Post
So much feels like i'm reading youtube comments.
As a consumer I would expect Jolla to make me want to use Sailfish, then boot anything else from custom kernels to Linux forks.
But Sailfish + decent recovery first.

Has the security vacancy been filled in yet?

One of the software engineers on this forum might take the position to work at the root of evil and prevent it to consume itsself?

You are the person we are looking for, if you…

can prevent Jolla devices from being infected with rootkits
have practical experience in finding and fixing such problems
have the ability to document level of confidence in a component
can focus on improving, not complaining
have work experience in the security area
are a team player with can do -attitude
have good communication skills in English
are independent-minded, innovative and proactive in your work

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