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Originally Posted by javispedro View Post
I can tell you why it was keep: it was just more work to remove it. Which is what I fear with the "cripple first" approach. That when the time comes to actually make on the promises made, "there is no manpower"/"it is Christmas". But oh, there certainly was manpower to cripple it in the first place.
I don't even want to think of what can happen when one of lead devs go to vacation without internet or ill? We can get aegis back one of those opportunities comes
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Originally Posted by Stskeeps View Post
We grow them in vats from stemcells in a remote farm in Taiwan. Pictures are flashed into their front cameras that load the conciousness onto them.

Seriously though: There's always ways to initialize a flash on a device, on N900/N9 it was called a cold flash from recollection.
Would this be possible on a jolla device through usb?

Also I remember that for the nexus devices you had to run a script to retrieve the proprietary components and then build a rom. Would that not be possible here?

said you were thinking of ways of fixing the whole issue would it be too bad an idea to pull the proprietary bits off the device, and build the image on the users PC and then flash it, all behind the scenes obviously, like the Nokia Software Updater.

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Originally Posted by Stskeeps View Post
We grow them in vats from stemcells in a remote farm in Taiwan. Pictures are flashed into their front cameras that load the conciousness onto them.
I always assumed that the jollas grow on trees, and when the order status is "in picking" it means that it's when you pick them from the trees.

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Some recent tweets concerning the topic:
@HarriHakulinen 6m
@SimoRuoho Factory reset will return you to original OS, including completely open setup if that is important for you in short notice.

‏@HarriHakulinen 8m
@SimoRuoho OEM lock change was poorly communicated, but the intention was to secure user data. We will provide unlocking tools asap.
PS. Harri Hakulinen is Chief engineer at Jolla.

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Originally Posted by djselbeck View Post
It will just reset the / partition. There is no mention of reflashing the bootloader (aboot partition)
See what Stskeeps and Harri Hakulinen had to say about this.

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It is good to see that Jolla is really listening.

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A good writeup by somebody not associated with Jolla:

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I've just received an email answer from Marc Dillon and can ensure you that they are reacting to the critic of our userbase quite seriously.

It was a big surprise for me to see Marc answer me directly which definitely motivates me enough to continue working with sailfish and jolla in general.

Nonetheless I'm pulling my app from Harbour for the moment until Jolla opens up a bit. This means better kernel source publishing and more opensourcing of Sailfish core components. At the moment Silica qml libs and all required libs for running apps build with the sdk would be enough. I don't need the sources of every sailfish app like (musicplayer and so on)

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It is reassuring to read that the howls of discontent are being heeded at Jolla but it does appear that this is a fire fighting response only.

Currently the Jolla can only be recovered by being reflashed at the factory or service centre which is not a long term acceptable solution.

This is a major hurdle but Qualcomm can be helpful as per the FOSS WLAN USB dongle as supplied by ThinkPenguin:

Using below chipset:

This device is accredited by the Free Software Foundation:

Please work towards the facility for owners to reflash the total system and enable owner controlled lock down and encryption. We need to keep thieves and government agencies’ out of our hardware.


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Originally Posted by richardski View Post
Please work towards the facility for owners to reflash the total system and enable owner controlled lock down and encryption. We need to keep thieves and government agencies’ out of our hardware.

You'll have a hard time keeping out government, given the hw design seems to share eMMC and RAM between the APE core and the modem-radio core, and modem radio stack is very hardly ever getting opened for at least review (and even when it was, it would only reveal that there's no way to make sure there's no OTA backdoor)

IOW: modem can access your data, you can't access (or control) modem. Not even cryptfs will help to fix this.
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-12-30 at 01:26.

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