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TMavica's Avatar
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how to delete all contacts?? where its location??
The Glorious Lady T.Mavica
Posts: 284 | Thanked: 661 times | Joined on Aug 2013 @ Finland
From my previous review things have gotten better:

Clock: I'd like if it could be implemented that when the alarm plays (wake-up alarm for example) the core gestures would be deactived so you could only snooze or close alarm. Hoping this is possible and not too hard to implement
This had already been made as easy as possible: all edge gestures do actually snooze the alarm. Actually this is better than my initial suggestion.

Battery: When the battery drops below 10% the device starts to lag. A lot. The energy usage I hope could be made better, battery doesn't last long enough.
There's still lag below 10%, but thanks to deactivating tohd.service I've no more complaints about the battery/energy usage.

I've yet to inspect my problem with music player as I'm planning to buy either 32gb sdhc or 64gb sdxc microsd card with sd-card adapter to move all my music there and ditch my current microsd card that came with my Nokia. So more about that later.

More thoughts about user experience:

Mail: Should have "Mark all as read" option in pulley menu, or can they be marked as read from the "select messages" view? Still it would be more practical from the pulley menu.

People vs. contacts: I added contacts from the sim-card yet they didn't show in the telephone app (from the pulley menu >> call a person). I actually had to initiate a call to each of them manually from the "People" application for them to show as contacts in the telephone app / call a person section. Extra info: my contacts brought from sim-card don't have either forenames or surnames which the people app absolute requires when adding a new person, they only have nickname fields filled. Don't know if it's linked to the problem.
Complaint: people app absolute requires people to have either forenames or surnames when adding new people, why isn't a nickname enough? It has a field for it yet the app doesn't let add a person if the nickname field is the only field filled.

Also, why not ask all the contacts from the sim-card to be imported right from the first device run / the first time the sim-card is attached? I had some (fairly minor) trouble finding the right place to import contacts from sim.

There's probably more but can't remember them all you know

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I just came back from a christmas holiday in Istanbul. Here's some thoughts on Jolla from a perspective of using it as the main communinication device during holiday abroad.

- Battery life really sucked and with lots of photography it really drained battery too quickly. This was overcome midway trhough my holiday thanks to the 'OH battery fix', which I discovered at midpoint of the holiday. After the fix I could get a days lenght, and more, out of the device.

- Camera is in its current state really bad. Even more so than I thought before the holiday. I had really only done few quick test shots before the trip. Basically the colour resolution and differentation is truly attrocious on it. I took so many pictures where the colours reminded me more about an acid trip than the actual object of the shot.... Low light performance is also horrible, but that one everyone propably already knows just from few test shots.

In fact, the camera is the only thing about the phone that makes it seem overpriced for me. I would certainly expect more from a camera in a 400 euro device. My hopeful spin would be that the situation might be mostly about beta-stage of photography bits in the OS, and the actual camera hardware could do better once its optimised on the software side.

-WLAN connection kept having strange drops. Just like with my home and work networks. Not a biggie, but a minor annoyance.

-GPS worked well enough when I had network access. Saved me once when I got lost amids the freaky curving medieval streets near the old roman city walls.

Finally here's a screenshot that shows A.) How the phone shows the status of being connected to a foreign network (Saunalahti my finnish provider and Vodafone TR is the turkish network). B.) What the camera can do at its best. The bird shot in the theme is taken with Jolla. Pretty impressive shot on moving birds (IMHO).

EDIT: The 3G data counter zeroed once I connected to the turkish network. Just now noticed that it has returned to showing correctly the data used on my domestic provider.

Last edited by Rauha; 2013-12-28 at 23:00.

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Posts: 14 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Dec 2013
Am I the only one who is still experiencing the wifi bug?

aka "known networks get removed and stay invisible" -bug
torcida's Avatar
Posts: 84 | Thanked: 43 times | Joined on Nov 2012
Originally Posted by parasemic View Post
They seem to be located in sdcard/android/data or /obb.
Ok, thanks. But I cannot delete the file ("Delete Failed!") with the File Browser... For data/dalvik-cache for instance it worked.

P.S. Now - after second time - attaching the Poppy Red TOH I had the option to download the "The First One" Ambiance.
Nokia 808 PureView - 113.010.1507 / Nokia N9 - PR1.3 (OC @ 1.25 GHz) / Jolla -
Fellfrosch's Avatar
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Does anybody know how to get my calendar data from my N900 to my Jolla? Tried it with Bluetooth but that didn't work.
Posts: 385 | Thanked: 426 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Gothenburg, Sweden
If it hasn't been mentioned before (thread is 235 pages now).
When the phone shuts the screen off after the timout, every time its going back to the home screen. One have to move down to the running applications and maximize the one that was running. I'm started to getting tired of that. There should be an option in settings to choose the behavior after screen blanking.

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zlatko's Avatar
Posts: 861 | Thanked: 936 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Bulgaria
Yes, it is noticed and is in Jolla to-do list. Check it out and vote here:

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I have the power consumption measured from the Jolla:

The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to MAX9 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 59 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Jul 2011 @ London
Sorry if this came out already or posting in the wrong thread, but any idea if Android widgets work on sailfish? Would be good to make some use of the best ones in the notification or multitasking screen, for example. Are Live updates or similar in android apps visible on sailfish in any way? Or does the app needs to be in the foreground to see otherwise background updates and notifications? Is there for example a weather info from a android app showing anywhere in the notifications/lock screen?

jolla, review, sailfish, the other half, user experience

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