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Originally Posted by RX-51 View Post
about the second Jolla Phone right from the horses mouth, article and interview from 13.11.2013:
Maybe they can upgrade with a super other half Atleast because this is how I look at my jPhone now

Originally Posted by parasemic View Post
There will not be a 2nd phone in 2014, I hope this is obvious to everyone.
I think you are wrong. Me and also jolla hoping for a real hardware manufacturer but if jolla fails to convince anyone they have to act and announce the jPhone ll. I'm confident that they will and if they don't they will stay as this great but very small company during its entire lifetime.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2014-01-06 at 21:36.
Posts: 204 | Thanked: 443 times | Joined on Jul 2012 @ Germany - Potsdam
Originally Posted by rannari View Post
I formatted my sdxc 64Gb card to Btrfs -filesystem in Jolla. Everything went okay and after manual mounting happily moved all my music and pic files back to card from /home/nemo/...

I also changed the /usr/sbin/ script according instructions in (it might be also here in TMO) and now the mounting of btrfs-card does not fail when rebooting.

Jolla SD card

I still have to make a soft link from sdcard to Music and Picture folders to be able to use them with Media or Gallery. Maybe some update will fix this one.
I also did the btrfs format to the sdcard. And I did the changes to the /usr/sbin/ too. But I did one step more. The android vm uses /data/sdcard for some data files (ex. osmand uses it for maps). It is not possible to use symbolic links to the real sdcard, because android could not handle this. A rebind ist useable, but it needs an unmount at shutdown or reboot and this can be done in /usr/sbin/

What I did:

unmount the sdcard
format the sdcard with btrfs
create a directory .android on the sdcard (hidden directory prevents gallary from displaying all that android stuff)
copy all directories from /data/sdcard to /run/user/100000/media/sdcard/.android
did the chown 100xx:100xx to the copied directories like in /data/sdcard
delete all from /data/sdcard, I don't need it, because I will bind the .android directory to this path

after that I modified the /usr/sbin/

DEF_UID=$(grep "^UID_MIN" /etc/login.defs |  tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f2)
DEF_GID=$(grep "^GID_MIN" /etc/login.defs |  tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f2)
DEVICEUSER=$(getent passwd $DEF_UID | sed 's/:.*//')

if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ]; then
	if [ -b /dev/mmcblk1p1 ]; then
		ln -sf /dev/mmcblk1p1 $SDCARD
	elif [ -b /dev/mmcblk1 ]; then
		ln -sf /dev/mmcblk1 $SDCARD
		exit $?
	su $DEVICEUSER -c "mkdir -p $MNT"
	# mount $SDCARD $MNT -o uid=$DEF_UID,gid=$DEF_GID
	case "${ID_FS_TYPE}" in
			mount $SDCARD $MNT -o uid=$DEF_UID,gid=$DEF_GID
                        mount -o bind /run/user/100000/media/sdcard/.android /data/sdcard
			mount $SDCARD $MNT
			chown $DEVICEUSER: $MNT
                        mount -o bind /run/user/100000/media/sdcard/.android /data/sdcard
        umount /data/sdcard
	umount $SDCARD

	if [ $? = 0 ]; then
		rm -f $SDCARD
		umount -l $MNT
		rm -f $SDCARD
I added the two "mount -o bind" and the "unmount /data/sdcard" line to the for btrfs modified script.

At last I did a
ACTION="add"; . /usr/sbin/

Everything is working since two days. I did some reboots and had no problems. All android stuff for the sdcard now sits on the real sdcard and osmand puts all maps to the real sdcard. I got 4GB back from jolla internal memory (before 6GB used, now 2GB used).

Try at your own risk and don't forget what you have done at the next system update ;-)

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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
Yes thats the case in big cooperation. But Jolla is small company thats big difference.
I don't think it is. Regardless of company size, we developers do generally not have the technical background and education to design hardware (or boats), nor do hardware designers have the qualifications to build software architecture and code. Someone with knowledge of Jolla must say what's the case there, I can't do that, but I'd be surprised if they do not either have both hardware people and software people from Nokia, or buy hardware design services from their manufacturer partner.

Jolla didn't build the first device in self-owned plants, as far as I remember. Nor did Kazam, and Kazam announced 7 new Android phones when they launched their products. And our small company have worked with other small companies that does indeed make hardware on a small scale, so you don't need to be Samsung-big to survive with both designers, engineers and developers in quite separate roles. As a matter of fact, it's easier to crash a company if you try to upscale to take market shares, than if you concentrate on building and selling devices at a profit.

Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
Actually they really need to make more operators onboard on current phone if they had to survive even with one phone is my guess...

And it may happen or may not depend on how Jolla get attention now. But they can't do a second device themselfs I really doubt....
It is true that they need more operators and more money if they want to be big world wide. However, they don't really need to have a large market share to survive. Most companies aren't big. Jolla can survive just fine as a small specialist company just like any other small company in any other line of business. The size will of course limit how quickly the OS can evolve.

Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
Its reality of business where big players eating the small. Whatever we like it or not...
This is easier to agree on. Sure, most successful upstarts are indeed bought out or investor controlled, that's how it has been throughout the ages. And myself, if I was the largest owner of Jolla stock, I'd be perfectly happy with becoming bought up if only the price was right. There's no way to tell if Jolla will try to grow on their own terms or be bought up. But if they're bought up, then congratulations to the Nokia ex-employees, then they've turned their skills and experience into economical security.

But not all upstarts are taken over by larger competitors. Nobody bought out Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Jolla, or even the small software company I work in, yet. And yet, former giants in their markets like Motorola, IBM's PC division, and Nokias phone division have all been bought out by what must be considered newer players within the same market.

So, that Jolla is a small company primarily means one thing: that they have more potential for explosive growth than a large company. Even today, the media seems to judge Jolla to be a success story, many asking if this is the next big thing from Finland.
Qwerty is hot? Stylus or not? Let the buyer decide! The Nokia ¹ Smartphone - Build your ¹

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I've started a new thread that's more suitable for a long-form/running discussion of this nature.

Sailfish(Jolla): Prospects & Strategy

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Posts: 201 | Thanked: 410 times | Joined on Dec 2013
There's a German review online now on

In short:

Intuitive but inconsitent UI;
too little/ lacking functionality
but more than a Geek Phone

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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
I think you are wrong. Me and also jolla hoping for a real hardware manufacturer but if jolla fails to convince anyone they have to act and announce the jPhone ll. I'm confident that they will and if they don't they will stay as this great but very small company during its entire lifetime.
@volt really already answered this in his post.
There's nothing wrong with being great and very small.

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How to change album on Facebook?

Anybody knows how can I change album where to post a picture from gallery?
There is option for resize, Account and album, but album choice is grey (not changeably)

Posts: 168 | Thanked: 143 times | Joined on Nov 2012
Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
Maybe they can upgrade with a super other half Atleast because this is how I look at my jPhone now

I think you are wrong. Me and also jolla hoping for a real hardware manufacturer but if jolla fails to convince anyone they have to act and announce the jPhone ll. I'm confident that they will and if they don't they will stay as this great but very small company during its entire lifetime.
Why would Jolla make a second handset? They cant compete hardwarewise with android devices and sailfish will be installable on any android device.
Also, please stop using jPhone, it sounds ******ed.

Last edited by parasemic; 2014-01-07 at 09:02.

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Posts: 46 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Mar 2013 @ In the Arctic part of Norway
I can't show emails in HTML using the same settings I used on the N9 against Hotmail (now, emails are displayed in plain text only even if they are formatted in HTML.
Using the Microsoft Exchange account type.
Phone using latest release

Have I overseen some basic setting to enable receipt of emails in HTML?

I've seen complaints that sending of emails is done in plain text only with no option to change it to "Rich Text"/HTML but no complaints on the receiving end, hence the query.
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 73 times | Joined on Jun 2010
I received my Jolla last night, here in South Africa (via a friend who was travelling from the UK).

Things I like / love so far:

  • The People app - the way it displays / scrolls my favourited contacts - with the synced avatars.
  • The way copy-paste is implemented - best I've experienced on any device!
  • How responsive / quick the Jolla is, compared to other devices
  • The Peek gesture is cooler and more useful than I thought it would be

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jolla, review, sailfish, the other half, user experience

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