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Posts: 62 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Grenoble, France
Some news:
- The source selection and the zoom is now done via Sailfish styled controls at the bottom of the map, using a gradient transparency to the background image as background;
- The top of the map area has rounded corner;
- Mapquest is used as rendering for OSM II;
- Port the missing bug and donate pages in the about section;
- Open links in the desktop browser instead of inside Męp;
- Correct the spurious fog effect on the cover;
- Use previews in the source selection;
- Rename everything to validate harbour rules on naming.

The RPMs are here (they won't be on the harbour immediately since the harbour currently forbid the use of Glib, Cairo, QtPositioning…):

(There is no rounded corners on the screenshot because it was done before !)
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Posts: 62 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Grenoble, France
Now that I have a device, I can test Męp and use it for real. So some bug corrections with respect to previous RPMs:
- the source selector is now working ;
- when tracking is enabled, the map don't zoom anymore to the entire earth when one get the first GPS fix ;
- the auto-center button is working, but still a bit difficult to activate…

There is also a UI improvement:
- a button has been added near the search field to reopen the last search results and results appear in a larger item size for big fingers !

Some bugs remain:
- the import / export track dialog is still messed up ;
- the wikipedia icons are too small for fingers and it is almost impossible to click on a balloon description ;
- the pulley menu of the about page appears at once without pulling ;
- the landscape orientation will need a lot of rework.

Beside this, Męp is quite usable as a day to day map and GPS tracker. I'm already using it regularly.

I made new RPMs:

Enjoy and report bugs at
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The Following 20 Users Say Thank You to dcaliste For This Useful Post:
Posts: 93 | Thanked: 43 times | Joined on Aug 2012
can you posh it to openrepos so that it is easier to track the progress of updates?

Posts: 62 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Grenoble, France

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Posts: 93 | Thanked: 43 times | Joined on Aug 2012
Originally Posted by dcaliste View Post
Ok, done:
That was quick

Posts: 62 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Grenoble, France
You're welcome, I just copy-paste what I prepared already for the harbour. It is still not in because of some QML blacklisted modules and libraries. So OpenRepo is a nice place to start with.
Posts: 705 | Thanked: 300 times | Joined on May 2011
can you remove the zoom glass? Or make it prettier ?
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Grenoble, France
Two things:
- originally Męp didn't support pinch to zoom gesture (because it is based on a one-input only device from the Nx00 era in Nokia). I plan to implement it but I'm quite busy up to February for quite "heavy" development like that. But it will come
- even with pinch to zoom gesture, I like to have one finger controls (for instance when looking at it on my bicycle, I have only one hand free to zoom and hold the device), so I think I'll keep the buttons anyway.

About the rendering of then, I'm not a graphist so I'm using the zoom icons of the camera from the Jolla theme. Besides it help to keep a consistent look through different applications.

Do you have any suggestions on how you would prefer it to be ? I would gladly try to implement them.

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Posts: 131 | Thanked: 62 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Curious, does openstreetmap have any equivalent satellite view that google map/ios map have?

Posts: 62 | Thanked: 319 times | Joined on Jan 2013 @ Grenoble, France
As far as I know, OpenStreetMap doesn't provide any aerial photographs of Earth. But Męp can use several tile sources, as shown on the screenshot, so you can alternate OSM view with Virtual Earth Satellite if you want.

I use this much to have a look at the public transportation map for instance, or the cycle one to get the elevation levels.
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