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I use BlueMaemo to connect to my Note as a Bluetooth keyboard.
And yes, installing CSSU shouldn't mess with your phone, but I can't be sure since I don't know what other hacks/workaround you have done with your unit. You can ask in the CSSU threads. I have CSSU-thumb and Flopswap and things are working fine.
sorry for the OT.

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Originally Posted by vetsin View Post
I use BlueMaemo to connect to my Note as a Bluetooth keyboard.
And yes, installing CSSU shouldn't mess with your phone, but I can't be sure since I don't know what other hacks/workaround you have done with your unit. You can ask in the CSSU threads. I have CSSU-thumb and Flopswap and things are working fine.
sorry for the OT.
tnx mate for your advices
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Me from N900 -> N9/N950 -> BlackBerry Z10. N9 is still my favorite, but it is getting old so I switch to the free Z10 for now. Might get a Sony Xperia to test drive Qt Quick control, or a Jolla whenever they are ready to sell me their phone...

By the way, BB 10 is getting better and better. I am sure the next major release 10.2.1 will rock but the UI is still no match to N9.
Posts: 347 | Thanked: 441 times | Joined on Dec 2010
I moved to the Nokia 808 a month ago. Much better battery life and no more battery swapping twice a day :-).
Still miss Maemo though :-(
Motorola M3688 → Ericsson R320 → Siemens S40 → Motorola V60c → Palm Treo 650 → Blackberry 9000 → Nokia N900 → HP Pre 3 → Nokia N900 → Nokia N9 → Nokia N900 → Nokia 808 → Blackberry Z10 → Blackberry Passport

Only dead fish swim with the stream.
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Moved to N9, but kept both anyway since I use two SIMs.
Now that Jolla joined the family, I put my second SIM from N900 to Jolla, but of course my N900 is been taken care of, updated, played around, etc.
I will never give it up or sell
In fact, it moves much better without a SIM inside it, so still a pristine mini pc in my pocket!
Posts: 114 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on Aug 2011 @ Beijing, China
Pretty surprised and glad that this discussion is still alive

Since 3 months ago when I last posted here, my arsenal has refreshed quite a bit:
1) Samsung Galaxy Nexus, for WiFi hotspot and occasional flashaholic pleasure.
2) Motorola Photon Q, as the successor of N900 - seriously, it's the single best QWERTY Android phone on the market. Packs enough processing power in its Snapdragon S4 Pro, and its keyboard is far more comfortable than what's on the N900. Glad that I bought it.
3) Motorola Flipout, a 2010 phone that can't even beat N900 in any terms... Why do I want it? Because it's small, cheap ($18) and has a superb FM radio!!

But yeah, even with 6 Android devices now in my arsenal, I still miss my N900... I just took it out of the box a week ago and started to fiddle with it, yet this 3-year-old device still fascinated me with its sleek UI and great hackability. Besides, it looks so cool when I play with this unique "computer" on the subway!
Battery sucks though, my Android devices could lasts 10+days in Airplane mode, while N900 could only manage 3~4 days at best...
About 10 Android devices came and went along the years, but N900 will never be sold, however "outdated" it might be. Word.
Google Nexus 4 / Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE / Samsung Galaxy Nexus / HTC Incredible S
Nokia N900 in the drawer...

Time to move on. If you can't afford an N950, and don't know how/where to fetch a Jolla, then head for Android reluctantly, or you're stuck. Seriously.
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Posts: 45 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Aug 2011 @ Sevastopol, Cremea, Ukraine
Nexus 4 and lumia 720, thats it.
Once i had an idea to buy jolla, but its cost so high for
Posts: 219 | Thanked: 71 times | Joined on Oct 2008
I have been using N9 as my daily phone, and haven't touched the N900 for quite some time now--I did use a 64GB card as a media library on my last trip abroad.

Not long ago I took advantage of the $100 off promotion and bought a Moto X Developer Edition for $349 plus tax, as a potential replacement for the N9 (mainly due to lack of apps). I really like the active display and touchless control (and the tons of Android apps). But for some reason I just don't feel like selling the N9.

So I did some soul-searching, and came to the conclusion that the number of apps that I really need on a daily/regular basis is actually quite small: phone, email (close to 10 accounts), calendar, weather, Opera/Firefox (most of my reading is done on a browser), Youtube, video player, offline maps & navigation, offline dictionaries, etc. N9 does all these tasks pretty well. I do watch videos and live TV shows (Xfinity), but for those I use an iPad and a Samsung 10" tablet at home. Do I really need dozens of apps on my cell phone?

Bottom line: If I can keep both N9 and Moto X, I would. Or I may end up selling the Moto X and keep the N9.
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My last few years' story is this: I was happy with my N900, disappointed with N9 and Elopocalypse, and passed to the dark side of Android. Had Galaxy Tab 7", Galaxy Note and now Galaxy Note 2. Stayed comfy for some years, with my 2 N900's in a drawer being handed occasionally, turned on, updated and off again mainly for nostalgy.
Now I feel that the latest move on Google's side with Android is too annoying: say, latest iteration of operating system (Kitkat) removes the user's freedom to write on external flash memory and access the filesystem, Iphone-style, dumb-style.
I am feeling more and more willing to come back to a libre alternative where the owner of the device is me.
My first move was to go back to N900 for work SIM, and now I have both phones and both worlds in my bag. I would like them to be integrated, in a device I'm free to tinker with, but which can also integrate into the world of mainstream "apps", which I have been spoilt to appreciate in my Android years.
Maybe I should get a jolla.
Ernesto de Bernardis

Posts: 45 | Thanked: 101 times | Joined on May 2011

Both the n900 and n9 died within a couple of weeks of moving on to the next phone -almost as if it was just my will keeping them going

nokia n900, successor

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