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Originally Posted by jasimpson89 View Post
Having a problem installing Sailfish on my N9. Currently I am using a mac and having a few problems. BTW using this guide (as expected):

My current problems are the following:

1. I keep getting a partition error on my nokia n9. I think the problem is my mac can't open .rpm (although I do have a tool which does it however I don't think it does it correctly). So I have been using a .zip for the MOLSO kernel however I have a feeling that the mac software (flasher etc) aren't compatible with .zip version. Am I correct in thinking this is the case?
Hi dear friend
If 7-zip has OSX version you can use it for extraction. I used this method for flash:
Are these files useful for you? MOSLO1

2. Has anyone tried this method by installing ubuntu in a virtual machine. I tried using virtualbox however the problem is my virtual box wont detect my n9 in usb mode (I think that is what it is called) it automatically defaults to OSX usb drivers. i.e. (sorry if that hasn't been clear) if I was to run flasher in my virtual machine and in OSX the flasher in OSX would detect the n9.
What is your opinion about installation of VMWare ? Did you try it instead of virtualbox? I used Debian instead of Ubuntu and it was very nice for me.

Another way is installation of Windows in VM and following the Windows instruction (I said it because I'm a Windows user)

Yes I have setup guest additions for virtual box which allows usb devices to be used in the virtual machine. I can detect mass storage devices Did you try VMware?

Just wondered if anyone could help with any of these issues.

Thanks in advance

I hope it be useful
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A question,

be i'am the only one with Warehouse access?
I found my paassword in the equivalent sources.list, why Sailfish dont seems Debian system i didnt have this sources.list in /etc/apt/

So maybe someone can help me in what file i can find the Jolla repositories? its not the ssu.ini
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Originally Posted by Shadwblade2652 View Post
You should have unzipped/unarchived the moslo kernel. It has multiple files inside that you need.

If you have it working with flasher on mac, there isn't a need to use a VM as the instructions should be the same as windows to extract sailfish onto the partition
Hi thanks for the advice I did unzip the kernel however I still seem to get the error.

My initial thought was that the .zip version wasn't working as that would only be compatible with windows, which is why I trying to use ubuntu instead as I thought this maybe the source of error. Just to confirm does this mean that I can follow the windows steps but obviously just use the mac appropriate tools?

@hrbani, apologies it will not let me quote your reply. In answer to your questions:

I think they do have version expect it doesn't do .rpm so at the minute I was using The unarchvier as this does.

I didn't realise that there was different MOSLO kernels? How are they different

I haven't tried VMWare mainly because I thought you had to pay for all of its features, however it does seem to have a free version. I suppose the only "bad" thing about virtualbox is you need java installed to run it. But I suppose that depends how you feel about java on a mac.

Many thanks for all your help

Last edited by jasimpson89; 2014-02-19 at 22:28.

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Originally Posted by jasimpson89 View Post
Hi thanks for the advice I did unzip the kernel however I still seem to get the error.

My initial thought was that the .zip version wasn't working as that would only be compatible with windows, which is why I trying to use ubuntu instead as I thought this maybe the source of error. Just to confirm does this mean that I can follow the windows steps but obviously just use the mac appropriate tools?


I haven't tried VMWare mainly because I thought you had to pay for all of its features, however it does seem to have a free version. I suppose the only "bad" thing about virtualbox is you need java installed to run it. But I suppose that depends how you feel about java on a mac.

Many thanks for all your help
If I am not mistaken, Java does come preinstalled on a mac (I'm not sure if it's updated, pretty sure 10.7+ should do fine)

And yes,
The Mac OS X steps should be the same. I myself have not used OS X for this (I used my Windows boot), but from my experience the OS X terminal is quite similar to the linux terminal. If you want to try it, try doing the linux commands on the terminal app. They should be similar if not the same.

Do everything that Windows does. Use the flasher tool, copy the sailfish.tar.bz2 and extract it through the terminal, etc. Windows will work fine.
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hi all .after flash my device with open mode kernel , some apps on harmattan close automaticly , any fix for that problem ??
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Originally Posted by milad ghusn View Post
hi all .after flash my device with open mode kernel , some apps on harmattan close automaticly , any fix for that problem ??
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Hi all,
do you know how can i update my N9 to Naamankajärvi :-) ? Now i have older version. Automatic update writing system is "Up to date" and tar file with newer version i cannot find.

Now i have version and Naamankajärvi is

Last edited by mmartin; 2014-02-20 at 16:57.
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you can only use on n9
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Last edited by coderus; 2014-02-20 at 20:12.

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sorry my stupid typo. its of course
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On the nexus 4 video i see that he install CyanogenMod then a sailfish ZIP (
That zip can be created from one these links??

jolla, nokia, sailfish

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