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Universal modem for all possible LTE / 3G bands.

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Originally Posted by abyzthomas View Post
So I agree. They must support 4G LTE and 3G all bands and frequencies. That is the only request I have. That will make this a perfect phone.
I totally agree, especially 3G.

There is simply no excuse for any phone released these days not to have 3G pentaband support.

I thought the lesson would of been learn't from Nokia's decision to not provide 850Mhz support in the N900.

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I would double the OP's ante and raise you shmerls then hope that Jolla does not fold!
gd81n's Avatar
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3G and 4G Bands for all Countries. (At least One band usable for all places ppl visit)

Low power display, I.E. OLED
Keep TOH (Useful for keyboards, increasing battery size etc.)
More open SOC, Preferably something the Modem can not read memory/filestorage. (Something that I can reflash all binary objects to factory including modem firmware. In the event of visiting locations suspected of hacking the modem.)
Kernel able to boot multiple volume BTRFS file system, so SDCARD can be used with root pool. I.E. add 64Gb to internal storage. Card would need to be reliable and fast, as it's removal/failure would break device OS.
NFC available for general use other that TOH

Improve Specs mainly for future proofing device. (Hey not easy to get this device every 2 years)
# CPU cores, ram and camera.

Ability to purchase from around the Globe (Australia pretty please)

The rest is the OS which is improving at the moment anyway.
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My Wishlist :
* n950 form factor, with embedded HW keyboard (so perfectly balanced, with battery under it and not behind the screen)
* the HW keyboard could be enhanced with a left and a right trigger buttons like on gamepads. The arrows on the keyboard could be grouped as a Dpad. This would allow to play with it.
* 4" display (that was perfect on n9/N950), resolution as on the n9 is ok for me, but I think it is not possible anymore to find anything below 720p from the suppliers
* improved camera (something at least like n8 or Xperia Z1, or better close to 808) with optical stabilization
* physical camera shutter (like n8/808)
* improved audio recording (again something close to rich recording on 808 and lumias)
* HMDI (maybe through MHL?)
* FM transmitter+receiver (N900/N8/808 like)
* Low power mode for screen (N9 like)
* huge battery (I prefer a phone 2 mm thicker, than low battery during a video or a week end far from a wall socket !)
* 64GB internal memory (my N8 had already 16GB 3 years ago, and it was already not enough)
* µSD card support
* 1GB RAM (or more if it doesn't drain too much the battery)
* Bluetooth 4 LE + real NFC
* And of course SailfishOS as the cherry on top !

The OS is there, but the hardware is still missing (I don't care much of the CPU/GPU/RAM but peripherals that the I2C/NFC bus can't allow).
So basically, I simply need a merge of the best of 808 and n950. Does Nokia still make phones ?

If they want to continue on the Other half, than it would be great that they provide the following on the OH connector:
* USB OTH : then all is possible even data hungry OH (Hard drive, camera, kinect, ...) ! Even a basic serial port can easily be created using an FTDI chip through USB.
* SPI (MISO, MOSI, CLK, dedicated INT, 1 or 2 chip select) as every interesting chip comes with SPI and not I2C (eink, CANbus drivers...)
* I2C (Clk, Data, decicated Int) : still useful for having some expansions chip (power control of the OH, leds, ...)
* audio L/R : some people need to make advanced audio OH, like FM transmitter (not useful if already in the phone) or bigger speakers. An I2S bus may provide the same ?
* reversable power connector, so that a battery OH can be charged by the phone

But I would prefer a lot having all in the phone without OH, than having to constantly change between several OH to do things that the 808/N900 can do from scratch.

Dear Santa, I think that will be all for now

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That is a very long list
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...'s Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
That is a very long list

Just skip the bottom items and keep this :

My Wishlist :
* n950 form factor, with embedded HW keyboard (so perfectly balanced, with battery under it and not behind the screen)
Current obsession:

Please help to list all maemo existing apps :

I am looking for " 4 inch TFT LCD display screen " for Nokia n950 HandSet

Also, I need online storage to archive files :

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Posts: 602 | Thanked: 735 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ Nantes, France
You know this won't happen guys! Or Jolla will break the hardware compatibility with the TOH. The J2 will have the same form factor of the J1.

Notice, I also prefer small phones (small hands inside :-) )
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Posts: 7,075 | Thanked: 9,073 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Moon! It's not the East or the West side... it's the Dark Side
love the name J2.

Jolla J2...
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2014
a better camera

jolla, jolla 2

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