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meShell's Avatar
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Originally Posted by w00t View Post
Here be dragons.

As a whole stack, we build against Mesa's libEGL, but at runtime, we then pick a different - hardware-dependent libEGL implementation (which exactly depends on what hardware we're running on: on the Jolla, it's libhybris', on the N9 there's ti-omap3-sgx-wayland-wsegl's wrapper around the SGX drivers, etc). They're all - obviously - ABI/API compatible.

On the whole, I'd just recommend not building on device, because there is a way-too-easy chance you can wipe out your EGL libraries if you accidentally answer "yes" at the wrong prompt.

Why not use the SDK, out of interest?

Oh great, that is something that is a problem for me, too, may I jump in?

I wanted to use a QT-Plugin on the phone but have a similar problem, that qt-libs conflict with libhybris, don't know why it has to be conflicting at all?

w00t: "i'm a Qt expert and happy Jolla sailor." <-- perfect combination for my problem, too ?

Could you have a short view on this, if you see any posibillity to get it running?

qt5-qtplatformsupport-devel-5.1.0+git28-1.10.2.armv7hl requires pkgconfig(Qt5Gui), but this requirement cannot be provided
  uninstallable providers: qt5-qtgui-devel-5.1.0+git28-1.10.2.armv7hl[jolla]
 Solution 1: Following actions will be done:
  deinstallation of libhybris-sbj-
  deinstallation of libhybris-sbj-libEGL-
Full story here:

TMO t=92352&p=1406152

Last edited by meShell; 2014-03-21 at 20:08.
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Originally Posted by szopin View Post
Couple of reasons. First is pleasure to have a fully fledged PC in your pocket (like when flashing one N900 with another, who needs desktop, right?).
My recommendation would probably be to set up a chroot with a completely seperate package environment. You can then trash that one to install whatever you need (e.g. Mesa's EGL) and build happily in an environment kind of similar to the one the SDK uses.
i'm a Qt expert and former Jolla sailor (forever sailing, in spirit).
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Originally Posted by w00t View Post
My recommendation would probably be to set up a chroot with a completely seperate package environment. You can then trash that one to install whatever you need (e.g. Mesa's EGL) and build happily in an environment kind of similar to the one the SDK uses.
Thanks, apparently Al13n started a thread on TJC, though there are some quirks:, hopefully we can get it to work
solbrit's Avatar
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What's the difference between launching an app on the device from the SDK and launching it from the desktop file on the device?
I'm working on an app that gets output from at text file and edits it through Python (PyOtherSide) and when launched from the SDK (by copying binaries or deploying as RPM) it works as expected without any errors, but when I try to run it from the created desktop file nothing happens.

Never mind, a reboot solved it. I thought reboots only updated the launcher icon displayed, but I guess it affects some other things too...

Last edited by solbrit; 2014-03-23 at 22:41.
Posts: 2,076 | Thanked: 3,268 times | Joined on Feb 2011
Originally Posted by solbrit View Post
What's the difference between launching an app on the device from the SDK and launching it from the desktop file on the device?
I'm working on an app that gets output from at text file and edits it through Python (PyOtherSide) and when launched from the SDK (by copying binaries or deploying as RPM) it works as expected without any errors, but when I try to run it from the created desktop file nothing happens.
I think main diff is the SDK provides background libs (probably incorrect, but started working on porting Qgo (game client for the game of go), in order to see what is missing on the right hand side had to DL/setup standard QtCreator with VS and modify the source, result is: build/run -> working program with net connectivity and all, running the resulting binary outside of creator cries lack of Qtxxx.dll), expecting the same, though rpm should probably have the correct dependencies in place. Check what error msg is thrown when you exectute it on the phone from fingerterm

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It works!

In case someone also wants to run Sailfish QtCreator on Jolla:

start with setting up chroot -
once it is setup install any libhybris breaking package into it (be sure to install it into the chroot!!! 'zypper --root /chroot/base install qt5-qtgui-devel' should do the trick), that will substitute hybris stuff with the llvmpipe libs

in chroot:

install all needed qt(-devel) libs (I did zypper install qt*-devel and it still missed some of the non-devel, thought they are dependent, apparently not, lrelease is in qt5-qttools-linguist)

git clone

inside it 'qmake -r'

apply patch from here to botan.cpp/.h:

go to src/plugins/imageviewer and modify Makefile adding -DQT_NO_SVG to defines


(few first runnings it was going going into 'not responding', with qthelp/qt5-qttools-qtdesigner qtpackages it finally loaded fine... well, like any pure qt app on Jolla fine is far from perfect, File/Edit etc dialogs pop up a new window that doesn't close gracefully, entry in text fields works after 2nd or third click and the SWKB is super-light/high-gamma... not sure how to describe, still, should be functional once it is setup to use libs from chroot for compiling (or maybe run from chroot? hmm... probably not as chroot has no libhybris, will need some tweaking))

Have fun!

Last edited by szopin; 2014-03-31 at 20:44. Reason: patch was actually by homer simpson

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Updated 1st post with Sailfish SDK release Alpha 1404, released in April 16th 2014.
Python, C/C++, Qt and CAS developer. For Maemo/MeeGo/Sailfish :
Integral, Derivative, Limit - calculating mathematical integrals, derivatives and limits. SymPy - Computer Algebra System.
MatPlotLib - 2D & 3D plots in Python. IPython - Python interactive shell.
-- My blog about mobile & scientific computing ---
Sailfish : Sony Xperia X, Gemini, Jolla, Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Nexus 4. Nokia N9, N900, N810.

The Following User Says Thank You to rcolistete For This Useful Post:
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I've received email on SailfishDevel mailing list announcing Sailfish SDK Alpha 1406, to be released today (June 12th 2014), 13:00 UTC in site :
Juha Kallioinen juha.kallioinen at
Thu Jun 12 06:59:30 UTC 2014

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Hello again,

Today (June 12th) at 13:00 UTC we will publish new installers and
package repositories for our Sailfish OS SDK version Alpha-1406-Qt5.

If you already have an existing Alpha-Qt5 SDK installed you should see
the Updates Available icon in Qt Creator. If you don't have a previous
SDK installation you can get the latest installer from

It is recommended to uninstall the old SDK and download a new installer.

SDK content has been updated to match Jolla Release Please see
below for detailed information of the changed items.

A couple of things you should be aware of:
- As before, in this update the build engine, emulator and targets are
re-installed so you will lose all changes you may have made in those -
however, if your application packaging is done correctly, rebuilding
your projects should reinstall the packages you have been using.
- All customization done to SDK (adding new package repositories, adding
custom targets, additional source paths) will be removed during the
installation process so make your own backup of those before starting
the update.
- If you import existing projects made with a previous version of
theSailfish OS SDK, make sure toselect the correct kit in the project
configuration step. Both ARM and i486 kits are available.
- Windows users need to install VC10 runtime from the
Installer will ask for admin rights during installation.
- Package repository contents have been updated and consequently using a
previous SDK version with these package repositories is not supported.
- Supported host platforms can be found from:
- For more information, please see the SDK Alpha-Qt5 known issues list

Here is the summary of changes:

SDK IDE (Qt Creator)
- Syntax highlighting definitions added for spec, yaml, desktop and
changes files.
- In Windows, configuration directory is created under theSDKinstall
path (e.g. C:\SailfishOS\settings\SailfishAlpha4)
- Project path can have whitespace

- Fixed VirtualBox 4.3.12 support in Windows
- In Windows, SDK install path can no longer have whitespace.
- Installer will request Qt Creator to be closed in case it is
runningand if a component requires that Qt Creator is restarted.
- SDK version can be checkedfrom the file sdk-release in the install dir
(e.g. ~/SailfishOS/sdk-release)

SDK Build engine:
- Faster rsync deploy method (skips RPM package check step).
- Deploy the correct RPM package in case package version has been changed.
- i486 target finally creates i486 packages instead of i586 packages.
- Handle Windows CRLF type linefeeds in RPM spec files.
- Build targets refreshed to Jolla release
- Better translation support in libsailfishapp.
- Deployed packages are installed using sdk-deploy-rpm instead of pkcon.

SDK Control Center:
- Package search in target view is now case-insensitive.

- Emulator packages refreshed to Jolla release
- Closing the Emulator window offers now only the power off option.

If you have any questions, feel free toeither send an email to this
mailing list: <mailto:devel at
<>> or write it up in and tag your issue with 'sdk'.

Happy hacking,
Jolla SDK Team.
Python, C/C++, Qt and CAS developer. For Maemo/MeeGo/Sailfish :
Integral, Derivative, Limit - calculating mathematical integrals, derivatives and limits. SymPy - Computer Algebra System.
MatPlotLib - 2D & 3D plots in Python. IPython - Python interactive shell.
-- My blog about mobile & scientific computing ---
Sailfish : Sony Xperia X, Gemini, Jolla, Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Nexus 4. Nokia N9, N900, N810.

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to rcolistete For This Useful Post:
Posts: 1,269 | Thanked: 3,961 times | Joined on May 2011 @ Brazil
Sailfish SDK Alpha-1407-Qt5 announced on SailfishDevel mailing list, to be released tomorrow (July 15th) at 12:00 UTC in site :
Hello again,

Tomorrow (July 15th) at 12:00 UTC we will publish new installers and package repositories for our Sailfish OS SDK version Alpha-1407-Qt5.

If you already have an existing Alpha-Qt5 SDK installed you should see the Updates Available icon in Qt Creator. If you don't have a previous SDK installation you can get the latest installer from

It is recommended to uninstall the old SDK and download a new installer.

SDK content has been updated to match Jolla Release Please see below for detailed information of the changes.

A couple of things you should be aware of:
- As before, in this update the build engine, emulator and targets are re-installed so you will lose all changes you may have made in those - however, if your application packaging is done correctly, rebuilding your projects should reinstall the packages you have been using.
- Any customization done to SDK (adding new package repositories, adding custom targets, additional source paths) will be removed during the installation process so make your own backup of those before starting the update.
- If you import existing projects made with a previous version of the Sailfish OS SDK, make sure to select the correct kit in the project configuration step. Both ARM and i486 kits are available.
- Windows users need to install VC10 runtime from or the Installer will ask for admin rights during installation.
- Package repository contents have been updated and consequently using a previous SDK version with these package repositories is not supported.
- Supported host platforms can be found from
- For more information, please see the SDK Alpha-Qt5 known issues list at:

This is mainly a housekeeping release and here's the short summary of changes:

SDK IDE (Qt Creator)
- Fix bugs related to handling symlinked home directory or project directory. This change affects only Linux and Mac hosts.
- Updated component gallery sources in the Example projects
- Updated Sailfish Silica help documentation

- Fix Sailfish template application source location in Mac installer. Mac users should check out the updated default template application, it has some changes that were missing in the previous installer.

SDK Build engine:
- Build targets refreshed to Jolla release level.
- RPM repositories point to instead of

SDK Control Center:
- No updates

- Emulator packages refreshed to Jolla release level.
- RPM repositories point to

- The Silica documentation at updated to current level.

If you have any questions, feel free to either send an email to this mailing list: mailto:devel at or write it up in and tag your issue with 'sdk'.

Happy hacking,
Jolla SDK Team.
Python, C/C++, Qt and CAS developer. For Maemo/MeeGo/Sailfish :
Integral, Derivative, Limit - calculating mathematical integrals, derivatives and limits. SymPy - Computer Algebra System.
MatPlotLib - 2D & 3D plots in Python. IPython - Python interactive shell.
-- My blog about mobile & scientific computing ---
Sailfish : Sony Xperia X, Gemini, Jolla, Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Nexus 4. Nokia N9, N900, N810.

Last edited by rcolistete; 2014-10-27 at 15:56.

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to rcolistete For This Useful Post:
Posts: 1,269 | Thanked: 3,961 times | Joined on May 2011 @ Brazil
Sailfish SDK Beta-1410-Qt5 (U9-Opt-in) announced on SailfishDevel mailing list :
Hello again,

Today (October 27) at 13:00 UTC we have published new installers for the
first Beta version of the Sailfish OS SDK.

The installers for this opt-in release of the SDK are available at

SDK content has been updated to match Jolla Release As the is an opt-in release, we decided to make this version of the
SDK available only as an active download. It means you will *not* get an
update notification of this SDK version. Please see below for detailed
information of the changes.

Important things you should be aware of:
- Most of our users still use the Jolla Release (Update 8), so
please use this SDK release primarily to fix applications not working in
Update 9 and feature testing.
- Both versions of the SDK (1410 and 1407) cannot be installed as a same
user at the same time.
- Apps that are built using this SDK release will first be tested
against Update 8 in the Harbour. In case a test fails, they will be
separately checked against Update 9, which will cause a delay in the
approval process (~ 1 Week). If you have any questions, don't hesitate
to contact developer-care at
- Targets meant for this SDK release are marked with "1410/U9" in the
pre-configured targets list. These targets will not work with older SDK

A couple of other things you should be aware of:
- As before, in this update the build engine, emulator and targets are
reinstalled so you will lose all changes you may have made in those -
however, if your application packaging is done correctly, rebuilding
your projects should reinstall the packages you have been using.
- Any customization done to SDK (adding new package repositories, adding
custom targets, additional source paths) will be removed during the
installation process so make your own backup of those before starting
the update.
- If you import existing projects made with a previous version of the
Sailfish OS SDK, make sure to select the correct kit in the project
configuration step. Both ARM and i486 kits are available.
- Package repository contents have been updated and consequently using a
previous SDK version with these package repositories is not supported.
- Supported host platforms can be found from:

- For more information, please see the SDK Beta-Qt5 known issues list

Upgrading Qt Creator to version 3 makes this release the first Beta
version of the SDK. Qt Creator 3 is the current live version of the
upstream Qt Creator and is thus a good platform for improving and
creating new features for the Sailfish OS SDK.

SDK IDE (Qt Creator)
- Qt Creator version updated to 3.1.2
- Fix several issues with starting and stopping the virtual machines
- Fix stopping GDB debugging session in Windows

SDK Build engine:
- Build targets refreshed to Jolla release level.
- Qt version 5.2

- Emulator packages refreshed to Jolla release level.
- Qt version 5.2

Jolla Together thread for discussion and other information:

If you have any questions, feel free to either send an email to this
mailing list: mailto:devel at or write it up in and tag your issue with 'sdk'.

Happy hacking,
Jolla SDK Team
See also the Release Notes of Sailfish SDK 1410.
Python, C/C++, Qt and CAS developer. For Maemo/MeeGo/Sailfish :
Integral, Derivative, Limit - calculating mathematical integrals, derivatives and limits. SymPy - Computer Algebra System.
MatPlotLib - 2D & 3D plots in Python. IPython - Python interactive shell.
-- My blog about mobile & scientific computing ---
Sailfish : Sony Xperia X, Gemini, Jolla, Jolla C, Jolla Tablet, Nexus 4. Nokia N9, N900, N810.

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