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I don't think this is helpful for the community. Please guys.......

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It feels you two cant bear with each thats why quality bullying from both sides .you both are bullying equally let alone ingenius facts to be setteld and as the avove post says it dosent help anyone either way. I would not say stop bullying insted advice to continue in somewhat polite manner as this seems more a case of misunderstanding malinformed overlooking misjudging overlooked facts copuled with personal ego on either sides...,,continue.....pls

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Originally Posted by nokiabot View Post
It feels you two cant bear with each thats why quality bullying from both sides .you both are bullying equally
Yup. Such a bully that I stepped down and left four months ago.

I only stop back here a few times a month to see what progress has happened, mainly so I can be relieved of the last commitment I have to the Board. See, unlike the others I didn't step down and vanish while holding the keys. (I'm the only one with access to the bank account right now.) I'm mainly doing it because of the personal hell I had to go through to get access again, and not wishing that on anyone.

I just found it ironic that Joerg would blame his tool of choice as the reason he's leaving, and I said so. You call that bullying? Go ahead... I really don't care. I call it laughing at a bully getting his comeuppance.

I risked at lot, put myself out there legally, threw literally thousands at this project and got **** on by just about everyone for doing so. Right now, I don't really care what most in the community think of me, least of all someone not willing to even put their real name on a forum profile.

Most people in my position would walk away and **** you all by not doing proper a hand-off. (You know, like the last 5 Board members to leave.) But I'm such a "bully" that I'm sticking around until everything is handed off instead of just saying "**** you" and leaving you all screwed. Not because I expect thanks from anyone, but because it's what I'd appreciate others doing were they in my shoes, and because I said I would.

I got my backups, and will probably burn them to DVD to give to whomever I sell/give my N900s to when the time comes. Have fun while your servers are still running, however long that is. (Which depends now on you avoiding pissing off the rest of the people trying to keep this going... Good luck with that.)
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fresh packages should start appear again

[2014-06-21 Sat 15:50:14] <xes> #log: www:/home/niels/downloads/ and fixed and enabled again in crontab since there is no evidence of problem and load generated is near zero
[2014-06-21 Sat 15:56:04] <xes> #log: it seems that the update scripts were pointing to /home/xfade that doesn't exist (??). niel's home seems to have the same php scripts
[2014-06-21 Sat 15:58:44] <DocScrutinizer05> niels==xfade?
[2014-06-21 Sat 15:59:38] <DocScrutinizer05> Niels Breet
[2014-06-21 Sat 16:00:29] <DocScrutinizer05>
[2014-06-21 Sat 16:01:30] <xes> /home/niels/downloads contains the update scripts that where evidently prepared to be executed in /home/xfade/downloads but /home/xfade does not exists
[2014-06-21 Sat 16:02:11] <DocScrutinizer05> during migration obviously user xfade got renamed to niels
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Let's see if things work as they should as soon as new packages appear.

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Is this a proper thread to ask if emails with activation links are properly sent during garage account creation?

Spam folders are also empty

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I'd ping techstaff <at> maemo <dot> org , myself

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Before posting or starting a thread please try this.

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Posts: 58 | Thanked: 134 times | Joined on Dec 2012 @ Vilnius, Lithuania
Thanks. I guess there are more problems than sending email.
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Originally Posted by iceskateclog View Post
Thanks. I guess there are more problems than sending email.
Mail server is returning into a normal state.

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Originally Posted by sixwheeledbeast View Post
They are unaffiliated to
And how do you imagine without the access to the flashing images? They were put on skeiron.

Who takes care of the both mirrors?
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