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Posts: 456 | Thanked: 1,580 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Thanks for all the feedback.
It seems that SkippingStones really reached a state in which it is actually useful for some.
As one consequence (and due to popular demand), I added SkippingStones to OpenRepos:
Please note, however, that I don't know if I can keep the OpenRepos site always up to date with the most recent updates.
Most likely, I will post links to new versions here before I upload new versions to OpenRepos.

Originally Posted by geekgirl74 View Post
I can't imagine running this app in the background. How do you access it in case of the reconnect not working? This happens from time to time... I hope it stays accessible in the foreground.
(I am just replying to you as this is the last message in this thread of discussion. But of course, the answer is also directed to the original requestor.)

Architecture-wise, a solution for this would be to split SkippingStones into two parts: a daemon and a user interface.
The daemon would then run in the background and do all the "business logic" like handling the connection with the watch, receiving notifications from the phone and forwarding these to the watch etc.
The user interface would then be used only when needed to tweak settings or interact with the daemon in case some things went wrong.

However, this would require quite some additional effort which I cannot afford to do time-wise.
One thing to consider is, e.g., the communication between the daemon and the user interface.
Furthermore, I don't really know if it is possible to run a QML application headless, i.e., as daemon.
The reason for this is that I chose to implement large parts of the protocol in QML.
I actually used QML because it significantly eases the "hackability" as it enables people to hack on the device without the need to recompile things.

Originally Posted by HtheB View Post
Can you also try to add a dbus patch for CuteSpotify to control the music when cutespotify is running? (it's the spotify app from Elleo)
Similar things as stated above apply here as well.
It is very unlikely that I will find the time to do something like this.
(To get an idea of how something like this could be done have a look at, e.g.: )

However, for feature requests like this and other things:
The code of SkippingStones is publicly available and it uses a very liberal license:
So, everyone can actually do anything she/he wants.
If I can afford it time-wise I am also always happy about contributions to SkippingStones, e.g., in the form of patches or pull requests.
If someone adds support for SkippingStones to other apps, like cutespotify, it would be also great to share the patches here.
For those who are not that much into code, other ways of contributing can be, e.g., sharing ideas and experiences in this thread, discussing best practices, or supporting new users.

Last edited by Wonko; 2014-04-14 at 09:10.

The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to Wonko For This Useful Post:
Posts: 343 | Thanked: 819 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Paris, France
Just to add a thank you as I could install your app and connect my pebble. Seems to work nicely. A bit rough in corners but the essential part is here, and given that this is done in some free time, this is much welcome
I would love to contribute but... pure user here !
thanks again

PS: you probably know that as well but apart from Elleo, there is another guy working on pebble for sailfish:

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to P@t For This Useful Post:
Posts: 456 | Thanked: 1,580 times | Joined on Dec 2009
I just uploaded version 0.11.
Please note that the new functionality (see below) is still pretty experimental and may lead to reboots or may even result in the watch not booting and thus requiring to reflash the watch via the Android or iOS app.
Still, for the adventurous, here is the download link.

This version adds the experimental capability to manage the apps/watchfaces on the watch.
It is possible to remove and add watchfaces/apps.
The *.pbw files for apps/watchfaces have to be put in "/home/nemo/skippingStones/pbw".
The installation process takes quite some time.
Please do not close the progress page.

So far, I only tested the new functionality with the Pebble firmware version 2.0.2.
Generally, the new functionality still has to be considered as pretty experimental and bad things may happen such as reboots or fallback into the recovery boot loader requiring to reflash via the normal Pebble apps.

I don't plan to upload this new version to OpenRepos soon.
First, I want to do some more testing.
If there are some brave out there, feedback with respect to the new functionality is highly appreciated.

Last edited by Wonko; 2014-04-19 at 18:41.

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Wonko For This Useful Post:
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Nov 2011 @ Poland
Loading watchfaces works
Firmware watch v1.14.1
Thank you very much Wonko

The Following User Says Thank You to Cyrano For This Useful Post:
Posts: 498 | Thanked: 836 times | Joined on Jun 2012 @ Finland
Have to dig my old android or iPhone up and test them with my Pebble and then try this out. Just in case if it backfires
- "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe."
- Albert Einstein
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Thank you for still taking the time to push it to an even higher level
Posts: 1,137 | Thanked: 1,903 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ Belarus
I've tried to add the new feature to SkippingStones: "Possibility to hangup incoming call using Peeble watch".
Please test it

P.S. Patch in pull request you can find here

The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to vasvlad For This Useful Post:
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Nov 2011 @ Poland
It works
Even some and the program will be fully functionalized.
Thank you very much.

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Originally Posted by vasvlad View Post
I've tried to add the new feature to SkippingStones: "Possibility to hangup incoming call using Peeble watch".
Please test it

P.S. Patch in pull request you can find here
Feels great to see another developer jumping on the boat
Do you think you could add the possibility to receive calendar reminders? That would be the last thing missing. Or would that mean too much trouble to implement it?

Edit: I only wonder why the rpm file is almost twice as big now? Must be some really big changes

Last edited by geekgirl74; 2014-04-20 at 08:06.

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Originally Posted by geekgirl74 View Post
Feels great to see another developer jumping on the boat
Do you think you could add the possibility to receive calendar reminders? That would be the last thing missing. Or would that mean too much trouble to implement it?
I will try to explore calendar reminder.

Originally Posted by geekgirl74 View Post
Edit: I only wonder why the rpm file is almost twice as big now? Must be some really big changes

I forget remove debug information from binary file in builder.


The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to vasvlad For This Useful Post:

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