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Posts: 66 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Apr 2014 @ Penang, Malaysia
Hi guys, I'm new to this thread and new owner of N900

I've just hard-reset my N900 but after reinstalling CSSU-stable version, my hildon desktop won't work at all

it is initially worked after reboot, but after nokia finished loading all apps in desktop, it reverted to Landscape and stuck there

I've installed orientation lock applet but the problem persist

I flash my eMMC using this file [RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin]
and my rootfs using this:

I've also tried using [gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/ui_can_rotate -t bool true], but still cannot go into portrait mode

I also tried to change turning control in Phone, but also cannot turn into portrait

I've also tried to remove battery for 30 seconds but still cannot change into portrait.

and no, my accelerometer is doing just fine

Can anyone please help me, is what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Apr 2014 @ Penang, Malaysia
hi, a newbie asking for help

Kindly all senior here, help me
pichlo's Avatar
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Install status-area-orientationlock-applet if you haven't yet.

Although why on earth would anyone want to use a nice device like the N900 in portrait is beyond me.
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Posts: 66 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Apr 2014 @ Penang, Malaysia
yes, indeed. but for telephoning, it is much better in portrait not landscape, but now it is also not function.

Can anyone please help?
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Apr 2014 @ Penang, Malaysia
and also as per your advice, bro Pichlo. i've installed status-area-orientation-lock applet but still don't work

Can anyone help me?
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Apr 2014 @ Penang, Malaysia
anyone? please help a poor soul here
Copernicus's Avatar
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Alright, I'm the wrong person to say anything (not only do I always use my phone in landscape, I'm one of the few curmudgeons left here who still hasn't installed CSSU on his N900s), but let me ask you something:

Originally Posted by blood_falcon View Post
I also tried to change turning control in Phone, but also cannot turn into portrait


and no, my accelerometer is doing just fine
First, are you absolutely sure about that? If nothing rotates, not even the apps that normally do so without CSSU, the accelerometer might not be working perfectly...

(As a corollary to this, let me ask: does the phone otherwise work fine? Browses the web, places calls, etc.? If there is something else that also is not working right, that might help pinpoint the issue.)

Second, I'm sure you've already done so, but have you checked your "/usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini" file? Not only to check whether the [rotate] section looks right, but also just to see if the file itself isn't messed up in some manner.

As an absolute last resort, you might try reflashing the phone to PR 1.3.1, but without upgrading to CSSU. Then, test to see if everything is working perfectly. Just to make sure that this is in fact a CSSU related issue...
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hi, bro Copernicus. thank you for responding.

for the Phone apps, it is true, nothing rotates. after booting up for the first time, the system can rotate, but after it loaded the apps, it just flip back to landscape.

all of the apps work fine even though they are stuck at landscape only

here I enclosed my transitions.ini

# This file contains timings and values for transitions in hildon-desktop
# duration = time in milliseconds
# zoom = amount to zoom out the background. 1 = none, 0.5 = zoom to half size
# radius = radius of blur (this is actually the number of blur iterations,
# so the bigger the number the longer it takes)
# saturation = the amount of colour left in the background (0 = grey, 1 = normal)
# brightness = brightness of the background (0 = black, 1 = normal)

turbo = 0
duration = 250

# Zoom out of the task navigator before it fades out
# -- zoom: how much to scale the switcher when going to launcher
# (the second layer of the launcher would scale it twice
# as much but the switcher is hidden by that time currently)
# -- zoom_for_home: how much to scale the switcher when leaving for home
# -- zoom_duration: the number of miliseconds to spend on zooming
# a thumbnail
# -- fly_duration: how long should it take for the thumbnails to rearrange
# -- notifade_in/out: time to fade the notifications
zoom = 0.85
zoom_for_home = 1.4
zoom_duration = 250
fly_duration = 250
notifade_in = 150
notifade_out = 150
tile_font = Nokia Sans 15

# Blurring of the home view
# -- radius: amount of iterations of blur filter to perform when not zoooming
# eg. for dialogs
# -- radius_more: amount of iterations of blur filter to perform when zooming
# eg. for launcher/task navigator
# -- saturation: saturation of the background when blurred
# -- brightness: brightness of the background when blurred
# -- zoom: Basic amount to scale the home view by (gets multiplied by how many
# 'levels' deep the UI is - eg. launcher is one level, launcher submenu
# is another)
# -- zoom_applets: Amount to scale applets by when zooming out
# -- zoom_on_press: set to 1 to include a zoom effect when the screen is pressed
# -- parallax: Amount of parallax between desktop and widget layers when panning
radius = 12
radius_more = 16
saturation = 0.8
brightness = 0.4
zoom = 0.93
zoom_applets = 0.85
zoom_on_press = 0
parallax = 1.3

# These control the deceleration of the launcher pages. When panning freely
# (decelerating) the velocity of the launcher page is adjusted by this much.
# strong_deceleration_rate is effective in the bouncing zones. Uncomment if
# you want faster panning.
#deceleration_rate = 0.98
#strong_deceleration_rate = 0.7

# The glow effect around launcher buttons
duration_in = 100
duration_out = 200
radius = 10
brightness = 0.75

# The items below are for the transitions that are applied
# to a 'page' of launcher icons
# -- duration: time in ms
# -- depth: amount to move icons backwards and forwards (with perspective)
# this is pretty much how big or small the icons get
# -- sequenced: for in and in_sub, whether icons swoop nicely in (1)
# or whether they just all zoom in as one (0)
# -- keyframes: A list of values that are linearly interpolated between
# to produce the movement of the launcher tiles. There can
# be any number of values as long as there are 2 or more.
# <1 means nearer the viewer, >1 means further away
# -- keyframes_label: The values used for fading in the labels. 0=transparent
# 1=opaque
# -- keyframes_icon: The values used for fading in the icons. 0=transparent
# 1=opaque
# Launcher top layer first appearing
duration = 250
sequenced = 0
depth = 225
keyframes = 0,0.17,0.39,0.65,0.87,1.13,1.26,1.22,1.17,1.13,1.0 9,1.04,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
keyframes_icon = 0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1
keyframes_label = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7, 0.8,0.9,1

# Launcher top layer disappearing
duration = 250
depth = 150

# launcher top layer disappearing when a layer in front
duration = 250
depth = 150

# launch animation
# duration_out - amount of time to take when fading the launcher out and application in
# delay - the amount of time to wait after the window has appeared before we fade out
# (this time is *included* in duration_out, so it must be <= duration_out)
duration = 400
delay = 500
duration_out = 700
depth = 100

# sub-menu appearing
duration = 250
sequenced = 0
depth = 200
keyframes = 0,0.17,0.39,0.65,0.87,1.13,1.26,1.22,1.17,1.13,1.0 9,1.04,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
keyframes_icon = 0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1
keyframes_label = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7, 0.8,0.9,1

# sub-menu disappearing
duration = 250
depth = 150

# main disappearing when sub-menu appears
duration = 250
depth = 150

# main appearing when sub-menu disappears
duration = 250
depth = 100

# Screen rotation transition
# duration_in = time for rotation before blanking
# duration_out = time for rotation after blanking
# damage_timeout = in the rotation transition, the amount of milliseconds to
# leave after we get a damage event before we transition back
# from blanking.
# damage_timeout_max = maximum amount of time we may wait if we keep getting
# damage events.
# angle = rotation angle for each transition, in degrees. Ideally this is set
# so that the screen looks like it keeps turning at the same speed
# during blanking. 0 is none, 90 degrees is side-on
duration_in = 200
duration_out = 200
damage_timeout = 0
damage_timeout_plus = 0
damage_timeout_max = 0
angle = 45
# changed from 100 in order to reduce jerkiness of transition (also changed the
# fade-out so it doesn't fade to black completely)

# App close transition
duration = 450

# Popup for dialogs and status menu
duration_in = 250
duration_out = 250

# Fade in for banners
# _alpha specifies the final transparency of various things
# currently only banner_note and info_note are supported
duration_in = 200
duration_out = 500
banner_note_alpha = 0.85
info_note_alpha = 0.85

# Transition for notification previews
is_cool = 0
duration_in = 400
duration_out = 450

# Sliding subview window transition
duration_in = 250
duration_out = 250

# This is multiplied by the load average to find the timeout
# in seconds. before "Unable to load" is displayed. There is
# a minimum of 10s.
load_average_factor = 7.5

# Edit mode configuration
snap_grid_size = 4
# Set to 0 if snap to grid should be only happen when widget is released
snap_to_grid_while_move = 1

# Special tweaks (a restart might be required)
# Blurless desaturation (0 = default, 1 = MeeGo/Symbian-style)
blurless = 0
# saturation value for blurless (0 = no color, 1 = full color)
blurless_saturation = 0
# [home] brightness, is used for the brightness

# Bigger task switcher (0 = default, 1 = single column, 2 = two columns)
taskswitcher = 2

# Rotation around the Z axis (0 = rotate around X/Y, 1 = rotate around Z)
zaxisrotation = 0

# Forced app auto-rotation (0 = default, 1 = auto-rotate every app)
forcerotation = 0

# Popup feedback using the "tactile" utility (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
# You need to install "tactile" from the repositories for this
tactilepopups = 0

# Lock application window in landscape mode
blacklist = mediaplayer osso-xterm worldclock image-viewer camera-ui Calendar

# Thumbnails desaturation in tasknav
thumb_desaturation = 0

# Enables portrait mode for a given application
whitelist = osso-backup ossofilemanager osso_nos

btw, bro. is PR1.3.1 filename is RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin ??
if yes, then i've already installed it, but the issue still persist. can you help me to format everything in my N900?
Copernicus's Avatar
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Originally Posted by blood_falcon View Post
all of the apps work fine even though they are stuck at landscape only
Hmm. "Photos" app won't rotate the picture being viewed when you turn the phone? The browser won't rotate if you open up the menu and go to "options", then "settings", and then check "Enable rotation"?

here I enclosed my transitions.ini
Hmm. Nothing seems wrong to me here, though I am not really an expert.

btw, bro. is PR1.3.1 filename is RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin ??
if yes, then i've already installed it, but the issue still persist. can you help me to format everything in my N900?
That is, I think, the correct file for the PR1.3.1 root filesystem. If you want to reformat absolutely everything in the N900, you'll also need to flash the "EMMC" as well; there's a separate .bin file for that. If you haven't already seen it, there's a page with a lot of info about this process at:

(This is another area where I am probably not the right person to say anything, as I've only flashed an N900 once...)
Posts: 66 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Apr 2014 @ Penang, Malaysia
excuse me, bro Copernicus. What do you mean by browser here? is it Web?

Because in web, I can only delete, bookmark, open file, and import bookmarks

Btw, bro Copernicus. Photos app are working properly with rotate

Last edited by blood_falcon; 2014-04-19 at 12:49.

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