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I think you are naive if you think "Nokia" (or part of the board) did not/does not have interests in Jolla.

What about all the Nokia IP that is a simple evolution of Meego/Maemo that Jolla uses?

Pretty sure Nokia would have sued Jolla long time ago if they would not have a stake in it.
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Originally Posted by Jaco2k View Post
I think you are naive if you think "Nokia" (or part of the board) did not/does not have interests in Jolla.

What about all the Nokia IP that is a simple evolution of Meego/Maemo that Jolla uses?

Pretty sure Nokia would have sued Jolla long time ago if they would not have a stake in it.
Jolla was part of the Nokia's Bride program, where Nokia let 18 000 employees start their own companies from the research they had done inside the company. Jolla was one of the among 400 companies created by this program starting from 2011.

Nokia certainly still owns the patents, but it probably got similar agreement that they got with MS at the moment. I don't think Nokia is invested to the company as it has zero interest on Sailfish OS as a whole. I wold also imagine if Nokia Growth Partners owned large enough part of Jolla for it to matter at all, they would need to inform this as they are a public company.

You might be downplaying the patriotism and atmosphere towards Nokia at that time. Nokia's board is/was mostly Finnish and there was a lot of discussion about the 160 million euros pumped to the company by Finland. Why this whole Bridge program happened in the first place.

Last edited by tissot; 2014-04-25 at 13:55.

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Originally Posted by mick3_de View Post
So who owns the missing 25%?
Elop. I hear he's busy making the necessary alterations to his 'Burning Platform' memo template as we speak (s/nokia/jolla). Unfortunately, the memo is in DOCX format, and I believe they use LibreOffice at Jolla, so who knows what it will look like when the employees attempt to read it.
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It looks like Elop is one hamburger away from a heart attack:
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The talk about IP being loaned/gifted was compete baloney, both Nokia & Jolla formally refuted that several times, yet it's constantly rehashed.
Could it happen in the future? Maybe, who knows, I very much doubt it though. IP however has been licensed, on reasonable terms...
Also, Jolla doesn't have any of Nokia's IP as a result of building on top of MeeGo, that's a mis-comprehension of what MeeGo/MeeGoCE was.
Aside from that, nowadays MeR/Nemo/Sailfish is so different from those early days of MeeGo that it may as well NOT be based on MeeGo.

Last edited by jalyst; 2014-04-25 at 18:08.

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Originally Posted by rm42 View Post
It looks like Elop is one hamburger away from a heart attack:
Let's buy the guy a hamburger, we all know he deserves it.

If you know what I mean

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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
Jolla was part of the Nokia's Bride program
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One more reason to hate M$ to death. It is not about money they can get by selling phones, they can not compete with Android sales.
I think this is all about NSA ( US ) global spy program. Hard to believe that NOKIA as europeean company could accept putting spy software on phones as Siri do on iphones. Now US gain full controll of mobile OS with Android, IOS and M$mobile.
Now sky is the limit so let fill NSA servers wntil they run out of space with pet, food, et c. all day long junk photos and stupid facebook coments.
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Last edited by blue_led; 2014-04-26 at 19:56.

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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Also, Jolla doesn't have any of Nokia's IP as a result of building on top of MeeGo, that's a mis-comprehension of what MeeGo/MeeGoCE was.
Aside from that, nowadays MeR/Nemo/Sailfish is so different from those early days of MeeGo that it may as well NOT be based on MeeGo.
Nokia never brought a device running MeeGo to market. All public MeeGo work from Nokia was released as open source, and Jolla builds on that.
MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan was, despite its name, Maemo and not MeeGo. Maemo is dead, except for a few open source pieces that survived into MeeGo CE, which was later renamed to Nemo, and became the basis of Sailfish OS.
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Originally Posted by rm42 View Post
It looks like Elop is one hamburger away from a heart attack
That's fat gained from drinking the tears of all of the Nokia fans. He looks full.


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