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From what I understand after reading a thread at a Nokia developers forum, the lack of Java on the N8x0 is somewhat political.

That is, there are hardware enhancements in the devices to facilitate Java, but because the negotiated license hasn't approved the implementation on this platform, no one can use the enhancements.

No one then wants to develop a purely software solution as a settlement to the licensing issue would obviate their development.
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Link? That's certainly a snippet of information we've never heard before...
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Originally Posted by rdcinhou View Post
That is, there are hardware enhancements in the devices to facilitate Java, but because the negotiated license hasn't approved the implementation on this platform, no one can use the enhancements.
THAT would be Jazelle - a hardware feature of some ARM CPUs that lets you run Java byte-code kind-of natively on the CPU. Historically, the wide adoption of Jazelle has been plagued by license issues. As I understand things, ARM will only let you use Jazelle when you pay them a license fee.

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Originally Posted by fms View Post
THAT would be Jazelle - a hardware feature of some ARM CPUs that lets you run Java byte-code kind-of natively on the CPU. Historically, the wide adoption of Jazelle has been plagued by license issues. As I understand things, ARM will only let you use Jazelle when you pay them a license fee.
Indeed. I'm fairly certain that rdcinhou didn't mean to imply that:
  1. There's a working implementation, they just can't release.
  2. There're ongoing discussions to resolve the licencing issue for (1)

Jazelle is proprietary; if Nokia wanted to, they could pay ARM for a licence. Ari Jaaksi has said they don't view Java as a priority for browsing the web these days.

Jalimo - and lardman's work on reverse engineering Jazella - are our best options for those of us who quite like the idea of developing Java applications for Maemo. Google's work in Android on rapid startup & execution of Java bytecode (via an additional compilation step) in resource-constrained environments could also be very interesting.
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Is there any way to use Jalimo or this phoneME thing to run j2me apps? In particular, has anyone got amazegps, nav4all, opera mini, mxit, mig33, or mobizines working on the n8x0? Java applets would be great as well because all the stock charts I use are java based.
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Hmm still wating for a real and working java with Swing support. I have got lot of imaginations for what I could use it for. Moreover I could start my allready completed applications there ... still hope a day will come.
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Originally Posted by TobyK View Post
Is there any way to use Jalimo or this phoneME thing to run j2me apps? In particular, has anyone got amazegps, nav4all, opera mini, mxit, mig33, or mobizines working on the n8x0? Java applets would be great as well because all the stock charts I use are java based.
phoneME targets J2ME, so that should be your line of attack. However, it's far from end-user ready. And I consider myself a JRE end-user (that is to say, one who programs small Java apps, but doesn't really play with "system-level" stuff much), and have not been able to persuade it to work, nor tried especially hard. Jalimo, AFAIK, is targeting J2SE, so it would be a better way to go after applets... Haven't tried that yet, but it should be more user-friendly. Even so, there's no browser integration; I suspect you may be able to run some applets as standalone, non-hildonized X apps from an xterm. Maybe I should have said "more nearly user-friendly" . But I'll be trying it when I get time, whereas I've totally given up on phoneME.
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dunsun - jalimo has a working swt example, if that helps. I prefer swt to swing anyways. It's a one-click install that installs java (cacao) + everything else needed to run the demo. See

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Benson - it's the non-end-user-friendliness that gets me I think with jalimo + midpath, one might be able to get java midlets running, but it seems to require human-parsing of jad file to construct the cryptic command to launch the jar. Wish someone could hack together a python script or something to make it easier
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Originally Posted by TobyK View Post
dunsun - jalimo has a working swt example, if that helps. I prefer swt to swing anyways. It's a one-click install that installs java (cacao) + everything else needed to run the demo. See
Yes, I now these guys. But unfortunately I'm on a Swing train. I prefer Swing so I use it for coding all my stuff.

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