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The app is supposed to remember the settings, that doesn't work for you zlatko?

I'm working on BT-enable.

Currently not sure how to best solve wired headsets. The only way I currently now to detect that there's a headset connected is looking at the pulse audio devices. Feels a bit shaky though.
There's dbus message at (dis)connect, but I'd like to see if it's connect at app start.

The torch from Sfiet_Konstantin seems like a usable base for daemonisation. I'll look further into that once I got headset detection done. Might be two versions, one available from openrepos that can run as a daemon. And a halal version for Harbour.

No promises though, available time and energy dictates what will be done.
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I haven't tried it this way What I do is - launch app=>enable=>use=>disable=>close app. So it starts in "disabled" mode.
Question - when I close app in "enabled" state, auto answer will be deactivated?
I think cover fix is the most important pending improvement.

Last edited by zlatko; 2014-11-10 at 10:26.
Posts: 84 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Dec 2013
Yes, the answer function will only work while the app is running. That's one of the reasons why a daemon would make a lot of sense.

This is one area that could be improved in Sailfish OS, "apps" that run in the background and don't need a cover. An option to auto start these would also be nice. It's certainly possible to do that now, but some kind of GUI managment and harbour availbility would make it available for those who don't want to (or knows about) openrepos and developer mode.

This would fit an app like this one, or others like call recorder, Squilla, Have Clip, etc.

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Posts: 861 | Thanked: 936 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Bulgaria
Confirmed - application launches in the state it was closed with. Nice!
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I have a problem after the
I use a bluetooth SE MW600 with fm radio.When the radio is open and i have a incoming call,the sound of it goes to the loudspeaker,instead for the bluetooth.Any help?
(i no.Bad english.Sorry.)
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Noted, I'll have a look at it, but no promises. Time for hobby projects have been scarce recently.
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I can confirm speakerphone problem.
I'm using latest jolla & headphones. but incoming call is coming always via speakerphone.
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The link to this file is dead. Does any of you'll own a copy of this package?

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A little hint for BT:
for my reconnect hack I initially searched for the jolla BT settings qml on device, copied it and just removed everything that didn't seem useful for my purpose. That was a good starting point to understand how it works. You could do the same or unpack my rpm and have a look there (it's all qml, but I think I removed the "bt on/off" switch).
Fair warning:
I don't call it a hack lightly, it's a bit rubbish. Also, I haven't had a look at it since I got a newer jolla without BT problems.
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list of i486/noarch packages on openrepos (jolla tablet)
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Originally Posted by evk View Post
I made a very basic answering app, this is primarly for my self to use while driving, but I guess someone else could find it handy.

Have fun
The link to this rmp package is dead.

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