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irulestar's Avatar
Posts: 217 | Thanked: 89 times | Joined on Dec 2013 @ Indonesia, Banyuwangi
Hehehe.. How about Update status when playing music... Like on v0.3.4
Its verry usefull for me I think
any Question? ask here and Follow first @irulestar

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Give Cepi a moment to breathe that is like flooding for features!

Last edited by lal; 2014-11-17 at 03:09. Reason: typo!

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Originally Posted by karthick View Post
for those who cannot connect or registration failed for the whatsup we can bypass by playing internally like tis

1)install filebox
2)go to setting click show hidden files root files
3)go to home/user/.config/cepiperez u wil find a file whatup.conf if not create one paste the following details in it


4)in username type ur mob num with country code no '+" sign is needed

5)in password type the code u get from W.A.R.T including the = symbol with password at last

6)save the file paste it inside cepiperez folder in .config

7)close filebox install whatsup it wil bypass the registration process and you straight away go inside whatup

the ver 1.0.5 works flawless with awsome new features and amazing fast thanks to cepi ...hatsoff man
I finally got the code from W.A.R.T. but dont know how to edit the file. I followed the steps and got to the file and I can get to the password but i dont have an edit option. where did I go wrong?
irulestar's Avatar
Posts: 217 | Thanked: 89 times | Joined on Dec 2013 @ Indonesia, Banyuwangi
Open filebox, copy file into MyDocs.dirrectories, then edit using nano
any Question? ask here and Follow first @irulestar
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Originally Posted by jbeemer01 View Post
I finally got the code from W.A.R.T. but dont know how to edit the file. I followed the steps and got to the file and I can get to the password but i dont have an edit option. where did I go wrong?
open computer
create new txt
place everything in tat
and then paste it in your phone
copy it into the folder cepiperez and then just rename it form whatsup.conf.txt to whatsup.conf
tats all
Posts: 58 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on May 2012 @ india

In all the versions I am facing "Whatsup not resposning" for 6-10 secs. Any solution is greatly appreciated??

my .db files is 3.6MB, is this the reason for the issues??

Posts: 133 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on Oct 2012 @ LEBANON
Originally Posted by kumardodla View Post

In all the versions I am facing "Whatsup not resposning" for 6-10 secs. Any solution is greatly appreciated??

my .db files is 3.6MB, is this the reason for the issues??

Am facing same bug but in last version its occurrence decreased but still happens sometimes

i want to report 2 other bugs:
- when am chatting with someone and when he starts typing a message it appears the "is typing a message" notification but sometimes it stays even if he stopped typing.
- Concerning the blue arrow: if i send more than one message, sometimes only the first one turns blue and the rest stay green although all have been seen. After some time they turn blue but it takes long time to turn the rest blue.

Best Regards man
setter's Avatar
Posts: 376 | Thanked: 257 times | Joined on Dec 2012 @ Sweden
Please report bugs at:
R.I.P. Symbian-Freak.....

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About read messages, I've noticed whatsapp send more than one read messages in the same noticication, and that's why some messages stills in green. Also I made a mistake for group messages and it never get the received/read state. It's already fixed for next version.
Please stop flooding bitbucket with any kind of proposals.
I have a real life and I'm using my time to fix critical bugs and try to improve performance.
I'm using whatsup like you my friends, there's no need to tell me that it takes too much time for this or for that.
Also, I'm going to remove the "send crash report" cause my email account is full of spam and nobody cares to add a little comment about this crash, like "I was trying to sync my contacts" or "I was trying to download a picture"...
Filebox / FileCase for Maemo / Harmattan / Sailfish
FlowPlayer for Maemo / Harmattan / Sailfish
Whatsup for Harmattan / Sailfish
CallBlocker for Harmattan

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Posts: 133 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on Oct 2012 @ LEBANON
am sure it is soo hard to handle all this by ur own
we all must b thanksfull for the app we have right now
report critical bugs ONLY
Cepi is alone on this give him a break guys ....
thanks Cepi anyway if i report a bug tyt to fix it am not in a hurry and even if u dont wana fix it am already thanksfull
cz what u did is more than enough

cepi rocks, cepiperez, harmattan, whatsapp, whatsup

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