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Poll: should Jolla SDxC (exFAT) compatibility?
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should Jolla SDxC (exFAT) compatibility?

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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
I vote for (a) yes, they really need SDxC support but (b) it's really, really dumb to make it a stretch goal.

It just annoys the folks contributing to the effort, and there's really nothing "stretchy" about it: no exciting engineering work is required, you just pay for the license and you're done...
that's why it is a great first stretch goal, look at the second and imagine it done by May
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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
It just annoys the folks contributing to the effort, and there's really nothing "stretchy" about it: no exciting engineering work is required, you just pay for the license and you're done...
In fairness, paying for a license like that is one of the clearest cases where the money has a specific and direct result, so one could argue (in fact, I guess I am arguing this) that that's a perfect example of a stretch goal. I do agree that it isn't exciting, and I am sad about that, but IMHO this is one of the more important additions they could make; having all the fancy cool features possible doesn't help much if many average users stumble and trip on pain points like the tablet failing to load their card they've been using.

We can always pester the sailors to add features like splitscreen later but without a non-zero amount of cash they can't afford a license and that's hard to do post-launch, and in the meantime I'd suspect mainstream tech sites will make a bit deal about how it's so unpolished and use how their cards weren't supported as an example . . .

I'm very sympathetic to the point of view of giving Microsoft (and in general any patent fee enforcer) as little money as possible, but it's part of the damned SDXC standard in this case, so it seems like just too much of an uphill battle. Rather we bite our lips and soldier onwards, getting free and open source software in more folks' hands---and then in the future, if companies try and push some proprietary standard, maybe folks will object to that because it doesn't work with their great Jolla tablet!

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I had a very quick look (time limited), can't see any way to edit polls, even as a mod.
If one of the other mods knows how to, please do fix it...

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with regards to sdxc, can we not just install fuse-exfat or build kernel module to use exfat sdxc card or just format differently like we do on n900?
Community Council | Posts: 4,920 | Thanked: 12,867 times | Joined on May 2012 @ Southerrn Finland
Originally Posted by Android_808 View Post
with regards to sdxc, can we not just install fuse-exfat or build kernel module to use exfat sdxc card or just format differently like we do on n900?
Of course. Or you can build it as a kernel module.

However, this is not about the existance or use of exFAT, this is a more philosophical question on whether it is a good to use this as a perk.

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Have you noticed one thing, guys? After they announced this stupid goal the contributions pace reduced DRASTICALLY. My evil side wishes they never reach that amount in order not to loose some buck to a patent troll.
Why won't they pick up THE most demanded feature out there as a stretch goal: BIGGER battery?
Seen in the comments section for an article on xda:
"I see a lot of complaints about Google deciding to keep data on their servers indefinitely.
Well, if that's the price for FREE AI. I'm in".

Boy, what can I say? EPIC......No, LEGENDARY......

Last edited by xanderx; 2014-12-02 at 08:57.

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Originally Posted by xanderx View Post
Why won't they pick up THE most demanded feature out there as a stretch goal: BIGGER battery?
Maybe because they are committed to the current hardware and form factor. Increasing the size of the battery would require major rework on hardware. Simply put: In the given time frame, it just isn't possible
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Well as I said earlier in the other infamous thread, I'd like to see HW perks, not SW perks; Reason being that SW can always be updated later but HW is kind of stable in a tablet after it rolls off the conveyor belt in da factory.

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"I do not mind them to add it"

Stupid debate.

Jolla: just concentrate on making an awesome tablet.



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Originally Posted by xanderx View Post
Have you noticed one thing, guys? After they announced this stupid goal the contributions pace reduced DRASTICALLY. My evil side wishes they never reach that amount in order not to loose some buck to a patent troll.
Not really, it lost alot of traction already a few days before that. Thats why they added the stretch goals.

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