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Hi folks,

I just installed Swipe Manager in order to take full advantage of the Swipe UI concept. However, I'm not really satisfied with this app, since there are huge lags when swiping: if you start to swipe, the wrong screen is shown in the background for about half a second. After that, the background changes to the correct one. I don't think that's the way it is supposed to work since I saw a pr1.1 N9 running Swipe Manager perfectly on YouTube... BTW I'm running Swipe Manager 0.0.3 on a pr1.3 N9. Please let me know if Swipe Manager works for anyone of you running the same configuration!
Posts: 108 | Thanked: 77 times | Joined on Jul 2012
No it doesn't.......atleast for me :0
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I noticed the same thing when using that app and it bothers me as it makes the UI look somewhat inconsistent.

I would guess it's a limitation of the system in a way since it needs to change the page that appears if it's not the one that are "under" the app when swiping away. Hence it feels like lag while you are actuallt "cheating" the system in a way. If the process went faster I guess you would not notice it as much.
Posts: 68 | Thanked: 25 times | Joined on Aug 2012
Well, but it worked perfectly on lower firmware versions, check out the following YouTube video:

Too bad it doesn't work for me, since this app is an extremely valuable extension to the stock UI :-(
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it stopped working after PR 1.2
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Hey! Is there a way to configure swipes manually by editing some *.conf file in n9. I'm all interested. Cannot find any howtos for PR 1.3 on the net. Thanks for any infos!
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There is. Edit ~/.config/mcompositor/new-mcompositor.conf
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Someone please help us :c
I tried tinkering with the .conf itself, meh, nothing worked.
I do not know which among these will fix the wrong-screen-for-about-a-second stuff. Look what I've done ;--;


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