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On Sat 14 March 2015 20:16:05 you wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a couple of questions and suggestions about neo900
> specification. Im aware that you cant or for some reasons cant answer
> yet, but please try at least point me the right direction.
> I numbered the questions of groups of related questions so it will be
> easier for you to answer I assume
> 1. Is the chosen camera a subject to change?
no (or not more than anything in Neo900 is)
> Why use old 5mpix camera
> from n97? Why not use better camera from Carl Zeiss? Generally I have
> nothing against the qualitly of camera from n97 or n900 but 6-7 years
> old system it's simply a little bit old.
because we need electrical/logical as well as mechanical/formfactor compatibility
> 2.Won't buying bunch of broken or not n97 just to remount one part,
> and mount it to neo900 going to be more expensive and cause
> unnecessary problems than buying newer and better ones from Zeiss (Not
> necessarily from Zeiss)? In my opinion for mass production new cameras
> will come cheaper and will not cause troubles with collecting + of
> course provide better expirience.
We will use new spare parts, not parts scavenged from old N97
> 3. Are you planning make camera upgradeable, more changeable for
> advanced users, or the connectors will be destined just for one
> camera? I mean, most OS that neo900 will support are linux based, so
> software and drivers changes are possible
The camera is connected to system via the B2B connector the N97 camera comes with, which is one of the reasons we prefer it over the SMIA95 socket of N900 cam module. You're free to attach any camera module that can provide the same signals.
> 4. What about the front faceing camera? I guess it will be exactly the
> same as in n900? It's crappy, but hard to replace from what I know.
> Going this way, light sensor and proximity sensor will stay as they
> are in n900?
short answer: yes, exactly.
> 5. What about the flash light? Will it be the same as it is in n97 or
> n900? From what I know camera and flash come separately. My sugestion
> is to use better flash maybe with ability to focus light and create
> potentiality to make photos of distant objects in the dark? n97 flash
> is effective to few metters, sometimes less, imho in full darkness is
> efective only as flash light tool.
The flashlight will use new LEDs (we wouldn't even know what's the original LED component) and thus might be stronger, However we can't change anything about focusing which is done by N900 case's integrated fresnel lens
> >>Im aware that neo900 it's not meant to be professional camera, it's not
> >>the point but I believe me and many others would be happy to have better
> >>possibilities in their pockets. From my expirience n900/n97 cameras
> >>failed many times, when good photo was required, or in situation when
> >>you'll get one chance to do it.<<
> Enought about cameras.
see above comments. One more: Neo900 is about enabling user to re-use software made for N900, this includes canera drivers etc.
> 6. Will the n900 successor have the same usb port method of mounting ?
> I mean, will it be vulnerable as it was in n900? It is probably the
> most common problem with n900s. From lack of place in n900 case
> alternative charging system in neo900 isn't possible (Excluding
> protruding cables), or am I wrong? I think that kind of device should
> have easy-to-use additional charging system, even if usb port will be
> stronger.
AIUI you refer to the "USB port falling out" issue? We tackle that by using through-hole type of a micro-AB socket which is supposed to be way stronger than the one in N900.
For alternative charging please see our HackerBus whitepaper - in short: there's an option to attach chargers, under battery lid. Well suited for stuff like inductive charging (or PV-cell) or gold pads on surface of battery lid that a cradle's pogopins could attach to.
> 7. What about the speakers? Will you leave those mounted in n900 case,
> or use different ones? I couldnt find info about that. Speakers in
> n900 aren't fantastic, but better in most tablets/mobile phones, even
> never ones, so in my opinion they should not be replaced.
We hardly could, even when we would plan for it. We need same form factor once again.
>But if so,
> please mount a woofer too (Joke)
> 8, Will CPU Overclock be possible? If so, how much? N900 CPU can be
> overclocked to almost 2 time more than it originaly was designet by Ti
> and set by nokia.
We don't recommend nor support OC. Even while it's possible on Neo900's DM3730 CPU as well afaik, OC is considered dangerous and destructive for the SoC and will significantly reduce life span. Note that any warranty will be void when overclocking the device.
> -What about the CPU RAM? First it was said that it will be 512MB or
> 1024MB, now I see only second option, this is for sure?
Yes, please see post a few above, we verified 1024MB (1GB) RAM PoP chips to work with our SoC, and we're about to secure/source a sufficient number of chips.
> 9. Will the modern CPU be changeing freqs on the fly, like the n900
> CPU does? I guess locking neo900 CPU on one freq will be possible on
> planned stock OS?
The CPU is 100% compatible to the N900 one.
> -Will different OS meant to work under neo900 provide the same
> possibilities?
That's up to the OS, which Neo900 UG will not provide. We rely on community providing the OS for Neo900 hardware.
> 10. What about power consumption? I don't need specific info, just
> would like to know it will be higer or lower comparing to OMAP3430?
> -What about whole platform power consumption
Both shall be roughly in same ballpark. There are factors that act in favor of neo900, but others act against it. In the end the difference shall be negligible.
> 11. Battery will be the same as it is in n900? If so, do you think it
> will be enough? N900 sometimes was disappointing in this matter.
My experience with N900 battery standby time is like ">1 week with active ssh session via WLAN". I think that's good enough. We can't simply change the type of battery, there's a bay in N900 case the batt cell needs to fit into. When your battery standby times are disappointing, check your active apps and usage pattern and compare to arbitrary other smartphones under same test conditions. The N900 (as well as Neo900) usually shall win any such competition, given the apps are actually doing exactly same. Finally you're free to opt for a Mugen-alike battery (larger formfactor) with augmented capacity.
> And the last few related questions:
> 12. Will TV out through Jack port have the same abilities comparing to
> n900? Will I be able to use dedicated n900 TV cable?
yes. Though quality should be slightly better than N900. Plus we look into supporting digital-video-out adapter via USB port (
> 13. Will neo900 users be able to use better usb port as TV out
> connector gaining better qualitly and resolution? I will ask again the
> same question form another angle: Assuming that USB port technically
> can be use as TV Out port, will it depend on additional software or
> will be available as stock?
See above. And we won't provide own software, I think there's linux drivers readily available, though I didn't check a real physical setup yet.
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We're looking into an option to support dual SIM, but for now that's a dumb dead switching of SIM only (SIM Shift, DSSS, Pseudo-Dual), since the modem module firmware doesn't support real Dual SIM Dual Standby (DSDS) *). We hope for implementig this SIM multiplexing in a way so that a possible future modem firmware upgrade might support it. So far we heard no details from Cinterion/Gemalto regarding this, so we neither know if such firmware upgrade ever will come, nor can we do better than just guessing how we best interface the multiplexer to the modem. We also need to check certification situation which maybe introduces restrictions what can be done to the SIM interface.
We're not really considering to place a second modem module in for "Dual Talk" (DSFA)
Simple bottomline: we would like to get true dual SIM, but for now modem support is missing for that. We might be able to offer electronic SIM swapping (only one of both SIM active at any time. IOW you're not available on two numbers concurrently)
*) don't ask me what happened to the recent version of this wikipage, it seems somebody removed a lot of useful info, thus this link is to an archived version
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@ SOL 3
I'm wondering if there is any update on the dual sim since last June, or if the above is still valid...
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Case would be different when you snatched away (or borrowed) the device from owner and then applied some rework to it without owner knowing about and agreeing into it.
Just a heads up
[edit] I think you're more than just "suitable for this" :-) And thanks for the kind offer to help other customers.
Last edited by joerg_rw; 2015-03-12 at 18:47.