Poll: How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB
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How much would you be willing to pay for a Neo900 (complete device) with TI DM3730 1GHz/512M-RAM/1GB

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Originally Posted by macey View Post
Please clarify...
Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
risk parts sourcing: We need to source several risk parts like e.g. the 1GB RAM (+ NAND) PoP chips now. for that we need funds. so we ask every one of our customers to increase their <300EUR down payment (formerly called 'donation') to at least 300EUR (plus the above mentioned amount for N900 when you want a complete case).
So if you want to reserve your Neo900 now by paying 100 Euros, you'll have to pay another 200 Euros (or 350 if you want a complete device) really soon.
Of course you can do this, but it seems to me it would make more sense at the moment to pay it in one batch.

Any progress with the webshop? I'd prefer to do my payment that way.

[1] http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php...&page=235#2344

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Originally Posted by sulu View Post
Any progress with the webshop? I'd prefer to do my payment that way.
Sorry, I was not fit for work during last 3 days and the pending tasks right now are web design resp graphical stuff anyway which I simply dunno how to do and hope for dos1 to get around doing it. I'd also appreciate any paid help by another professional web designer.
For the "import of, and account creation for, all our customer (payments)" I'm considering an approach where you actually create the account by yourself and then send a in-system-message to "management" to link clearly specified payments of yours to that account - we need to review each single one of the payments manually anyway.


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short update: the webshop is almost ready for showtime.

I plan we're basically offering two "products":
  1. a used refurbished N900 in good to perfect condition which you usually will not ask us to ship to you and rather keep it at our facilities for later on upgrading it for you with a NeoN-board to make a full Neo900 device out of it.
    Price: € 150.-
  2. dynamically growing list of risk components we'll source - starting with 1GB RAM/NAND PoP chip this week or next - that are owned by you but (usually) not shipped to you.
    Those will get used to eventually build a NeoN-bareboard (prolly ~750.-) reserved for you which you may buy then and which of course will be accordingly reduced in price (minus 300.-) due to the already paid-for risk components. Basically in effect this is a partial purchase resp a down payment for your bare board.
    Price: € 300.-
Of course no payment ever is 'lost', all your payments past and future are taken into account for interim and final invoice, in other words our customers/donors all have some credit thanks to past payments which they can use for future payment (quite unusual, eh? ) - you just add a note pointing to your former payments during checkout/payment process, we'll do the rest and link your payments to your account. For PayPal it's even simpler as long as you're using same PP account as you did for your former payments, no note needed since we can look up your PP email address in old payments (still a process that needs manual check and approval, but simpler for you).
By the way, we still welcome new customers as well for a while, until we order the batch of parts/devices.

stay tuned, can't take much longer now.
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wicket's Avatar
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How exactly will it work? Will you wait until you receive a certain number of down payments before purchasing a batch of risk parts? Will you be publishing deadlines for when we must make the down payments? I'm still undecided on whether to buy the board only or full product (depends on the condition of another N900 that I haven't received yet) but I don't want to miss out because I delayed my down payment.
DebiaN900 - Native Debian on the N900. Deprecated in favour of Maemo Leste.

Maemo Leste for N950 and N9 (currently broken).
Devuan for N950 and N9.

Mobile devices with mainline Linux support - Help needed with documentation.

"Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly." - Henry Spencer

Last edited by wicket; 2015-04-07 at 18:19.

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Originally Posted by wicket View Post
How exactly will it work? Will you wait until you receive a certain number of down payments before purchasing a batch of risk parts? Will you be publishing deadlines for when we must make the down payments? I'm still undecided on whether to buy the board only or full product (depends on the condition of another N900 that I haven't received yet) but I don't want to miss out because I delayed my down payment.
Hi wicket!
Probably it will be a mix of both: a 'deadline' we expect users to act until (which is not very far into the future, some 1digit number of weeks maybe) plus waiting for a certain minimum amount of funds to collect since otherwise ordering of devices/components makes no sense at all.
We will elaborate on the details in a huge official post and a bulk mail to all our donors/customers that we will publish/send the day the shop goes online (this week I hope)


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short status update:
Ivo (freemangordon) and Nikolaus cooperted today to bring up OneNAND of the PoP chip, we still see some issues in kernel, but it seems under uBoot the NAND works, so we're considering to tag the chips as "verified". Yesterday I received a note that sample chips for the "TNO" variant arrived at Moscow warehouse and I expect them to ship to us any day now.
Alas no significant progress on shop setup, I didn't find the time during last 24h. Problem is to let user decide on the amount to pay during first visit when the past payments are not linked yet so the shop can't calculate how much is missing. Idea: offer a product "1EUR voucher" of which user can buy as many as she wants bucks to pay. We'll convert those e.g. 200 vouchers into a normal payment for the Neo900 product then. Dos1 and wpwrak both are not happy with the idea, we evaluate other approaches to find the best and lest confusing method for you.


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some sample 1GB RAM PoP chips arrived at last hop before final destination (me ;-) )

one of the 1GB reworked BB-xM arrived at me , and I've set up a remote station to fiddle with the pimped BB-xM from wherever our devels are, to bring up NAND and RAM and "NOLO" and...
the "bottom" is a tiny PC to which the stuff is connected, the right green monster with the black blocks is a relay card to operate the reset switch, has options for more remote switching when needed. The BB-xM is hooked to PC below via USB for now, RS232 to come soon (when I finally found a cable ;-D )


short update: RS232 connected to BB_pimped by the worst homegrown cable I ever made ;-) Seems to work though
I added a cellulose based antistatic mat and a unpimped BB_xM in parallel to the remote testbench since I could and the sw guys will appreciate having a reference.
Looks already quite funny now

Ivo (freemangordon) been able to already load xloader and uBoot via USB to the pimped BB. Pending: fix uBoot so it actually brings up the board and recognizes the OneNAND of new 1GB PoP chip
[2015-04-13 Mon 15:28:35] <freemangordon> DocScrutinizer05: http://pastebin.com/p6tjX8qU
Texas Instruments X-Loader (NAND) 1.4.4ss modified for GTA04 (Apr 13 2015 - 16:)
Detecting OneNAND memory...
Detected Samsung N9 Flash
Board detected: GTA04A7
SYSBOOT[5:0]: 0x10/16
GMPC Memory: 3
SDRC Memory: SAMSUNG MCP 512MB/bank
Loading u-boot.bin from onenand
since I just realized that many of you might not really have the technical details already steadily available in their heads and thus wonder what we're doing at all:
The boot process on a TI OMAP is rather sophisticated and nifty. See http://www.omappedia.org/wiki/Bootlo...oader_Overview. Since Nokia used their own proprietary closed blob xLoader and "U-Boot" NOLO 1st and 2nd stage bootloaders, and since we otoh have a RAM and NAND chip (the 1GB PoP) that is not to be found in any other device except the Nokia N9, we already need to sort out if our Neo900 will boot correctly when equipped with such PoP chip and booted using the FOSS xLoader / U-Boot. And that's exactly what all this is about, to ensure Neo900 not only will have a nice 1GB of RAM and 512MB of OneNAND but also actually can boot to linux/maemo with that config. :-)

Last edited by joerg_rw; 2015-04-13 at 13:34.

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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
short update: the webshop is almost ready for showtime.
Basically in effect this is a partial purchase resp a down payment for your bare board.
Price: € 300.-
By the way, we still welcome new customers as well for a while, until we order the batch of parts/devices.
stay tuned, can't take much longer now.
So should I wait webshop or make donation right now. Actually I am not new customer. I paid to Golden Delicios and they ask me get money back (I take it back in summer) and it seems that transfer period has ended on August 8, 2014?

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Originally Posted by teroyk View Post
So should I wait webshop or make donation right now. Actually I am not new customer. I paid to Golden Delicios and they ask me get money back (I take it back in summer) and it seems that transfer period has ended on August 8, 2014?
hi teroyk!
Please wait till webshop opens (been planned to happen yesterday already, alas the remote lab bench introduced a day or two of delay) - it will happen RSN.
Alas transfer period ended, yes. Nevertheless you might want to add details about original donation done by you as suggested in http://neo900.org/donate-gdc so we might see what can get done. No warranty though for us being able to consider that early donation since yes, the transfer period is finished since more than half a year.
Thanks for supporting the project


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Good to hear on the webstore progress and the updates in general. Only after reading the feasibility study did I start getting a good idea about exactly how complicated this project is.

I have a couple of questions (apologies if it's the wrong forum, so to speak):

a) Did you look at having an issue tracker to track progress (so that people can get status updates without you having to rewrite the whole thing again in a forum) - Github issues comes to mind as a first suggestion

b) What can (technical-minded) supporters do to help the project currently? The GTA04 just got the 4.0 kernel (on twitter) so I'm guessing mainlining peripherals etc. is not an issue?

c) Was there a poll somewhere about what distro people wanted on the Neo900? I am particularly interested in Ubuntu Touch (and yes, I saw there is now a mailing list for that too).

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neo900, thank you!

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