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In general Plasma Mobile aims to run on different GNU/Linux distro bases.
I know that it is running on Arch also already though no image is available.
I guess Ubuntu as base was choosen as it seems easier for the developers. Also the automatic packaging infrastructure for arm builds is already there. And finally that prototype on which the current Image is based on was primary developed by people employed by Blue Systems which is also sponsoring Kubuntu amongst other Free Software and Open Source projects.
Also keep in mind way much software is available in armhf repos for Debian and Ubuntu which might be also a big reason why this will remain the main development base for most devs.
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I have nothing against Debian based distros (I use Debian testing + KDE on the desktop). In some aspects it's even better than Mer, because Mer is still stuck with some antiquated packages because of that GPLv3 avoidance.
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Originally Posted by Ken-Young View Post
I have Ubuntu Touch running on a Nexus 5, and it works pretty well. What would be the advantage to moving to SailfishOS? Has anyone tried both?
I don't think there are big advantages, other than your personal preferences. I recently tested both systems on my Nexus 4 and they both work very well at this point (no GPS yet on N4 with SFOS, but N5 should be fine according to

In my opinion there are more apps and customization options (3rd party) available for Sailfish OS (no Android support of course), the system offers more choices (accounts, settings) and generally feels more mature. There can be some UI scaling "unbeauties" on SFOS due to the high display resolution, but upcoming v2.0 should fix all that.

OTA system upgrades are not supported yet on Sailfish OS and might break stuff (like certain camera features), so a reinstall is recommended and can be annoying. Otherwise Sailfish OS is best supported on the Nexus 5 and was also used to show upgrade 2.0 at the MWC.

Sailfish OS runs very fast on my Nexus 4, while Ubuntu phone had some lags here and there (probably not the case on Nexus 5).

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Originally Posted by caprico View Post
OTA system upgrades are not supported yet on Sailfish OS and might break stuff (like certain camera features), so a reinstall is recommended and can be annoying. Otherwise Sailfish OS is best supported on the Nexus 5 and was also used to show upgrade 2.0 at the MWC.
We are beta testing OTA methodology, see bug 852 , stay tuned!

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We need your help guys

Originally Posted by sledges on XDA View Post
We have investigated the dreaded battery drain: looks like those with MultiROM and Lollipop as primary (CM12/AOSP5) are experiencing sensorfwd and sensors.qcom consuming 10-12% of CPU and thus draining battery
Installations without MultiROM seem to be fine and actually increasing battery life each update since ~alpha11.
We need more confirmations of the above suspect, would be great if you could share your battery drain experience. Bug ref:
Can you post following information

1. Are you using Multirom? If so, what's your underlying primary rom (cm12 or cm11 or ..) and what kind of cm11 snapshot (M9 etc) are you using for flashing with which version of sailfishos

2. Do you encounter the above bug? Open fingerterm, type 'top' and watch out for sensor* processes. Rotate your N5 and back, lock and unlock the screen and check again.

Last edited by BluesLee; 2015-09-02 at 08:07.

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Yes. But didn't know it works with CM12, last try I did (2 weeks ago), SFOS never starts with CM12. But didn't even know we can install SFOS without Android. How? Is there any tutorial somewhere?

1. Yes. CM11. Took a build from XDA.

2. Yes, sensors.qcom takes around 14% of the CPU and sensorfwd 12%.

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Originally Posted by romu View Post
Yes. But didn't know it works with CM12, last try I did (2 weeks ago), SFOS never starts with CM12. But didn't even know we can install SFOS without Android. How? Is there any tutorial somewhere?

1. Yes. CM11. Took a build from XDA.

2. Yes, sensors.qcom takes around 14% of the CPU and sensorfwd 12%.
SFOS does not work if you flash it with CM12 (not yet) but you can use CM12 etc as a primary rom using Multirom and SFOS (with CM11 as a basis) as a secondary. Follow the instructions at the beginning of the installation instructions, see my initial post, for SFOS usage without Multirom.
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Thanks. I remember I tried it and no luck, SFOS never started, so I switched to the MultiROM procedure and it works. Sorry, I just forgot.

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can confirm

primary ROM: Stock Android 5.1.1
Multirom Version: v32c
CM11 Snapshot: M9
SFOS: alpha 12

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Originally Posted by shmerl View Post
By the way, do you know why Plasma Mobile isn't based on Mer anymore and instead is using Kubuntu as a base? Or it's just the prototype example? In the past Plasma Active was based on Mer.
It is apparently because people from KDAB, that have more experience with Ubuntu Touch than with Mer, are helping with the effort.

This is in itself kinda funny, as even though they are basing they work on top of Ubuntu Touch, they are still kinda turning it back to Mer in places, like for example by using Wayland rather than Mir, which is used by the "normal" Ubuntu Touch images.
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