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[QUOTE=JulmaHerra;1483535]I don't, but I do have suspicions that either implementation is bad, non-standard or CalDAV/CardDAV standard per se is not very good if some implementations work and others don't.

I think the problem lies in not entirely the CalDAV part but Jolla's sync framework and local storage of event data.

For example, the hour difference problem is quite possibly because of timezone differences. eg. I'm in the UK which is an hour out from central Europe CET. My server is running CET. Apple's servers are probably US West coast time. Phone is GMT/BST.

If you add an event on my Mac, it goes to the server and the time is correct. It syncs to the Jolla and is 1 hour out. Correct it on the Jolla and it doesn't sync to the server. On next sync, it dissapears from the Jolla.

Dates and times in the CalDAV standard are stored in either local time, UTC or local time with timezone info.

I would guess the Jolla is doing a full sync when I start a new account to test and so pulls in the event. It then gets the event but screws up the time when storing it locally. On the second sync the same event UID now matches two different events so the server throws an error back to the Jolla to deal with it and the Jolla discards the event rather than mess up the server which should always be treated as the "truth".

Originally Posted by JulmaHerra View Post
As I mentioned, there are no such problems with ActiveSync.
Yep. I would guess the conflict resolution in ActiveSync is based on the server rather than in CalDAV where it throws an HTTP 409 error and expects the client to deal with it. Or perhaps the ActiveSync code on the Jolla is just more mature.

Buteo Sync dates back to Nokia and seems to have been written by someone as a summer placement. The only part that worked then was syncing with Google.

Originally Posted by JulmaHerra View Post
Still, it works on both proprietary and open source (Z-Push) implementations without hiccups.
Z-Push is still using proprietary protocols, open source or not. Microsoft require licences for some parts of the protocol which is patented. This used to be client licences so device manufacturers paid for the licence but changed to be server based. This is why Google started shifting away from using ActiveSync and Microsoft had to rapidly implement CalDAV/CardDAV support in Windows Phone or otherwise loose gmail users.

Originally Posted by JulmaHerra View Post
Only non-standard implementations (like Lotus Notes) cause problems with it.
That would be because Lotus Notes has chosen to licence and implement only some of the features in the full Exchange Active Sync protocol as has Z-Push. Neither are full implementations.

Then again, Lotus.

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Originally Posted by 243kof View Post
I can't learn to use the swipe from bottom gesture to bring the app drawer when I'm inside an app. I always forget it's available and swipe from the edge to minimize the app first!
Has this happened to anyone else?
Never. That gesture is so intuitive it did not take any learning at all.

What happens very often though is that I trigger left or right edge swipes when I do not intend to. For example, in games like 2048. That happens all the time, before and after the upgrade to 1.9.

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Just updated a moment ago. First impression, I like the old pulleymenu style, especially on landscape mode.
Still exploring this new sailfish os 2.0.

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Hariainm's Avatar
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Anybody having troubles updating apps in Store after upgrading Sailfish? Can't update Maps, nor even removing and then and installing it again.
Adrian Filgueira, @hariainm
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Originally Posted by Hariainm View Post
Anybody having troubles updating apps in Store after upgrading Sailfish? Can't update Maps, nor even removing and then and installing it again.
mine said it had issues updating coz it was already up to date (or installed or something.. )
sorry my eyes were barely open.. i was asleep when it was updating to 2.0... 3am ppl!!! im amazed i even woke up to the update notification

im liking the new 2.0.. woot woot
things i dislike atm (and finding it hard to get used to are):
- still swiping from bottom to access events view.. LOLOL
- double tap to view the time on the lock screen, its not instant..
- when on home screen.. i used to pull downwards to go to the lockscreen (coz i like lookin at the picture)... and now nothing happens.. no visual cues that a swipe down no longer exists.. booo
- i miss the swipe down to lock... (now u have to swipe down AND press to lock)
- events view gives no option to clear all notifications
- so i dl an android app game frm the jolla store.. it says its installed, but i cant find it in my app drawer... halp?

but seriously, loving the new events view.. and how all the notification indicators on the lock screen all split when u go to events view.. very neat

interesting, just noticed that if you have LPM activated, if you have notifications the LPM no longer shows the time but only the notification icons

Last edited by toki; 2015-09-25 at 00:03.

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Posts: 57 | Thanked: 96 times | Joined on Jul 2012
I like the new carousel home screen, but what is it for if there are only 2-3 pages available?
It would be great if user can add custom view or attach an application on the carousel.
I would add tiny todo list page on that.

Ambience should stay on gallery.

I also notice that there are improvement on Android app support that I think it's not really necessary.
Rather than add support on it, I would like to see more improvement on Sailfish OS SDK itself.
Because I saw more developers create new apps for Sailfish OS.
Tried to make native apps version of Android apps.
If too much support on Android, I think it will affect the developers or other people who plan to create native apps for Sailfish OS.
As for me, I also prefer install native apps to Android apps.

I can't find the pulley menu for shortcut 'silence sounds'. It looks like it was removed.

My phone died (not restarted) when I tried to open up too 4 apps (notes, settings, whatsup and tweetian,). When I tried turning on my phone. It enter home screen and then suddenly died again.
I plug the charger and turn on again the phone and when it's on, I saw the battery indicator still at 40%. After that I open up to 8 apps, there is nothing wrong.

so far I like this Sailfish OS 2.0 and would like to see more support on landscape mode.

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Originally Posted by toki View Post

interesting, just noticed that if you have LPM activated, if you have notifications the LPM no longer shows the time but only the notification icons
For me it seems random, sometimes the clock shows, sometimes not. If you double tap the phone and just wait for the display to go blank again it seems to work.

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Feathers McGraw's Avatar
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This is strange, if you type "exit" in fingerterm, the app seems to close but the card doesn't disappear from running apps...
ste-phan's Avatar
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Originally Posted by 243kof View Post
I can't learn to use the swipe from bottom gesture to bring the app drawer when I'm inside an app. I always forget it's available and swipe from the edge to minimize the app first!
Has this happened to anyone else?
2.0 has quite the learning curve for Sailfish users...

But hey, Android users won't have that problem as they will be more productive with every swipe, so please Android users come on in and enjoy Sailfish 2.0

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tiempjuuh's Avatar
Posts: 202 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Jul 2012 @ Apeldoorn, Netherlands
Swipe from bottom is still something I have to learn. I'm more concerned about Lipstick which crashes qute often. If a CPU pak occurs the screen blanks, the LED does not even flash, but Lipstick crashes anyway. This has occured like 4 times now, while it's never happened on 1.x...
Nokia N900 hw rev. 2204
Nokia N9 16GB black hw rev. 1507
Jolla + LETOH

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